Block out the noise and make a presentation!

Is someone considering the opportunity you’ve just presented to them? When your phone rings – or email buzzes – what are the chances it is someone saying “Let’s move ahead.”? If the chances are good, then keep doing what you’re doing. If not, you better change something pretty quick!

Am I old school? You bet. I’ve survived. Not only have I survived – I’m living the American Dream! I say this not to boast but to make a rather simple statement: Recruiting is a career that gives me the opportunity, daily, to decide my fate.

And what decisions do I make?

I spend my time talking to people about what I do and the clients I serve. It is not spent hoping potential clients are somehow made aware of my personal brand and decide they need my help. There are too many in recruiting with the idea that creating content, paying it forward, being a part of the “conversation” is the work. It’s not. Not if you need to make placements to survive....

You want to know where to spend your time? Take a look at the results on your desk and make a decision. Is it working or is it not? It doesn’t matter where things “are going” – it matters where they are today. So block out the Social Media Hype - and make some presentations. There isn’t much more to it than that.

Views: 241

Comment by Paul Alfred on December 14, 2010 at 9:54pm

Jerry put down the phone for a second and take part in the dialog that we are having now... Oh yes that's right - you started the dialog ... We have a connection 2 Recruiters Old School as well who happen to have made a connection weak as it may be on ... In different parts of the North American Continent ...  All because of this Social Media Exchange ..  Takes a second for you to read this and decide should I respond or ignore this commenter ... Ok 30 Seconds ... 


Also Jerry,  people are aware of your Brand and they have decided that they need your help - I assume it's why you are still in business .. Online or Offline ...

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on December 15, 2010 at 12:09pm

I would be fine if they turned social media off tomorrow. But I like it so I hope they do not...

Comment by Sandra McCartt on December 15, 2010 at 1:26pm

Dear Social Media Recruiter,

I notice that you are very active online.  How many placements did you make last week, oh ,how about the week before?  Last month? Oh, i see.  How many last year? Oh, well thanks, i enjoy reading what you write but i think i will check with some recruiters who are placing people, but keep up the good work on twitter and i really enjoy your blog.  Great tips, thanks again.  I'll follow you and if you ever come up with a job let me know.  I guess that would be difficult with all those thousands of followers you have.  No i really don't want to send my resume to a lot of recruiters right now so i am targeting recruiters who have active job openings.  Appreciate the Linkedin contact request.  Thanks.

Comment by Jerry Albright on December 15, 2010 at 1:43pm

The point of my rant I guess was to underline one point.  Are you making presentations?  It matters not just how you find these people or what the medium is. 


You've connected with a bunch of great targeted candidates?  Perfect.  Have they heard about the job you're recruiting on?


Mine have.  Several times.  :)


Comment by Jay Dack on December 15, 2010 at 5:01pm

In the overheated Silicon Valley tech talent market...third party endorsements, press releases and market valuation validations carry as much weight in Candidates' decision making model as the opportunity itself.  


Are you using these tools in your engagement and closing presentations?  



Comment by Gay Carter on December 15, 2010 at 7:51pm

Timely topic, Jerry!  And, I loved your rant!  Yes, social networking is important and knowing how to use those networks a must, but le'ts don't forget we have a voice and use it!

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on December 16, 2010 at 6:50am

SAw this on the internet from Sharlyn Lauby

TiVo Inc., the home entertainment company, reported an 11 percent increase in referrals thanks to social media tools like LinkedIn. William Uranga, the Senior Director of Talent Acquisition at TiVo, said that using social media shifted the focus from the recruiter to the organization as a whole.

“It’s about your staff/peers sharing what they find interesting about your organization,” said Uranga. TiVo encourages job seekers to connect with their employees through LinkedIn. The company also makes job opportunities “portable” so that anyone can post, direct message or update their status across major social media platforms. Sharlyn Lauby

Comment by Jerry Albright on December 16, 2010 at 7:12am

C, B.  To me that is a good example of the kind of noise I'm talking about.  I know William and I'm sure he's doing great things there.

My budget isn't quite the same size as TiVo's though.  And shifting the focus from the recruiter - to the organization?  Just how does that work with independent recruiters?  Either way - is there anything you are taking from the TiVo example that will help you make more presentations to today?  If so - great.

Comment by Heidi on December 16, 2010 at 12:57pm



Nice job on posting this article. Recruiters who actually recruit KNOW that in order to fill positions you have to understand the needs of the HM then reach out to the right people, have a conversation, and make the connection. 


The real work is in the process and unfortunately there are too many non recruiters who tell recruiters how to recruit.  Too many promises and not enough delivery..

Comment by Jerry Albright on December 16, 2010 at 1:50pm

I appreciate the replies folks!


Just for clarification - this isn't a Social Media vs Phone argument.  It is more of the "selling anything today?" topic.  In some professional disciplines maybe there are tons of job seekers gabbing away on some site.  Cool.  I'd like to find a place like that myself.


The question is - are you asking anyone if they're interested in your product today?  I hope so.  I'm trying.  It's not always easy - but I do the best I can to take my own advice.  :)


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