It's true. I am Sarah White, P.I.M.P, C.I.R, A.I.R.S, B.A and every other thing that ever came along that I can tag onto the end of my name. Over the last few weeks there have been some lengthy discussions amongst my tweeple (those are my people on twitter) about the value of certifications in our industry. I have also gotten calls from people asking me to discuss new certifications they are coming up with. Apparently, now that I have a blog, some people think that others care what I say. (I know the truth - you are really just looking for typo's or a link to the poker event at ERE)
IMHO - They are kinda a waste of money and a brilliant marketing plan designed by companies who had training programs set up. I am a HUGE fan of training, but don't really see the value of the letters on the business card. Don't get me wrong - I bought into the value of certifications when I was younger and well, they never really mattered at any point in my career. Never even been asked about them. But people seem to like having letters at the end of their name so I did what any logical person would do....
I decided to make my own certification - PIMP (Professional in Managing Placements)
If you would like a P.I.M.P. certification here are the qualifications:
1. You must have made 10 placements in your whole life that you didn't royally screw up (totally ok if you just kinda screwed up)
2. You have to refer (on occasion) to HR words like "Full Life Cycle" to make others comfortable, even though you secretly are thinking of slapping them upside the head for making you talk like that
3. You should manage placements as a transactionary process - time is money
4. You should refer to your self at some point in time (either out loud or in your head) as a guru, expert, master or the like. *Note: Superstar is already taken my be, so you can not have that.
5. You should always focus on the end result - the placement - not the how, who or why of the matter.
If you can admit agree to these things and sign up in the comments section you will now be able to add the letters P.I.M.P after your name when you go out to meet with new clients or candidates. It may spark up conversations that the other ones don't. (A little different ring than PHR). If you become a P.I.M.P you will also be eligible for a cool pimp cup for you gin and juice.

This doesn't appeal to you? I didn't think so... I decided not the be a PIMP myself - check out part 2 of this blog tomorrow on How to be a Killer Madame. I was much more successful as a madame than a P.I.M.P and you can be too!
Shared from www.hrtechnologyblog.com
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