Remember back in college when you weighed all of 96 pounds and half of it was hair? You were lean and mean back then. You ate cereal for lunch and dinner, everything was paid in cash. Rent was like $75 that you were always paid late.
Yeah, those were the good days. Life was easy and the only gizmo you had was a math calculator your parents bought for your birthday freshmen year. Hey don’t laugh. I still have it and it works.
A lot has changed since then Pops. You got a house, a car, and your kids need new shoes. So for all my Recruiter Twitter Followers, FB Friends, and Bloggers – here is cool stuff that you need to check out. It’s free. And free is good.
True geeky recruiters know the importance of having everything synced up. Check out LiveMesh: It’s Microsoft service that lets you sync PCs and Net connected devices and share files among them. www.mesh.com
Every corporate recruiter has more conference calls in day than have placements in a year. But with FreeConference you can schedule and make conference calls anytime for free and it’s great for the virtual contract recruiter. www.freeconference.com
Jim Stroud, will be impressed with this one – ScreenToaster (he probably invented it.) This is great if you need to record what happens on your screen maybe to show some new client how to use an applicant tracking system. www.screentoaster.com
Microsoft Office has become hideously expensive but with all the free Office Apps out there why give Billionaire Billy more bucks? Check out www.OpenOffice.org if you need Spreadsheets for free.
Hey look when you are starting your own recruiting business you need to be lean and mean. But you don’t have to be a cheap wad like you were in college eating microwave popcorn for dinner, although some of us still do that.
Thrifty is cool. Digg it.
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