Have You Thought About Looking For Freelance Developers Who Might Be Interested In A Full-Time Gig?

Struggling to find new developer candidates?  Like many of you, I think about all of the possible avenues where we might harvest great and new talent. 

Being a contract developer in the digital solutions world I only did freelance work as I wanted to have a career outside of just developing.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE to develop but my true passion is Talent Sourcing.  I finally finished my Artificial Intelligence Recruiting Assistant software which I wrote in Python which is all open source on GitHub called RhondaAI (https://github.com/mytechnotalent/rhonda_ai).  What drives me like many other developers is to create something new that can benefit a cause that they love.  My hope is that RhondaAI does just that.

I think about where others with similar situations may live on the web who might want to cross the bridge to a full-time gig rather than just develop on the side.  Often times freelance developers will fall in love with the trade to which makes their journey focus on something more permanent.

I would encourage you all to reach out to some of these professionals and see if you might help them take that step to a full-time career.  There are some great sites such as Toptal(https://toptal.com), Upwork(https://upwork.com), Freelancer(https://freelancer.com) and many more to which you can dive in and connect great talent to fill your developer roles.


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