How to Solve the Biggest Problems in Hiring Process?

According to experts of many reputed IT agencies in London that handle recruitment requirements of small, middle and big sized companies, finding and hiring the right person for a job is a tough task. They say that though it may sound simple, it’s pretty difficult in reality. After all, finding competent candidates who either become an asset to the company or just stick around for a significant time to contribute to the bottom-line isn’t a cakewalk. That’s why you need experts to hire the right person at the right time.

Where to start

If you, as an employer, can visualize the position of your company, say after five years from now, it becomes quite easier to see whether a new hire fits into that structure or not. Remember - a new hire should be considered a part of the company’s long-term strategy. One of the best practices is to start with a well defined and future-oriented job profile. It’ll make the hiring process quite simpler. Once you have a detailed job description, you will clearly know the responsibilities and target goals of the new hire. When these new recruits join, they will also have a clear idea about the expectation of the company from them. If they fail to achieve the goals earmarked for them, you’ll have the job description to discuss with them, thus making them understand what’s needed.

According to some IT recruitment experts in London, everything about the expectation of the company from the new hire and the exact job profile should be clearly defined before recruitment. A job description should ideally include the title, the reporting head, summary of the assigned position and specific job responsibilities. You, as an employer, should have the chance to test the capability of a new hire as long as you offer a salary that’s at par with the market trends.

Find better candidates

In today’s highly competitive scenario, it is really difficult to find the right candidate for your company, not in terms of qualification or delivery of tasks, but in terms of a team player. That’s why many IT agencies in London are incorporating a clause stating ‘behavioral characteristics’ in their job description. It is a good idea to add this clause along with the position summary, detailed tasks involved in the job, educational requirement and requisite experience that the job demands. If you want to find the ideal candidate, you should search specific websites where professionals with particular skills are enlisted, rather than searching a general job portal. For example, if you’re looking for web programmers in London, you should search job sites dealing with IT recruitment in London. That way, you’ll have access to many capable job seekers at one go.

Why you should test candidates

It may sound a little odd, but some candidates do fabricate things on their CV. There may be some others who stretch the truth a lot. Hence, assessing the candidates becomes crucial. Such assessment can include different parameters such as role plays, written tests or simulations. For example, for the position of a website tester, you could ask the probable candidates to find 2 bugs in a particular website within the given time frame. This way, you’ll be able to sort the potential candidates.

Why you should include others

According to recruitment experts, it’s always a good idea to include others while you are interviewing a prospective candidate. Specifically, involvement of the employees, with whom the new hire will be working or interacting the most, could be very helpful. This is because sometimes, you may not be aware of a real life scenario or understand certain issues as well as they do. The additional inputs from the existing employees would greatly enhance the chance of finding a better candidate.

Pitfalls to avoid

  • Vague idea about the position to be filled: It is important to have a clear conception about the specific skills, duties and expertise the job demands. While reviewing CVs, you must be able to differentiate between the total experience and the core competence. An extensive overall experience doesn’t mean that the candidate would be perfect for the current job. So, to find a better candidate, you should look at the actual job profile instead of total experience.
  • Unrealistic expectations: Every company wants to hire a super performer for the lowest feasible salary. But in the present scenario, fulfilling such a goal would be next to impossible as the number of cream candidates is rapidly going down. So, while interviewing a prospective candidate, it’s better to remember that other companies too are waiting to recruit them with a lucrative deal or sometimes, a slightly better pay and perks than what you’re offering. 
  • Weak interviewing techniques: It’s important to avoid asking general questions. It is a good idea to write down all the questions you want to ask in the interview and ask every candidate the same questions. Record the answers and compare them later. That way, it’ll be much easier to find the prospective candidate fit for the vacant post.

Use these tips suggested by IT agencies in London handling recruitment for various levels of IT jobs, to find suitable candidates quickly. You may even hire experts dealing with IT recruitment in London to get the job done with precision and aplomb. 

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