I had tried with all my heart to make it one of those weeks where I could be proud of.  Yet - I found in the wake of the week that I needed to have perspective again, and revitalize when I got fatigued.  There are moments along the staffing path you must reach back into the past and remember past successes, especially when you may feel the wanton volume of your myriad of focal points honing in around you.

The most important aspect of staffing resilience is perhaps the ability to get up and reinitiate the passion and spark that got you to your goals in the past.  Interestingly enough - my new hires shone their true colors and now one whom is my cube neighbor came over and stated - your doing good - remember you helped me get my role here, you will fill those tough roles I just know it.

I suppose I needed that very reassurance today, more than anything, it is when you have dealt with that tough hiring manager and when the reward of finally filling their role is done, that you are able to revitalize the search to overcome the challenges, and along the way make good on the goal of being a true consultative partner.

In the wake of this week in one area of the business - which shall remain anonymous - there is a mass hiring push that always gets in the blood when you know that in the thrill of the staffing hunt you must uncover the utmost challenging perspective that a multiple hiring push can be accomplished with faith and determination, perhaps a recalibration point and taking control of matters when they seem almost overwhelming.

It is then when you end the day and in multiple hiring scenarios, and in focused efforts you somehow manage to please the toughest of Hiring Managers if only to re-emerge as the hopeful iron-clad and persistent doer of good deeds.

It is when individuals question your persistence, your personal grit, and whom you are as a professional that true character is borne.  I can't really go down to the core of what my heart tells me on any given day that I must continue to drive forward and somehow deliver even when the circumstances are less than ideal. 

In the aforementioned circumstances I had to take a step back this week and analyze where the challenges were, I needed some definitive quiet time where the phone wasn't ringing, where the self analysis, and documentation of process might be won.  I don't know everything, but I do know that hearing from amazing new hires as they reach out to me with referrels, encouragement, faith in "their recruiter" and again remind me of WHY I DO WHAT I DO - that is putting good folks in the right place at the right time, and recommit to a greater quality, even when pressured immensely to find the golden nugget in a just in time staffing feel.

That word quality - it begs the question - is it subjective?  Is it relative?  Does it have different meanings to different folks?  The answer is a resounding yes, quality is more about the relative sum of all the parts, or the words of the resume, or the philosophy of the hiring manager, or the approach to greatness.

I think back to a few months ago - where I had a motivating and inspiring 5 hire day, that fulfilled the promise of my goals.  True enough - one can take themselves and thier jobs too seriously, but yet we must have faith in ourselves and our desired focus and direction.  The staffing journey will never be fully complete and will always have fresh openings, even when you "planned" to do things your way, it will not always flow as such.

One lesson that continues to reoccur is the fact that patience is the most profound of staffing virtues and fortitude in one's long term perspective.  In our mind's eye we see the long term talent goal, but yet others don't share the same passion or direct vision.  IT WILL BE VITAL to know one's areas for growth, and one's own passion for achievement, and to look the challenge square in the face and decide that you will not be stopped.

What is it that enables solid outcomes, what is it that will create the utmost success imagineable?  It is only when you can choose to create vast outcomes or focus points for success.

One must never lose sight of the cause and affect of their greatest challenges, but really hone the focal point to arrive squarely, solidly, and with full force into the target outcome.  My wife reminded me this week - that I needed to remember my family, that even when I was "crazy busy" that I should come home at a reasonable hour.  True enough - mistake number 1 and intimately the core factor of the HR professional work life balance scenario I am supposed to strive for.  A balance - trully not very easy to maneuver.

As I open my mind to the possible moment where even the most talented of sourcing/recruiting gurus need that push, I am reminded that I am human after all and make mistakes along the way, it is okay to make mistakes as long as they are learned from.  Our specific, and unique styles can make all the difference, they needn't be pain points, but rather can be tailored to each tall order at hand.

In the wake of an interesting week all these lessons and more came crowding in, and even when I wished to achieve my personal goal, I had to step back and realize that sometimes being flexible and coming to the table with an open mind is perhaps the greatest gift one can offer.

"Staffing Karma" - I mentioned it a couple weeks back - it comes when you have just about given every part of your all, only to find that even the toughest of hiring ventures can be overcome.  And when it is - "Staffing Karma" is the greatest reward of all.  It is this that must be grasped and prodded and made available, and our very staffing souls made front and center.

The greatest source of hires is our own new hires whose enthusiasm for their new found role, their infectious energy and determination remind me again why I need to push forward even when the going is "rough, ready, and needing that emerging spark". 

Nothing can stop sheer determination, nothing can stop iron will, I suppose it comes down to one word - "UNSTOPPABLE".  "UNSTOPPABLE" focus, "UNSTOPPABLE" passion, and "UNSTOPPABLE" means.  Olympic Champions found success through a hopeful approach, and saw within success even when it seemed inescapable.  But yet - when they stand on the podium - Gold Medal in hand, and the life challenges squashed under foot, there is something to be said of that amazing outcome, trully nothing can indeed stop the human spirit when it wills to succeed.

Trully nothing can so overcome life challenge more than that.  I close with this You Tube video - which I think says it all.  UNSTOPPABLE - by Rascal Flatts:


- Disclaimer - This post is my own content - it does not in any way represent ADP's positions, policies OR in anyway represent the company's views on any matter.  I am solely responsible for this content.  It is my own and I am the sole author.

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