Jobs Bill Are For Zombies – Chances are you’re a Zombie

The Jobs Bill won’t create many jobs. And you know what? It sucks. We’ve lost millions of jobs and this bill is not enough. Let me say it
again. Jobs-Bill-sucks-huge-big-time.

We have a solution that is so easy and so plain as day that it’s right front of your face. But we’ve become a bunch of corporate zombies
dragging our half-alive-half-dead-ass-carcasses to work we don’t even
see it. In our lives we have become quietly discontent. Focused on
keeping our jobs and working to prove our worth – that’s what we are.

But, trust me on this.

As you shuffle into work today. Ask yourself if you could work remotely.

If you want to create more jobs, you have to start with the employer. Our Government spent millions of dollars to promote the 2010
census. Why not use those dollars to promote virtual work programs
within the Jobs Bill!

Seriously, if the folks up on Capital Hill would include some incentives for businesses to hire virtual workers, then we got a shot
at creating more jobs here in the grand ole USofA and possibly stopping
the proliferation of offshore work.

The fact is hiring someone to work virtual or telecommute is a HUGE cost savings. The millions of dollars SAVED from renting office space,
can create more jobs in the long run.

Virtual work will improve traffic, less car fumes filling the sky, decrease in accidents.

Working from home mean less gossip around the water cooler, less office politics maybe even lessen sexual harassment case too.

The Great Recession has ended. It’s time to start hiring again and what better way than to promote virtual jobs. The solution is simple.
Create tax incentives and programs to promote virtual jobs.

No. This Jobs Bill is a small teeny-tiny little fix for huge problem and it won’t be enough. Creating jobs has to start with the
employer. Virtual job is an easy solution. Promote it.

Views: 98

Comment by Ron Rafelli on March 12, 2010 at 12:09pm
Fantastic idea, Michael. Obama ought to hire you, but then again, you are probably too smart to work in government.


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