An Open Letter To All Passive Candidates - Quit Your Job.

Congratulations, you’ve managed to keep your job last year. While everyone else was laid off or fired, you worked harder to survive. You sacrificed health, social and family time. And, now you don’t have a life. In fact, you were so overly productive last year the company doesn’t see the need to hire someone now.

You’re stressed. We know. We see the bags under your eyes. So, put down that cup of calming herbal tea. My friend, you need to quit.

Yeah, we know you got bills, credit cards and a spouse that has the divorce attorney on speed dial but trust me on this. There are a lot of Recruiters looking for highly productive people.

What we need you to do is dust off that resume and, start the following: Post it on the popular resume sites, join our Facebook fan page, follow us on Twitter, and send us a Linkedin invitation.

The truth is you have a lot of knowledge around the entire business. Once you walk out the door, all that knowledge leaves the company. Gone! And if you quit for another job, you’re helping others find a job. Plus, you’re giving a chance for a starving recruiter to backfill your old spot.

It’s simple. Quit. Get another job and keep doing this until Recruiters and their HR minions blog about things like retention and sign on bonuses.

In the end, businesses will plan better and focus on realigning duties once the job market is up. In the meantime, reach out, or just answer that pesky recruiter that calls you daily. We have a job waiting for you, but we need your help.

Views: 210

Comment by Tim Collins on March 3, 2010 at 4:22am
Very amusing...and tempting. :-)


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