If you've been hesitating to post on RecruitingBlogs for any number of reasons, just don't - ok?
I'm not sure what everyone's opinion is of our site, but I can tell you what I've learned managing this community over the last few years. The most important lesson? We need your voices for this blog to be a great community, not just another recruiting content site.
And I'm sure sharing and writing comes with some hesitance. You should know this is not a perfectionist's blog. This, my friends, is a community. That means you can post an idea as a blog post and we - as community members - are here to support your ideas; to hear you out and to help make your ideas better. So being shy can't be your excuse.
Of course, I also get the "well it's not long enough to be a blog post" - excuse. We're in an era of media that's short and sweet, easy to understand yet brilliant at the same time. (See everyone's new-found love of gifs and memes). Your posts can be short and sweet.
We're asking for your ideas, to see and hear you share your stories that have made you better at your job. Implied, some of those stories will be about falling down. I think I speak for all of us at RecruitingBlogs when I say we appreciate the falling down stories; we have quite a few of those stories ourselves (and always appreciate a good laugh).
We will feature those ideas before we feature some product showcase, any day.
I won't make myself a hypocrite by writing a 1,000 word, completely grammatically correct post here but I've just been thinking about this community - what I'd love it to become and how it could really help people - and I know we need more of your voice here to do that.
So speak, folks.
Great intervention! Bravo to the emphasis on sharing ideas (different thinking - divergent even better) and community over perfection. Here's to a vibrant, thriving community and keeping it edgy!
I want to like this comment a hundred times. Thank you for "getting it" and always having our back. We appreciate you Nicole!
Appreciation is mutual. #onwards and #upwards
And, if you don't feel comfortable writing your own blog(s), feel free to just comment on others. We all appreciate the interaction and some of us invite disagreement too.
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