
I love days when I can share good news and today is one of them.

I am happy to be able announce that has acquired and even more excited about being able to work with Laurie Ruettimann. Laurie has a great spirit and she knows how to make things work. If you have not been to her blog in the past, you should go take a look. It's quite easy to see that she does not operate in a vacuum. Her blog has traction, her blog is growing and she is an in demand person with respect to her writing and speaking all over the place. In fact, she is chairing the Social Recruiting Summit next month in New York City.

When I look at and the way it is set up and the way other Human Resource Blogs are set up, it reminds me of the way a lot of recruiting related blogs used to look like a long time ago. is a very well respected blog, the blog is listed and linked on many other websites and blogs and she is an output machine when it comes to writing blog posts. What is great about this is that Laurie will continue to write a lot and travel and speak and who knows, we may even throw a few parties this year.

I first talked to Laurie about a year ago and the two of us have become friends and have met a few times. We spoke a little while back and we both expressed interest in working together on some level. Now we can and we will and we are going to do very little in terms of changing

Laurie has done a great job building her blog and she is one of those people who has to write and has to do her best to add to the growing conversation that takes place daily. Laurie, I look forward to working with you and on behalf of I say welcome. It's a great blog you have built. We will do our best to keep the spirit.

Here is the post from Laurie about this.
Here is the Press Release

Views: 176

Comment by Ethan Bloomfield on October 19, 2009 at 8:44am
I love the move guys!
Comment by Sarah White on October 19, 2009 at 9:40am
Super excited for you all!!
Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 19, 2009 at 11:27am
How come Laurie has a picture of Lenin in her banner?
Comment by Kari Quaas on October 19, 2009 at 11:40am
Nice work!
Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 19, 2009 at 12:24pm

I guess its because he's radical, Rayanne. Hiring Revolution used to have Che. But he faded fast because it's hard to find a fun revolutionary anymore. Unfortunately, they're out to kill people. In the 60s Mao was super-cool. But not anymore.
Comment by Traci Deveau on October 19, 2009 at 12:31pm
Wonderful news, collaboration is great when it melds such inspiration. Congratulations everyone.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 19, 2009 at 1:11pm
Oh, I see. That isn't Lenin! It's his fisherman cousin.


Punk Rock HR
Comment by Anna Brekka on October 19, 2009 at 2:44pm
WOW - congratulations. Looking forward to seeing you both at the Recruiting Conference in Chicago in a few weeks... and yes I'll be there for the after party, too!
Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 19, 2009 at 3:41pm
Laurie, what is an organic conversation? (don't answer)
Comment by Fran Hogan on October 19, 2009 at 3:50pm
Just saw the news! Congrats to both of you. Sounds like a great connection.


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