So day 3 Purple Squirrel, as always I will hit the high notes and focus on tools, and methods.
Amy Miller and A tale of Two Interviews. This presentation was about her Journey to …outreach limbo, meaning lots of outreach little return. To being the “BEAST” of a recruiter she it today. Lots of trial and error, lots of ups and downs. However as it related to outreach the key is, and I have said it over and over and over and over again “PERSONALIZATION:
Mike Rasmussen and Go Where you have never been. This for me was about doing and going were you may not have gone before, A lot of time we are so busy we forget about methodologies, and procedures. Well Mike goes through the Sourcing lifecycle. So to refrese the Sourcing Lifecycle is: Research, sourcing, enhancement, outreach. TOOLS: Owler, Dept of Labor,, Linkedin, Motley Fool, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Recuit’em, Hiretual, Bool, Social Talent. Now Mike also touches on the candidate, offer, and such. TOOLS; Banana Tag, Docsify, Context Smith, Calendly,, Seekout, Nymeria, and JobJet.
All tools mentioned can be found on the SSaR page at
Well that is for Day 3 Purple Squirrel. Until next week, “may the source be with you.”
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