Twitter is, hands down, my favorite social network. It's a great source of information and learning, and a wonderful way to connect with people who share similar interests. As a recruiter, it's also great for sourcing candidates. Despite the concise nature of the tool, there's a wealth of data to be found - if you know where and how to look.
Twitter's Advanced Search
Start with Twitter's advanced search.
Let's say you're searching for an email marketing manager in San Francisco who specializes in marketing automation - just type what you're looking for into the various fields to search both tweets and people that match those keywords (alternatively, I can just type marketing automation near:"San Francisco, CA" within:15mi into the search bar at the top).
These are the results I came up with:
These are all very interesting indeed.
Now, I do want to include a disclaimer here that I'm searching for marketing people, who are most likely to be on Twitter and Linkedin - which has contributed significantly to how easy this search was. You are not likely to have this kind of luck for every position you're looking to fill - and you should keep mental notes of which positions Twitter works well for, and when you should source elsewhere. OK, back to the article...
You've Found Great Candidates, Now What?
Reaching out via Twitter works because most in-demand candidates aren't being bombarded on Twitter, like they are on Linkedin, and it's very quick and easy for them to respond. Although you can't include much information to sell your candidates on working for your company, you can easily provide a link with additional information and next steps.
Do you use Twitter for recruitment? Share your experiences and best practices below!
Thanks, Jen,, Can you recommend something like a "Twitter for Recruiting Dummies", i.e,. abeginner's guide for recruiters to learn how best to begin using Twitter effectively, particularly on the best way to get substantial numbers of followers quickly and easily?
P.S. Also sent this to Matt C.
Hey Keith - So sorry for the late reply, I kept meaning to find a webinar I did on this topic to send you! It's technically about Facebook AND Twitter, but you can fast forward to about halfway through to see some of my Twitter recommendations for recruiters:
In terms of increasing your following, I recently did a blog post on the topic: It's a slow process, but engaging with your target audience is the best way to get more followers. Also make sure that you're posting relevant and interesting content - posting only jobs will turn candidates off (all jobs aren't relevant to all people), but posting job seeker and career advice will help you grow your following.
Good luck!
Thanks, Jen. This is Just what I was looking for. Much appreciated.
Glad to hear it!
This post must have been retweeted since the dates are in November. I like the concept....but are people annoyed when you send a tweet that everyone can see about a new job on Twitter? or do you send them privately? and if you send them privately how do you do that?
Hi Robye - you have two options for reaching out to candidates on Twitter:
Of course, you can also just source their email address by another means (many people will list their LinkedIn profile in their Twitter profile).
I hope that helps!
That "Twitter Recruiting for Dummies" can be found here:
Great post, Glen, thanks for sharing!
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