Talent42 2019 happened a month ago, I thought Since we are done with the Sourcecon giveback we would start Talent42 part 2.


First up Asha Beirne and “I’m TOO busy to SOURCE!”. The gist of this is how you can ensure you have time to source given how busy your lives are. Ideas include things like, putting it on your calendar, having a plan, targeting those candidates with a higher probability of return, etc.


Lee Robinson and Recruiting Engineers. Lots of stats most of which vary depending on where you get the stats. Do you research, build relationships, use the right buzz words, learn the technology.


Sara Chipps and Sourcing and hiring Senior Engineers. Stack Overflow is a huge place to search with over 50m people, events, code, and much more.


All tools mentioned can be found on the SSaR page at https://start.me/p/GE7Ebm/ssar


I go on vacation form the 22nd of July to 1 Aug so no posts till the 5th.


Well that is for part 2 of Talent 42 2019. Until next week, “may the source be with you.”

Views: 265


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