The Ugly Truth Why Recruiters Are Horrible At Finding Work.

You know what? Recruiters suck at finding themselves work. We give out great job hunting advice to complete strangers but the ugly truth is that we struggle finding a job too.

Every time I tell somebody I’m a Recruiter, they want help finding a job. And there I am with arms crossed listening attentively while they prattle about job prospecting hardships.

Yet, the sick sad reality if I lost my job, I’d do the same thing every unemployed Tom, Dick and Harry has done. I’d be at prayer breakfasts, praying to God, “Why me?” “Why me!” Then I’d be on the prowl at networking events, ferociously emailing resumes, and stalking anyone that had a job. A complete utter nuisance to anyone gainfully

Why can’t we take our own advice on networking, writing resumes and interviewing? It’s the same reason why Doctors are unhealthy, Divorce Attorneys are divorced, Financial Planners are penniless and Accountants owe taxes.

We may be experts in our field but were not immune to the chaotic pitfalls of society, relationships and our economy. And, Recruiters are not bulletproof when it comes to finding a job.

The fact is Recruiters find people for jobs. So if you are still looking for a recruiting gig, then keep working. Keep talking to people and helping them find a job. In the end, that is all that matters
because that is what you’re good at doing.

Views: 175

Comment by Randy Levinson on February 11, 2010 at 12:46am
Michael, You make some great points here. the conclusion I am drawing from this (and where I thought you were headed) is, "If you are a recruiter looking for work...then find a good recruiter". Alternatively, if you are an employed your unemployed recruiter friends. It's only a matter of time before the tables turn and you'll need a little quid pro quo.
Comment by Brad Zirulnik on February 11, 2010 at 11:56am
I hear what you are saying but the scary thing is how lost a lot of my friends and family are when it comes to making their phone ring or land interviews. Since resumes are no longer the main driving variable in the job seek process, I feel like I have had the time to hone a lot of new skills and tools that I turn around and share with my friends and followers (albeit, they still don't listen). It's not about being a job seeker anymore, it's about job sourcing. I always share my modest wisdom regardless of what they decide to do with it.
Comment by Mat von Kroeker on February 11, 2010 at 12:35pm
I guess "Physician, heal thyself." doesn't apply with your analysis. I'd have to say recruiters know a little more about avenues for finding work then what you're leading on to--- unless you're living in a cave with ONLY a req and a Monster account.
Comment by Saleem Qureshi on February 11, 2010 at 8:25pm
We are hiring:)


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