Struggle Bus: Driving Traffic to Job Ads

Know what I really hate? When I attend an event expecting original content and I get the same regurgitated ideas from everyone else who speaks on the topic. It’s not only lame but it’s a big ol’ waste of my time. Unfortunately, this happens most often in those “recruiting is marketing” webinars.

The ones I used to really like as a marketer living in a recruiter’s world.

So that’s not what I’m doing in the webinar I’ll be presenting next Tuesday at 2 pm EST. I’m not going to kick back a ton of ideas you’ve already heard on three different webinars this month. I’m tired of it and I know you are, too.

Here’s what I am going to do. I’m going to teach you practical, cost-efficient and effective strategies to help you get more applicants to your job without a big dollar budget. I will not propose even one idea that will cost you more than $50. Then, I’ll show you how (and why) you should measure them. I’ll even send you a dashboard you can start filling out on the spot.

So if you’re struggling to get people to come to your website in the first place or you’re having trouble getting them to apply, you should probably come hang out with me next Tuesday.

You can sign up here, even if you can’t make it. I’ll share all the ideas straight to your inbox regardless, just for signing up.

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