Want to know who bought RecruitingBlogs.com?

As you know RecruitingBlogs.com was sold yesterday via auction. There were a lot of people trying to ultimately be the winning bid but in these sorts of things there can only really be one. However, in this particular case there are two, and they are both recruiters in the healthcare industry:

Noel Cocca and Tim Spagnola are the new keepers of the keys to RecruitingBlogs.com. You may know them, Noel has been active on RecruitingBlogs.com for a while now and they both have a small recruiting website called RecruitingDaily.com.

The first phone call I got regarding the auction of RecruitingBlogs.com came from Noel. He and Tim spent a very long and painful last 4 hours yesterday hoping that this was going to go their way. It's nice when it does.

I can tell from watching Noel and Tim operate within social networking circles that they understand how it works and most importantly, they appreciate why RecruitingBlogs.com has worked for so long. I am very confident they will treat this network with respect and love.

This is not my goodbye post as I will still be here a little longer making sure both Noel and Tim have bled my mind silly with everything they need to know. I am confident they will be perfect ignitors ( is that a word?) for this incredible recruiting community.

Here is a press release Noel and Tim just put out.



Views: 465

Comment by Anthony M. Morrison on June 22, 2011 at 4:31pm
Congratulations guys!  Great news for the community!  Looking forward to seeing it continue to grow!
Comment by Frances Waters on June 22, 2011 at 4:43pm
Congrats from Orlando, FL - Looking forward to the continued success of the Blog-it too has become an important part of my work week! :-)
Comment by Lisa J. Green on June 22, 2011 at 4:43pm

Congrats to Noel and Tim; congrats to Jason as well! RecruitingBlogs members are a great group of people!

Comment by Valentino Martinez on June 22, 2011 at 4:48pm

Congratulations and welcome Noel and Tim to what is now yours...and a little bit of ours--RBC.  May it continue to blossom and become all that it can become. 

It's great to hear that Jason will stay active on RBC and you will continue to drain his brain even more than you have already.  Jason’s brilliant design of RecruitingBlogs.com seems simple on the surface, but he actually has a lot of leprechauns, and a few rodents, on treadmills keeping the whole thing in motion.

I look forward to staying active on RBC.  It’s a great place to laugh, fume and learn as we sharpen our work tools in the business and art of recruitment.

Comment by Anna Brekka on June 22, 2011 at 4:58pm

Congratulations to all.

Jason call me once the celebration is over.

Good luck to Noel and Tim.


Comment by Mike Hard on June 22, 2011 at 5:13pm

Nice job Noel and Tim. Congrats. This community is passionate, engaged, expert, extremely diverse, infuriating (yes at times) but in the end, THE REAL DEAL. Jason - this was not only a great sale but a wonderfully entertaining story. Mike

Comment by Lynne A. Friedlander on June 22, 2011 at 5:19pm

Congrats to both of you and Best of Luck!



Comment by Ben McGrath on June 22, 2011 at 5:28pm

Nicely done gentleman. I'm certain that since you pursued this and successfully hunted it down htat hit will be a continued success for a long time to come.

Oh, and yes Slouch ignitors is a word. However, it appears from my quick research that the most widely used spelling of the plural of ignitor is ignitErs.


All the best to you in your future endeavors.





Comment by Leah Davis on June 22, 2011 at 6:17pm

Congrats from Australia and NZ

Comment by Chris Russell on June 22, 2011 at 7:33pm
Nice to see some Connecticut recruiters in the game! @noel how 'bout a RecruitingBlogs meetup in CT one day?


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