Want to know who bought RecruitingBlogs.com?

As you know RecruitingBlogs.com was sold yesterday via auction. There were a lot of people trying to ultimately be the winning bid but in these sorts of things there can only really be one. However, in this particular case there are two, and they are both recruiters in the healthcare industry:

Noel Cocca and Tim Spagnola are the new keepers of the keys to RecruitingBlogs.com. You may know them, Noel has been active on RecruitingBlogs.com for a while now and they both have a small recruiting website called RecruitingDaily.com.

The first phone call I got regarding the auction of RecruitingBlogs.com came from Noel. He and Tim spent a very long and painful last 4 hours yesterday hoping that this was going to go their way. It's nice when it does.

I can tell from watching Noel and Tim operate within social networking circles that they understand how it works and most importantly, they appreciate why RecruitingBlogs.com has worked for so long. I am very confident they will treat this network with respect and love.

This is not my goodbye post as I will still be here a little longer making sure both Noel and Tim have bled my mind silly with everything they need to know. I am confident they will be perfect ignitors ( is that a word?) for this incredible recruiting community.

Here is a press release Noel and Tim just put out.



Views: 465

Comment by Manav Prasad on June 22, 2011 at 8:58pm

Congrats Tim/Congrats Noel.  This site has helped a lot in the past and we expect it will help us more as the owners now are working recruiters. Looking for great heights for RecruitngBlogs.com.

Best Wishes.. 

Comment by Lilia Tereshchenko on June 22, 2011 at 10:37pm
Keep moving forward, guys! All the best!
Comment by Carlos Gil on June 23, 2011 at 8:44am
Congrats guys and best of luck!
Comment by Kevin Gill on June 23, 2011 at 12:36pm
Congrats Jason! Good luck Noel and Tim.
Comment by Deb McClanahan on June 23, 2011 at 1:11pm
Sounds like this is the kind of business transition where everybody wins, including all of us subscribers.
Comment by Deb McClanahan on June 23, 2011 at 1:15pm
Sounds like the kind of business transition where everybody wins, including us loyal subscribers.
Comment by Craig Fisher on June 23, 2011 at 2:13pm
Congrats to you JD and to the new owners.  Don't be a stranger Slouch.
Comment by Gerry Crispin on June 25, 2011 at 4:23pm
Congrats Noel and Tim. I hope our paths cross sooner.
Comment by Veena on June 27, 2011 at 10:05am
Congrats Noel and Tim
Comment by Karla Porter on June 27, 2011 at 12:32pm
Thanks for the great run Jason (much continued success to you) and congrats to Noel and Tim. It's always exciting to see what new perspective brings to the table.


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