I am currently doing some market research for one of the Portal Applications I am currently working on  and needed to pick your minds from a Marketing perspective.  Any thoughts, questions would be welcomed.  I am tied to a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) and I can’t get into too much detail.  Here goes..:

What if there was a Global Portal that allowed Recruiters to identify Candidates interested in working in another Country.  Let’s assume the following:

  • Recruiters are only required to:  Search, Identify, Qualify and Upload Resume with 3 References. 
  • Collect a 15% Fee (Could be more) on Candidate’s start date.   Even if the Start date was 4- 6 months down the road.
  • Clients handle closing process right up to start date.  
  • These are Senior Specific roles $100k - $200k 
  • Possibly Thousands of Roles ...
  • It`s Free for Recruiters to Join....
  • One Candidate Submission to One Job Description

a)       How much time would you dedicate to this Portal?

b)       Do you think the Fee is fair for the time investment? 

c)        What would you need to see happen for you to spend more time on the Portal?


I will try to answer all your questions as long as I don’t cross the lines of my (NDA) ...

Views: 194

Comment by Greg on February 17, 2011 at 10:02am
Sounds like another vendor management portal to devalue what recruiters bring to the table to me.   A knockoff version almost of a Bounty Jobs or Recruit Alliance.   If you cannot speak to a client to get a real idea of what they are looking for, then a trained monkey could spend his time just doing board searches, matching up key words and sending in resumes. 
Comment by Paul Alfred on February 17, 2011 at 10:45am

Ok so for our little survey group we have so far 2/3 recruiters not interested in:


a) $25k Flat fee across the board on International Hire

b) Limited investment of time on the Portal to ( identify, Qualify and Upload a Candidate) then go back to your regular activities in your Local Market.

c) Captive Market with Clients already making a deposit to Join the Portal - this answers the Is there a market question. 

d) These roles are Professional Requirements in high demand by the Clients . Roles are $100k or more in base salary.

e) Once you have done your Job the Portal does its Job and you get notified through Status updates as to where your Candidate sits in the process.

f) We would not want you to sit around waiting for 4 months for something to happen hundreds

of real requirements forces the Recruiter to identify qualify and upload other candidates for 

other roles.

g) Wooow the candidate I submitted for one role could be marketed to other Clients looking for 

similar experience without the Recruiter doing any more work !


As a recruiter who has to spend money to market and  acquire other potential Clients - I like the fact I have a Market of Clients dying for qualified candidates one where i did not spend a cent to acquire ...


So we have 2/3 in our Portal  survey if you count me as another Recruiter  not in favor for the Portal as it sits .... 66% ....


Love to get more of your comments ... Jerry and Pam feel free to jump in ( what would have to change for you to support the Clients on this Portal) ...  All of this information helps my market research ....  I really appreciate the response so far ... 

Comment by Jerry Albright on February 17, 2011 at 10:53am

As a seasoned recruiter I have learned (time and time again) there really is no such thing as a placement with "very limited time invested". 


If these clients, as you say, are "high demand" I'm not understanding the long wait period.  Is the entire interview process this long?  I'm missing something...


But just to clarify my overall perspective - if I am going to introduce a candidate to a client (regardless of how that client came to me - or what my future involvement with them will be) I am committing future resources (time) to that introduction.  Picture a chicken laying an egg - yes it might be easy for them to do it - but that egg MUST be kept warm and safe.  You can't just lay an egg and come back in 4 months to see what hatched.  It just doesn't happen.


You are committed to staying in touch.  Each time you are expected to have some sort of update from your client, you explore what they've been up to - the whole thing.  It is a time commitment.


And if you've got no contact with the client you're left left sounding like a recruiter who doesn't know anything and grasping at straws to make it seem like you do.


Once again - no such thing as a "limited investment" placement.  I think I had one a few years ago - and it fell off.....

Comment by Paul Alfred on February 17, 2011 at 11:16am
This is an International Placement Jerry ... The equation changes as in a local hire ... Would you use it if you could talk to the Client....? Like I said we are not saying no to Communication with the Clients -All we are saying we want the Recruiter to spend as little time as possible only focused on submitting a qualified candidate ...
Comment by Paul Alfred on February 17, 2011 at 11:18am
@ Gregg ...  I don't think a Trained Monkey would want to get a negative rating on the Portal forcing Clients to Ignore him/her .... And not for $25k flat fee ...
Comment by pam claughton on February 17, 2011 at 11:57am


It's not something that I personally would ever be interested in. I'm too busy with what's on my desk already, and mostly work on exclusive searches. But, I've been doing this for a long time too, and don't focus on international searches, so for a number of reasons it doesn't make sense for someone like me, not a good use of my time or the people who work for me. 


I do wish you good luck with it though. And I think you may be better served by targeting people who just source vs. full cycle recruiters who are likely to be getting busier and busier as our market continues to heat up.

Comment by Paul Alfred on February 17, 2011 at 1:34pm

Thanks Pam .... This is part of a Market Research which will go towards an Overall Strategic Business Plan ... I need to get a feel of how Small to mid sized Recruiters feel - We already know what the Large Global Recruitment companies require ... I justed wanted to get a feel for Recruiters interested in getting access to other markets ...  Nothing wrong with another revenue stream if it works ...   


I appreciate you comments any more thoughts on what you would need to see on a Portal like this to become a member let me know....   We are still in the planning stages ...  Your comments believe it or not help us understand some of the Motivators for small to midsized Recruiter companies ... 

Comment by Sandra McCartt on February 17, 2011 at 6:55pm

Might be of interest if the ability to submit more than one candidate were offered.  I sometimes get candidates who are open to international medical positions.  I have no place to go with them if they do not fit a selected search so would not mind having an option of somewhere else to go with them.  The odds that i would place them somewhere are very slim, they are in the database, they don't move fast and are flexible.  i would consider if the portal were well curated so i would get paid 3 or 4 months down the line.  Don't care if i talk to anybody or not.  Can't understand most of the candidates anyway.  :)


Sounds like getting money from your kids at camp to me.  I'll play.

Comment by Paul Alfred on February 18, 2011 at 8:42am
Thanks for responding Sandra .... Yes these roles would be very professional roles Scientific, Mining, Marine Biology, Pharmaceuticals, Alternative Energy, Financial ... Right across the board like that ...

And that is the Point... The Candidates that one would find that would consider moving to another Country would already know its not a 1,2,3 Process - So all a Recruiter has to do is identify candidates interested in making the Move ... The clients on this Portal would consider all candidates seriously as they are the ones that have to in the end convince the clients to move.

This is why the Recruiter's function on this Portal is reduced - now there is an opportunity to engage more in the process but we want to prove the effectiveness of the Portal in the early stage to get early adoption ...

There are no Candidates on this Portal - Only Recruiters and Employers. Yes we feel that Clients would want atleast 3 Submissions per posting but we believe that they should be satisfied with 1 Submission per job post as this is a Global Hire.

Now my question is even though I know the Big boys would want to engage in using the Service - why would small to medium sized companies not want an additional revenue stream - ok so you only work really hard on identifying a qualified candidate interested in making the move and upload.

Why would i want to spend more time on a New portal if I had to commit all my time and take my time away from my local business and this is the point Pam and Jerry don't get ... We played these senarios out for hours with other Real world recruiters and came to the same conclusion and I just want to get a view point from some of the veterans on the site ...

Perhaps I need to provide more info ... ?

Any more thoughts would be helpful Sandra .... I really appreciate your input ...
Comment by Sandra McCartt on February 18, 2011 at 10:10am

What is the reason for limiting submissions to 1.  Is it to keep recruiters from just board scraping and throwing everything they can find into the portal?

If the candidate were already living in the country required would they be considered?

How long would the submission from a recruiter be honored?  I would want a year on something like this due to the time factor.

Would recruiters be able to review the jobs to qualify or be able to tell the candidate where their CV was going as in what company or is it being set up as a type of database where companies can simply review candidates to see if any of them fit their positions.

I could easily live with a 15K fee on something like this if all i had to do was do a write up on them and provide references.

What i would not want to happen would be to tell a candidate they were being submitted for a job then have it turn into a black hole with no feedback with the candidate calling or emailing all the time wanting feedback.  If there were email feedback as to candidate status that i could simply pass on to the candidate that would be fine.  Yes, no, maybe just something so i don't get stuck with spending a lot of time telling them that i know nothing.


If a candidate is submitted on one job and not selected would their CV stay in a database where they would be reviewed by other employers or would it have to be resubmitted if another position that might be a fit was posted.

Would they have to be qualified as to visa eligibility or would the employer handle all of that?  I am not talking about actually the visa application assume the employer would do that.  For instance if the candidate is a U. S. citizen would the recruiter be responsible for doing criminal background check to be sure that a visa could be obtained.  More specifics as to what is involved in the qualifying process would help.  I would not want to get into a situation where i had to spend time and mon


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