I recently wrote a blog post about tools and tips you can use to he...
Does anyone know of any other products or services that are available to recruiters to use free of charge? I'm trying to compile a list on a website so recruiters can access all the free stuff out there in 1 place.
There are lots of tools already:
job search engines
etc.....just trying to get them all 'under one roof'.
Hello Nick
We have a collection of free HR-related white papers here: http://corporate.psychtests.com/resources
We also offer free trials on our HR tests, but after the trial, they will need to pay - our tests range from $15 to $35 per completed test.
200+ Pre-Built Boolean Searches Free in 1 toolbar:
If you're looking for a place to post your jobs and brand your company check out ultimatejobboard.com
Brief writeup:
Founded by Christopher Poreda, a former President and CEO of an executive search firm, ultimatejobboard.com was developed on the principles of intuitive user experience, a clean and elegant design and superior search capabilities by combining the latest developments in technology and social media tools. UJB has taken a proven, highly effective existing model and added superior search capabilities and meaningful social network integration, while destructing and redefining the business model. It’s free to search and free to post; post as many jobs as you like and keep them posted until they’re filled. Purchase a Premier Partnership and job postings are highlighted at the top of search results receiving over 17 million unique views per month. Plus, we’re the only job board to offer incentives like no contracts, a price for life and money back guarantee for an unlimited number of premier job postings at a monthly rate less than a single job posting on other popular sites.
Poreda insists that, “Although easy to use, the technology is complex and cutting edge. Our team worked diligently developing the site to ensure the best possible user experience. Our mission is to create a platform where all job seekers and those who wish to engage them have access to each other, regardless of budgets and other familiar constraints. Now, I recognize the concept of free is not a new one, but free should not be at the expense of the user and each user should have the option to pay for additional services for additional exposure."
Our firm would absolutely love to get the list.
My only suggestion is to do a Boolean Search along the lines of ......free recruiter resource "job board" "job post" -seeker -workshop -submit.......
There's a bunch of noise in this string but someone who is good at strings could potentially narrow the results. There are several good results though.
Love to see results as they are compiled.
All the best,
Ben McGrath
Here's my list, also available for download as the attached PDF file.
Storage and sharing
Browser Add-Ons (Chrome and FireFox)
Parsing, Filtering, and Sorting
Search Engines
Custom Search Engines
People and Company search
Job Sharing
URL shortening
Browser Add-Ons (FireFox, Chrome)
“Manage search engines” in Chrome
Search Engines
Custom Search Engines (build yourself)
People and Company search
Real Time Search
Past Search
Job Sharing
Google-Plus (Post)
Great list, Irina. Thanks!
Tool that I'd like to recommed: free Chrome extension to find candidates' social media profiles
I have an up-to-date collection of Sourcing tools on my blog - most tools are free: https://booleanstrings.com/tools/
Yeah, can you please ass Recruit CRM as well? It's a Recruitment Agency Software!
Hi Nick,
We created a collection of some of the best job descriptions on the web (specific to the tech industry). Not sure if it qualifies as a free tool, but it is free to access- you can check it out here: https://www.goodjobdescription.com/
Hi Nick,
Since you're looking for free recruiting stuff, I would like to share the Free Game Demo of The Talent Games.
Here's the link to the free webdemo: http://webdemo-cfactor.thetalent.games/
Simply log in using your LinkedIn account and Play the demo. Interestingly, after completing the demo you get your assessment report also.
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