10 Traits of a Successful Recruiter

The Recruiter Files

There are certain traits I think every Recruiter needs to have, to be successful.    Here they are, in no particular order:

  1. Be structured.   Recruiting is a few simple disciplines practiced every day.
  2. Be able to adapt.   You must me able to drop what you are doing to start something else.   You never know where that next phone call is going to take you.   This is the people business, we deal with people all day long.   Even though each situation or scenario is the same – it is also different.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.   You don’t know everything.   Ask the candidate and company – they are the experts.   Keep learning and become the expert in the industry.
  4. Partner with the Candidate.   You are in this together.   Be the expert, be the advisor and counselor.   Make sure they have a good candidate experience.   They are going to get a job and if it is not yours then make sure they remember you and refer others to you.
  5. Pick-up the phone.   Too many newer recruiters are relying on technology and email.    Just pick up the phone and talk to people.
  6. Use new technology with old techniques.   You should be using social media to recruit and source.   You should be using and know boolean strings.   But you should also be networking, asking for referrals and again pick up the phone and make some cold calls.
  7. Prioritize.    What is the most important task for you to do today?    Is it sourcing new candidates?   Interview prep?  Each day is going to be different regarding which tasks are most important.
  8. Have a good home support system.   Recruiting is NOT an 8-5 job.   If that is what you want then choose another profession.  
  9. Embrace patience.   Everything doesn’t happen overnight.   My sense of urgency is not the same as others.
  10. Handle rejection.    You will hear “NO” more often than “YES”.   Get used to it.  

Did I miss any?    Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.


Visit http://www.recruiterfiles.com


Views: 21390

Comment by Abdulaziz Alkhamees on May 5, 2012 at 4:40am

Great List, Thanks.  

Comment by Cora Mae Lengeman on May 7, 2012 at 8:13am

I think it is also wise to Partner with the CLIENT.  They do, after all, pay your fee - unless you charge your candidates to place them.

Comment by Bruce Rowles on May 7, 2012 at 8:14am

Cora  - good feedback as well - Would Never charge a candidate

Comment by Ellen Clark on May 7, 2012 at 4:41pm

Agree that this is a great list for all of us. I would add "Plan" Every recruiter knows they must have a good daily plan. 

Comment by Michael Honer on May 9, 2012 at 9:28am

Persistence across the board is a necessity

Comment by Nicholas Naso on June 7, 2012 at 10:04pm

Couldn't agree more.  I would also include expectation setting, both with candidates and clients.  If you do this from the start, it makes the rest of the process that much easier.

Comment by Paul Alfred on June 8, 2012 at 8:15am

Great Tips Bruce... I would also add.  Great Recruiters close candidates in the interview - they make the hire, that means covering counters and not being afraid to walk away.

Comment by Bruce Rowles on August 29, 2012 at 1:43pm

thanks everyone for their feedback and thoughts.

Comment by Sunil Kumar on November 22, 2012 at 4:59am

Liked Dont afraid to ask questions - We are not here to assume anything and any question/query, we should approach and ask.

Comment by Sunil Kumar on November 22, 2012 at 4:59am

Liked Dont afraid to ask questions - We are not here to assume anything and any question/query, we should approach and ask.


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