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Started this discussion. Last reply by Thomas F.X. Licari Jun 30, 2009.
Started Jun 16, 2009
Started Jun 3, 2009
Thomas F.X. Licari has not received any gifts yet
Posted on May 26, 2009 at 10:31am
Posted on April 22, 2009 at 2:23pm
Posted on April 6, 2009 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment
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Thanks for the friendship.
I just open a new group here Wanted Scientists
that may be of interest to you and you may want to join.
2009 could be a great year.
Why get involved?
• The OFCCP is the practice of discrimination and fosters prejudice during the hiring process.
• The time for the OFCCP has past; executive order 11246 was sign into law in 1973 and needs to be reviewed to fit current times.
• The OFCCP creates adverse impact during the hiring process with their presence, undefined rules, and inability to explain rules.
• Audits are unnecessary costs to the American taxpayers and hurt the American worker.
What did the OFCCP cost you the taxpayer in 2008?
$84.2 million for FY 2008
What does enforcing the OFCCP regulations cost employers & the American worker?
• “Hundreds of millions of dollars!”
• This money could be used to create new jobs, employ more people, or build educational programs.
• Instead companies must use the money to defend their hiring practices to the OFCCP.
I would like your help – Let’s take action!
Please e-mail your state senator (find your senator here: http://is.gd/3g2x) and state representative (find your rep here: http://is.gd/74bx)
*Cut and paste the following note or write your own thoughts: ________________________________________________________________
TO… your state senator & state representative
CC… Thomas@realrecruiting.com
Subject: Stop the OFCCP and Help End Discrimination!
Please join the Thomas F.X. Licari plan to eliminate funding to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and stop discrimination.
Find more information here: http://www.illinoisrecruiters.org/StopOFCCP.htm
Other ways to get involved:
- Sign the petition to “Stop the OFCCP” http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/StopOFCCP
- Forward this petition to anyone you feel would be interested
- Do you have good or bad stories about working with the OFCCP that you would be willing to share? Please contact me directly.
- Donate your time to help fight (join our committee)
Let hire the best person for the job
Kind regards,
Thomas F.X. Licari
Office: 847-923-0822
Mobile: 847-609-9065
E-mail: thomas@realrecruiting.com
Join the Illinois Recruiters Association this Thursday 4pm!
Tickets for this event are going fast (if you'd like to attend) please RSVP so we can make sure you get a spot!
Details for the ILRA’s training seminar/networking meeting:
• Date: September 25th, 2008 Time: 4:00pm to 5:30pm
• Topic: "The Art of Behavioral Based Interviewing" - how to do it right and how it can impact your business and your career
• Presenters: *Pat Cronin, Vice President of Volt Professional Search & *Ed Newman, President of The Newman Group, a Futurestep Company.
Training Seminar Location: Crowe Horwath LLP, One Mid America Plaza, Suite 700, Oak Brook, IL 60181
• After the training seminar a Networking Happy Hour will be held at Ditka’s starting at 5:30pm, which is in the same building complex (a very short walk)
• Price: $35.00 (Seating will be limited to the first 60 people that sign up. Purchase your ticket to this exciting event now by going to our website)
Check out the Video Information:
***Video introduction from Pat Cronin, Vice President of Volt Professional Search overview "The Art of Behavioral Based Interviewing" video link: http://is.gd/2NNa and
***IRA President Thomas F.X. Licari is interviewed by Bill Vick about Illinois Recruiters Association http://is.gd/2NNx
****For complete details about the event visit our website: http://www.illinoisrecruiters.org/
Kind regards,
Thomas F.X. Licari
The Illinois Recruiters Association
Office: 847-923-0822
Mobile: 847-609-9065
E-mail: thomas@illinoisrecruiters.org
Website: www.illinoisrecruiters.org
Here’s the direct link to join the Illinois Recruiters Association on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/46943
*Recruiting/Sourcing Tip* –
- Attached is a link to one of our previously held educational classes “LinkedIn Education Class Final” which was held on 04-16-08. - http://is.gd/2va7
- Check out “Recruit Candidates Using Twitter” download the video tutorial here: http://is.gd/1Klj
Tickets for the next IRA’s training seminar/networking meeting are now available!
(Seating will be limited - Purchase your ticket to this exciting event now!)
• Date: September 25th, 2008 Time: 4:00pm to 5:30pm
• Topic: "The Art of Behavioral Based Interviewing" - how to do it right and how it can impact your business and your career
• Presenters: *Pat Cronin, Vice President Volt Professional Search & *Ed Newman, President of The Newman Group, a Futurestep Company.
• Training Seminar Location: Crowe Chizek, One Mid America Plaza, Suite 700, Oak Brook, IL 60181
• After the training seminar a Networking Happy Hour will be held at Ditka’s starting at 5:30pm, which is in the same building complex (a very short walk)
• Price: $35.00 (Seating will be limited to the first 60 people that sign up. Purchase your ticket to this exciting event now)
****For complete details about the event visit our website: http://www.illinoisrecruiters.org/
*Recruiting Tip* –
Attached is a link to one of our previously held educational classes “LinkedIn Education Class Final” which was held on 04 16 08. - http://is.gd/2va7
Kind regards,
Thomas F.X. Licari
The Illinois Recruiters Association
Office: 847-923-0822
Mobile: 847-609-9065
E-mail: thomas@illinoisrecruiters.org
Website: www.illinoisrecruiters.org
Here’s the direct link to join the Illinois Recruiters Association on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/46943
Legally Protected, Barbara Jones, President and CEO "Where Recruiting is a 'Contact' Sport!" I’m a VincentWright.com's Buddy: an active member of MVPFYahoo/MLPFning, Perfectnetworker.com, TopLinked.com, SixDegrees & a supporter of RecruitingBlogs.com. I am an open net worker, How can I make your day excellent? Portland, OR
http://www.linkedin.com/in/barbaraatapbglobaldotcom or barbara(dot)apbglobal(at)gmail(dot)com
PS: I wish you a life to be proud of; is not a statement it is a way of life and I do my best to live it.
I look forward to working with you.
Lewis Clabough
Liberty Recruiting
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