Here’s the recruiting scenario:
An executive search firm principal (let’s call him Jack) searches for and sources potential prospects via LinkedIn
Jack finds and contacts a potential prospect (let’s call her Jenny) through inMail
In his inMail message Jack introduces himself, his search firm, and briefly describes his client’s opportunity to Jenny
Jenny politely replies to Jack that she would be open to discussing the opportunity and provides her contact info and availability for a call
Jack calls Jenny the next day and leaves a voicemail and also emails her the official job description
Jenny is unable to return the call by end of day (for Jack’s time zone – 3 hours ahead), so she emails Jack to thank him for the additional information and let him know her availability for a call the next day
The following day, Jack replies to Jenny’s email and requests her resume
Jenny thinks Jack is a JackHole
Jenny’s recap (recruiter rant) of the scenario:
Resume THIS you typical jerkface recruiter! You found me on LinkedIn, liked what you saw enough to contact me, presumably to speak with me, so why do you suddenly need a resume in order to do that?
Don’t jack me around Jack!
(BTW: Jenny's LI profile is comprehensive, so her resume would be redundant at this stage)
Sounds like a Jack off.
I laugh at people like that because they don't know how inadequate LinkedIn actually is, and what about the need to tailor a resume for an opportunity? So Jenny thinks that 'one size fits all'? I doubt it. I think Jennie's head is too big to wear any hats, whatsoever... constantly expanding in diameter like a supernova. Candidates like this I put on my 'mentally ill' list. If they don't want to cooperate enough with me to get a job or an interview, then they are 'management challenges' that I would like to toss in the circular file... 'bottom of the barrel' candidates, unless they get their heads on straight, and pronto!
Don’t jack me around Jack! <- add to the T-shirt idea thread. Have a great Friday Kelly.
This was the best choice I could have made to start my friday. Thank you.
Just a thought. Try tailoring your recruiting style to the candidate you are reaching out to. This is not, nor will it ever be. a 9-5 job. We have two customers ALL the time.The client and the would be applicant. AFTER you have spoken with the person THEN ask for a resume. Frankly, any recruiter that would be this arrogant is truly useless. Well not really it is what sets me apart from most recruiters out there. When you think that you are more important then the people you are working with is when you should go into used car sales. Just my opinion. Great Friday read Kelly. I would Pin this but there is not an option for that. ;)
Better you find out about a volatile candidate up front, rather than late in the game. If something innocuous like a request for the actual resume is that upsetting, sounds like you dodged a bullet, and that's a fact - Jack.
I think going the "idiots" route is a gross generalization, and probably the reason most people stop reading comments right about HERE. PErhaps you can offer solutions, rather than just cutting people down. Seems to me that's how we could all help each other, rather than stay combative. But hey, if it's working for you, don't let us idiots get in the way.
Good recruiters don't need a resume (much to Derek's point) in order to have a conversation. You can always get that later. Unless of course the person has a barren online profile. In which case, I'm probably not reaching out anyway.
Happy Friday all, let's stay positive.
Really? A barren online profile is often a sign of a great candidate IMHO. The whole passive candidate thing often revolves around finding people who have a pretty anemic online presence, or a hidden footprint. Asking for a resume, to me, is hardly a personal inquiry since its designed to be a public marketing document.
Regarding other points made...
If you feel you're sharing too much private info on the resume why not try having an email address that is dedicated to the resume and its inquiries, a Google Voice number, and simply listing city and state or town perhaps?
Or you can simply state "I don't share my resume until later in the process, my online profile should prove sufficient for our initial conversation." without lambasting a party who has taken an interest in your career.
Of course then you need to make sure your profile is indeed accurate if you want to be taken seriously.
No one is asking you for sensitive data when they are asking for a resume, they are asking for verifiable, quantifiable data.
If I have contacted you already and you expressed even mild interest, but we haven't spoken fully yet, wouldn't I be remiss if I didn't try to get the most accurate professional information I could prior to a call? Online profiles can be faked or fudged, or simply out of date. A resume is expected to be accurate no? Can you think of a better way for me to be a SME on a candidate in advance of a lengthier conversation?
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