I know what a friggin’ Recruiting Pipeline is. It’s simple! You bundle up some resumes and email them on a regular basis to a hiring manager. Done! Pipeline! Bam!

However, this fresh-out-of-school, Jonas Brothers listening, scruffy Nerf herder Recruiter was telling ME that I didn’t know what a Recruiting Pipeline was. He said I had it all wrong. Me?! Wrong!?! Wha..wha…I’m Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Recruiting!!!

I took a deep breath. I had to calm down.

“Look,” he said, “candidates that you want to hire, that’s a true Recruiting Pipeline.”

I thought to myself: What you talking about Willis! I’ve been recruiting for over 10 years. How dare he tell me what’s a Recruiting Pipeline!

“Regularly emailing some resumes is just part of sourcing. That’s not building a pipeline, bro. But, the ones you know for sure you want to hire, then that is part of your pipeline.” He said all this as he swiveled around to answer his phone.

I felt like a hairy caveman. There I stood with my wooden club, thick bushy eyebrows with a stunned look. I just got schooled by a total Noob.

I slinked back to my cave scratching me head. I learned something new. It wasn’t so much the modern definition of a Recruiting Pipeline. This young recruiter had recently attended some conferences and frequently signed up for Recruiting Webinars.

I queued up the Rocky theme song, cracked my knuckles, and logged into Jobmachine.net and signed up for some online training. It had to be done. I need to get some schooling.

I learned a lot from Shally Steckerl and William Tincup webinar on building a recruiting brand recently. I’ve got some training to go and some under my belt now.

I shuffled back over to that little punk’s cube and was about to show off some recruiting stuff I learned, but then he pulled out his Google phone and demoed an app that pinpoints exact location of his candidates in a 5 mile radius. It was so easy a Caveman can do it he said.

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