I wasn't thinking and ordered onions on a sandwich the other day. A couple of hours later, I could smell my own putrid breath. I almost had to work out of the bathroom to cover up my halitosis. To make matters worse, I had some meetings and a candidate was on the way. Something had to be done.

I reached for my survival kit. Actually, it’s a desk drawer stocked full of stuff. Here is what I keep and you should to: A toothbrush, toothpaste (d-uh), pressed shirt, deodorant, cologne, Ibuprofen, and Vitamin-C. That is the recruiter’s survival kit.

Recruiters talk a lot and we open our mouths alot. Ever interview a candidate with stinky breath? It's an eye opener. Brush the pearly whites after lunch and your candidate will stick around to hear your corporate benefits.

Deodorant…I live in Hot Atlanta. If you ever spent an hour in the summer down here, you won’t ask why I keep deodorant handy.

Pressed shirt…somehow that extra packet of ketchup squirts out of my Chic-fil-A sandwich onto my nice white shirt from time to time. Keep a pressed shirt handy. Trust me, you don’t want look like a dork the day you give a presentation to a group of college interns. Trust me.

Cologne…again...I live in Hot Atlanta.

Purell…Do you even have to ask why this is a necessity! Every career fair somebody is picking their nose while waiting in line to shake my hand and talk about their 16 years as a programmer. You can’t wear latex gloves at career fairs but buy some Purell and you will survive every cold wintry season.

Vitamin C...done in conjunction with Purell and you won't need a flu shot.

Ibuprofen…. Let’s face it. You’ve got St. Patrick’s Day coming up. If Fred from accounting insists you imbibe on another shot of Jagermeister, it’s good to know you got some Ibuprofen at the office. As for me, I need it whenever I get a Hyperion requisition.

This post has nothing to do with recruiting?? Wrong. Sometimes, “image is everything”. You are what you eat, wear, and say. Plus, you are the first person an external candidate sees and it’s important to smell, sound, and look good.

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