Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

True Unemployment Rate on 10/5/2012 is 14.7%

This morning it was widely reported that the "unemployment rate" dropped to 7.8% - and that most of the drop was "the fact that many people simply stopped looking for a job."  That comment is very disrespectful to unemployed people who are working harder than ever to find a job.

The rate that is reported as the unemployment rate by the Bureau of Labor Statistics…


Added by Bill Humbert on October 5, 2012 at 11:30am — 8 Comments

recruiter certification - TSC technical staffing certified thru American staffing Association

TSC technical staffing certified thru American staffing Association- is useful / worth for money? i would like to learn about Per diem rules, Worker classification, H1-B visas. Is there any other institute offer course for this for less cost?

Added by jerina vincent on October 5, 2012 at 10:47am — No Comments

Update: How to Conduct Legal Background Checks - Notice Revised

As the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) takes over the enforcement of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), employers will be required to use a new version of the FCRA Summary of Rights when conducting background checks, according to…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on October 4, 2012 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

The question you must ask the hiring manager, even if you know the answer.

I have no doubt you can give candidates compelling messages about what makes your position exciting, good for their career, etc. 

So why would I want you to ask your hiring managers why they think their position is a great opportunity? For these reasons: 

It’s important for you to know how your hiring managers are “marketing/selling” their positions when they are talking to candidates. When you ask them this question, you may be appalled at how poorly they describe what's great…


Added by katherine moody on October 4, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments

The Sessions & Everything Else I’m looking forward to at #HRTechConf 2012

The HR Technology conference is less than a week away and I’m extremely excited about being able to once again attend in Chicago this year (here are my takeaways from last year).  As always, the conference remains one of the best ways to stay current with the important trends happening in the HR and recruitment technology space and see the cool new innovations that are on the…


Added by Chris Brablc on October 4, 2012 at 8:38am — 1 Comment

Mitch Sullivan, Recruiter

Mitch2 Place: Recruiting Animal Show

Original Air Date: Wed Oct 03, 2012

Listen: Click here

Mitch on:…


Added by Recruiting Animal on October 3, 2012 at 2:30pm — 28 Comments

On Awareness

By Jennifer Brownell, Managing Director, Q4B


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a time set aside once a year to attempt to get everyone’s attention on a national level regarding this deadly disease. It is not merely about heightening the awareness of the disease itself, although that is important. But unless you have been living…


Added by Jennifer Brownell on October 3, 2012 at 2:20pm — 4 Comments

The similarities of recruiting and hunting

I live in Austin, Texas that is arguably one of the best cities in the United States. Not only is Austin the Capital of Texas, it is widely known for its music, nightlife, restaurants, lakes, rolling hills, and the The University of Texas.  Our family calls Austin home. Even though all of us all have traveled extensively, none of us would want to live…


Added by Will Thomson on October 3, 2012 at 12:30pm — 11 Comments

Here’s Why the Deal Sucks for Monster

In all the hoopla last week surrounding the acquisition, most pundits overlooked how bad it was for Monster and its job board brethren.

According to a source who wanted to remain anonymous, Recruit Co., Indeed’s buyer, had a deal with Monster on the table as well. Indeed’s pricetag was rumored to be $1.2 billion while Monster wanted $1.4 billion.

So, a measly $200…


Added by Joel Cheesman on October 3, 2012 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

Inside the Brain of the Passive Candidate

Over the past few weeks I've been working with Entelo to create this infographic. It shows the signals that passive candidates give off when they're maybe getting more receptive to a recruiter's call. Check it out and then download the passive candidate white paper herefor even more info like:

  • 18 Signals of…

Added by Maren Hogan on October 3, 2012 at 10:56am — 5 Comments

Social recruiting. Online is where the seduction takes place… but offline is where the consummation happens.

In my last blog post I listed 25 things I said at the RCSA Conference that apparently inspired, concerned and irritated the audience in equal part. Read about those in…


Added by Greg Savage on October 3, 2012 at 10:28am — 5 Comments

US Online Job Market declines 0.6% in September 2012

The US online job market is drifting along. In September, employers nationwide posted 0.6% fewer job openings than in August. Year-over-year demand is down 3.6%. This further confirms that employers keep sitting on their hands waiting for reasons to be more optimistic. The US payroll is growing incrementally, an indication that employers hire only when desperate. They are looking for more signs of consumption.

The Indicators for consumer confidence…


Added by Henning Seip on October 3, 2012 at 8:19am — 2 Comments

PRODUCT REVIEW: LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn releases "LinkedIn Endorsements," a system that lets users endorse the skills listed on a LinkedIn profile. Plus, Jim is a bit happy about returning for a new season of his show. Tune in to see for yourself.

Added by Jim Stroud on October 2, 2012 at 11:47pm — 3 Comments

The Q4 Sprint

When Olympians Usain Bolt and Sanya Richards-Ross each won gold in their events this past summer, they did so by literally running full out. Their minds and bodies remained fully engaged up to and even past the finish line. Imagine if they went about this differently, instead taking time towards the end of the race to acknowledge their supporters or wave to their fans. In such a…


Added by Scott Wintrip on October 2, 2012 at 11:20am — No Comments

Professional Sectors Experiencing Record Demand for Contractors

Demand for temporary/contract workers in the professional sector is expected to exceed previous records in 2012 and 2013, according to Staffing Industry Analysts' U.S. Staffing Industry Forecast.

Specifically, the IT Staffing and Engineering/Design industry…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on October 2, 2012 at 10:59am — No Comments

What’s ahead: why I’m attending HR Tech next week

Being a full time consultant is wonderful – I have the opportunity to work with hundreds of interesting clients, tackle unusual and cutting edge projects, and yes, get paid for it. But there is a drawback – although I’m in contact with dozens of people every week via phone, email, Skype, and Twitter, I don’t actually see them. I’m here in Iowa, and they’re…well, all over the world.

Conferences are a great way to see your colleagues and…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on October 2, 2012 at 9:06am — 1 Comment

When sourcing seems to be the problem yet isn’t the solution

Countless times recruiters tell me they need better and/or more ways to source candidates. This understandably seems to be the solution when: 

  • Searches have been open for a long time, and everyone is unhappy with how things are going
  • The hiring manager rejects candidates the recruiter thinks fit the requirements
  • Changes are made to title, requirements, and/or duties in an attempt to attract qualified candidates without any input from the recruiter
  • The…

Added by katherine moody on October 2, 2012 at 8:00am — 3 Comments

Are You a Certified Recruiter? Why Not?

Well, in the title it is simply answers for my marketing plan for the year. Are you certified? Why not?

Simple: When building your  recruiting business you will also have the opportunity to invest in all kinds of marketing. Certification is a marketing opportunity. You have invested in your education and  you have taken the time to know the law. I am marketing to fortune 500 companies to use recruiters that are certified. Can you compete with me? There are a lot of options today.…


Added by Joan Bosscawen on October 1, 2012 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

The Makeup of a great Staffing Professional!!

The Makeup of a great Staffing Professional!!

So what is the secret sauce to being a great Staffing Professional? That is a question that has been debated for years, so I figured it’s time to answer it.

A great staffing professional will be inquisitive, they will be a hunter, a salesman, a writer, a PM and more. However the barebones of what makes a great staffing professional great is simple.

A great Staffing professional will be; quick of wit and…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 1, 2012 at 8:00pm — No Comments

The Truth About Job Postings

We’re all familiar with job postings. At some point you probably spent hours sifting through them to find your next job, so you know the basics. That’s why it’s surprising that so many are dense, boring and bland. It’s like everyone that writes a job posting forgets how our brains work when we’re looking for a job.…


Added by Cody Pierson on October 1, 2012 at 4:40pm — 5 Comments

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