Are you starting to make money in recruitment again? I don’t mean the nickels and dimes, I mean are you starting to make some serious money that you made earlier in this decade? If not then, maybe you should see how to reposition yourself.
The first thing you should do when repositioning yourself is understand where the economy is heading and what the economy will demand in the coming quarters. One of the best resources for recruiters who want to… Continue
For months we’ve been talking with those unfortunate IT professionals that have been affected by the economic downturn through RIF, layoffs, outsourcing, etc. about being flexible in their search. Flexible in the type of work they’ll do, their commuting distance, the salary they’ll accept…and finally we told them to be flexible in where they live and that while selling a house may be daunting there career livelihood may depend on it. However, after hearing… Continue
The appeal of applicant tracking systems (ATS) for employers is obvious: they promise to bring order to the often disordered process of managing job applicants. An ATS can theoretically drive all job applicants into a single pipeline, massage their unruly information into neatly ordered database fields set up exactly as the employer desires, and allow HR to actually manage the interactions with applicants.
Sometimes the ATS works well – and sometimes (like all software) it doesn’t.… Continue
Last week, a final year MBA student wanted me to coach him, as he was keen to move into HR, in itself a little unusual career choice. In talking to his university career manager, he was an excellent student with a passion for HR. Now HR is not always seen as the preferred choice for ambitious, talented and commercially orientated graduates, which is his profile.
At times, I am still amazed and also a little disappointed, when I read the criticism by HR people of HR and it’s value to… Continue
(This column was originally published in SNEWS, the most trusted outdoor and fitness industry news source since 1984.
King Louis XVII of France once said, "Punctuality is the courtesy of kings." Nearly 200 years later, some businesspeople still haven't perfected this courtesy. If you have an appointment to meet someone, and that person is late, how long should you wait?
No matter where you are on the food chain,… Continue
Added by Eric Raynard on November 9, 2009 at 9:14pm —
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I know the MLB World Series is over and the Yankees have been crowned the champs but there was an interesting side story that I think really applies to your job search. Cole Hamels, superstar pitcher and MVP of last years World Series and National League Championship Series (yeah he’s kind of a big deal), really upset fans when he said he couldn’t wait for the season to be over. The problem - he said this after a poor outing and losing pitching effort against the Yankees in game 3 of the World… Continue
Driving in my car today, in what turned out to be a drive down nostalgia lane. I'd hit THAT radio station, you know the one which somehow talked to me... it kept playing song after song, which just reminded me of my younger carefree days. This song came on, merging my current reality with my willful past... Magic.
Here I was signing out loud, probably scaring my son for life, and then I started hearing the lyrics, and my mind started tying them in with tweets… Continue
The energy was alive, pulsating, and electric. That's what happens when 50 like-minded people gather to discuss HR and blogging. We discussed how we learn to use social media to disseminate a message, open the streams of communication, and transform the way we blog and thus communicate with our colleagues, employees and friends.
Over the next few weeks, I plan to interview the conference planners, presenters and a few of the guests. What I want to offer you is a flavor of the… Continue
Added by Margo Rose on November 9, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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You’re off to the big conference, your booth is ready and the iPhone is charged but do you know how to utilize Twitter to squeeze every possible opportunity out of this conference?
1. Identify Yourself!
Any technology conference that is not held out of someone’s garage will have a hashtag associated with it. Hashtags make your tweets more easily searchable and let readers know what content your tweet will include. Confused? Search #hrtech on Twitter or and… Continue
Added by Adam Weise on November 9, 2009 at 2:38pm —
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If you are in a relationship, or know someone who is, you’ve quite likely experienced first or second hand the “We” Syndrome. We love that restaurant. We always listen to Jazz. We are trying to get pregnant. There’s a time and a place for every pronoun – But when it comes to your spouse’s job search, save the “we” for your favorite kind of pizza.
Last week I got an interesting call. I had been working with a… Continue
I find it fitting that the 20th anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Walls falls squarely one day after the end of the first ever Human Resource HR Evolution (un)conference.
The Human Resource industry is at an impasse. For years, HR has been the voice to deliver the message often controlled by the actions and… Continue
Calling Candidates from the Job Boards and they have already been contacted?
Looking for unique skills and having a difficult time locating them?
Need Another Tool but can’t afford the expense of adding another Job Board?
We have been in the staffing business since the mid 1990’s and know how frustrating
and expensive resume searches can be. Recruiters need the tools to be… Continue
Added by Joe Limboo on November 9, 2009 at 12:47pm —
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You're talented, got a great background, and an updated resume, yet you seem to be waiting and waiting for the phone to ring for that next interview. WHY? It could be your resume is missing the mark.
As a job seeker in the legal profession, you need a resume firm that speaks your language. We have… Continue
Well… I visit your website first time and found this site very useful and interesting! Well… you guys doing nice work and I just want to say that keep rocking and keep it up!!!!
Sara employment agencies
Added by Verronica Thomas on November 8, 2009 at 11:53pm —
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What do you want from your job right now? Maybe you just want a job. It’s not so much that you have to settle for the next best thing that comes along, It’s not like they are banging down the door offering you a job either. Sometimes you crave for just a little more. But who can you trust in knowing whether the decision to want something more is the right one? If you can’t trust yourself who can you trust? Sometimes all you want is a little, bigger, better and yes, a career with some… Continue
Added by Lisa Kaye on November 8, 2009 at 10:13pm —
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