All Blog Posts Tagged 'resume' (501)

Resume Parsing System Built just for

I wanted to show you something that I think is really a great little tool that Hireability has built and co-branded with

It is a resume parser that sits on top of Microsoft outlook and essentially, you take a folder of resumes and click a button and the system extracts all the information from that resume and creates a contact in your email for that candidate, including the resume which is searchable. It's… Continue

Added by Slouch on August 20, 2009 at 10:30am — 11 Comments

Chicago, Texas and Berkeley MBA Resume Books Available Now!

The following graduate business schools’ resume book databases have been or will be released during the next month:

Resume Books Available Now: (in alphabetical order)

UT at Austin - McCombs School of Business…


Added by Ryan Pratt on August 13, 2009 at 9:09am — No Comments

Pick Up the Dang Phone (and take it to the bank).

At the risk of starting a blizzard of spitballs and chewing gum wads, I'm going to bring up a touchy subject. Why the heck not? I never won a popularity contest, was never voted class president (or class anything), and had to invite my own date to my prom. Hell, when I was a kid, even my mother sold my favorite blouse at a garage sale for ten cents.

Ever know when people screen their calls? You just never seem to connect, but the voicemail doesn't pick up…


Added by Amy Renz on August 10, 2009 at 4:30pm — 7 Comments

Upcoming MBA Resume Book Releases in August 2009

The following graduate business schools’ resume book databases will be released in the next 30 days for you to begin searching and filtering though the world's best MBA candidates. If you haven’t already pre-ordered, you can now. Get a jump on your competition today!

Upcoming Resume Book Releases: (in order by release date)…


Added by Ryan Pratt on July 27, 2009 at 9:36am — No Comments

Give your resume the FLICK

This morning, I spoke with Annemarie Cross & Keith Keller on their weekly radio show, discussing how job seekers can give their resume the "FLICK" (Format, Layout, Image, Consistency & Keywords).

Original blog post here… Continue

Added by Thomas Shaw on July 27, 2009 at 1:00am — No Comments

Do you need resume help? These tips are priceless!

Professional resume writing services offer the promise of putting together a top-notch resume for job seekers. While I don’t doubt there intentions, I do believe that you can put together an equally professional resume for a lot less money! Not $100…not $80…not $50….how about zero dollars!! That’s right, you can design a world-class resume (just like the pro’s) and it won’t cost you a dime. Here’s how:

· Forget the age old rule that a resume should be only one page long. Your career,… Continue

Added by Excel Recruiting on June 24, 2009 at 9:34pm — No Comments

Laid off and done Badly

As the economic condition continues in its turbulent rant and rave cycle, the consistent flow of layoffs seem to effect and detract from every sector without relief. In this, I try to look for the benefits that are offered to those employees in their transition. How do employees view their employers and how did the layoff go in terms of process and respect.

Well, to no ones surprise, least of all mine - they do not do a good job. A recent poll suggested the following figures which… Continue

Added by Jason Monastra on June 23, 2009 at 9:35am — No Comments

Has some one tried free online resume parsing service on

There is a free online resume parsing (Automatic extraction of candidate information like name, email id, mobile number, company name, designation, salary, education etc) service on The site allows resume parsing, performing criterion based Boolean search on parameters like key word, current company, designation, qualification and location etc and taking… Continue

Added by Gaurav Mittal on June 18, 2009 at 1:30pm — 15 Comments

Expand Your Talent Search to Find the Perfect Match

Employers need to ask themselves: "Are we missing out on some very talented, very experienced candidates in these other MBA populations?" The answer is yes. Over the past few years, the gap has closed between the full-time MBA student and these experienced part-time, evening, executive and alumni MBAs. Companies are sitting on an amazing pool of talent. And it's reachable though MultiPost job postings and in searchable online resume books powered by… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on June 16, 2009 at 10:43am — No Comments

5 Networking Sites to See!

sitesee Most of you know the major social networking sites (Facebook®, LinkedIN®.) Well, there are a few out there you may not know about that are starting to emerge as viable networking places (membership, hits, growth, etc.) even though they may not be what you would think as a social network. If you aren't on or visiting these, you should check them out and get on at least a couple. By the way, I am not… Continue

Added by Bill Meirs on June 4, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Two-Face book

networkFB Obviously I am not the first to weigh in on the pros and cons of using social networking sites like Facebook ®, etc. I was actually late to the party getting on FB because I thought it was more for the much younger crowd, but it has become quite a useful tool for me to re-connect with people and also to get the word out about my business and blog and has yielded rewards.

I am much less an "open… Continue

Added by Bill Meirs on May 28, 2009 at 11:39am — No Comments

Networking using LinkedIn®, part 2 of 2

pic_logo_119x32 2

OK, so last time we spoke about setting up your LI account and basics you need to get going. Today, we will talk about some basic hints on using it to find a job.

We will assume you have gotten some recommendations and have made connections to whomever you can. One thing I didn't get into last post was "open networking", because I didn't… Continue

Added by Bill Meirs on May 19, 2009 at 1:49pm — No Comments

Networking using LinkedIn® for job seekers, part 1 of 2

pic_logo_119x32 Most people have heard of LinkedIn® (LI) and may even have an account. What I want to discuss today is if you are looking for a job and don't have a LI account (a basic account that is free is all you need), get one. If you have one, some easy things to make it work better for you.

First, a brief (well, we'll see about that) history of LI. It started out as a business to business networking platform… Continue

Added by Bill Meirs on May 13, 2009 at 9:07am — No Comments

Be the Solution

Take a step back from the job seeker perspective and take a look at the hiring manager”s perspective. The hiring manager is hiring because he has a problem. He either is in need of additional help or he is not satisfied with an employee and he wants to replace that employee. The hiring manager has a problem, you may not know exactly what the problem is but he is looking for a solution to his problem so he is hiring.

The challenge for the interviewee is to be the solution. The hiring… Continue

Added by Rob D on May 12, 2009 at 12:23pm — 2 Comments

All these resumes and Where do They Go?

I noticed a very interesting blog yesterday about a new recruiter inquiring about choosing and the validity of:

ATS. A woman responded that they, ATS"s, were a waste of time unless you have a data entry person, and even then there value were was questionable.

My situation is different, but has similarities. I do have an ATS system that I have never really developed or used fully. It also only cost 200 dollars. It will do some automatic data entry, particularly if you set up a… Continue

Added by Michael Sullivan on April 29, 2009 at 12:26pm — 1 Comment

Nail your Interview!

I usually don't plug other people's services on this blog, but in these difficult times you need to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack when you interview. I have worked with Greg Chenevert for a few years now and have found him to be the most effective coach on all things related to communication. He has worked to help all types of people improve their communications in the areas of sales, interviewing, networking, writing. Even political… Continue

Added by Bill Meirs on March 24, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

Top 10 Resume Tips

After having gone through a lay off during the holidays, I started doing something I thought I would never do: I started my own business helping folks with their resumes!

Especially in this market there are so many candidates for the few available positions out there, you have to know how to stand out and land an interview. So here is a link to my article on the top 10 resumes tips so you can learn better how to write a resume:…


Added by Steve on March 19, 2009 at 11:09pm — No Comments

Soon, you'll know which recruiter placed the most python developers in NYC - and so will everyone else!

Resume Genome Project - A Wheel of Fortune for your career development

Has Amazon ever told you, "People like you bought these other books."? It's a great feature and it's all built off of the shopping habits of real people. What if you could do the same thing with everyone's resume and find out what everyone else was out there doing? You could know what people with your major do for a living, or what jobs people do next after they have yours. What skills do you need in public… Continue

Added by Peter Clayton on March 17, 2009 at 9:27pm — No Comments

If a Tree Falls in the Forest...

Dear Claudia,

A friend I went to college with has applied for a position at the company I work for. He's been out of work for a while and definitely has the skills to do the job, but there's a small problem: he lied about graduating and his degree on the resume. We don't verify education in the background check, and I really don't consider this to be a deal breaker; should I just let it slide?


Dear Gate Keeper,

I'm not sure I… Continue

Added by Claudia Faust on February 25, 2009 at 1:12am — No Comments

Good Resumes in Bad Times

In this economy, I wanted to reach out to candidates and give the do’s and don'ts of writing not just a good, but an EFFECTIVE RESUME. I asked my very opinionated team of K. Russo Associates executive recruiters to write down all the things that we as recruiters (and therefore Human Resource managers) find helpful and annoying when reading over a resume.

The Top DO’s for Good Resume Writing

• Use a clean and simple font; stay away from anything cursive or hard to… Continue

Added by Karen Russo on February 17, 2009 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

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