Lucia Adams's Blog (200)

The Value of HR Certifications

Globally the demand for Human Resource professionals is very high. This resulted in the need for renowned and globally accepted HR certifications. If an individual is HR certified, he/she will have scope for great career development, plenty of growth opportunities, global recognition, professional confidence and satisfaction, attractive salaries, desired job role in top organizations, more respect, and many more. The HR…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 8, 2022 at 4:17am — No Comments

Putting the leash of capability management on HR Certifications

For far too long, even in the eyes of HR Leaders, along with other have held the view that HR certifications have only been centered around the fact on what does a professional know and not on what he/she could do. Taken the case of accountants, people need to clear an examination as a pre-requisite to becoming employable. When compared to talent management specializations, focus now needs to be driven towards what really the…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 7, 2022 at 1:24am — No Comments


Data science has become the most sought-after technical courseware and its wave has caught the world by a rave storm and is taking the technological revolution to newer heights. it is sure to be believed that the enormity of the data is the reason for the humungous data science demand.

Data science is being used by all businesses that want to utilize this data to build models that will help them grow their businesses by understanding trends, buyers’ choices, and…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 3, 2022 at 11:47am — No Comments


Deep learning is a way to automate predictive analytics. While traditional machine learning algorithms are linear, deep learning algorithms are stacked in a hierarchy of increasing complexity and abstraction. Computer programs that use deep learning go through much the same process as a toddler learning to identify an object or an animal. Each…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 1, 2022 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Time to supercharge employee engagement strategies

46 percent of the main cause of stress is the workload of an employee, with people issues at 28 percent, followed by juggling work and personal lives and job security at 6 percent.

-The American Institute of Stress

As the HR leaders, one can lessen stress in the workplace by creating a healthy workplace environment. A healthy workplace environment is the best to maintain positive results in a stressful…


Added by Lucia Adams on June 21, 2022 at 4:22am — No Comments

What Is Causing Data Scientists To Quit Their Jobs?

You spent years studying data science in the hopes of breaking into the field as a data scientist. After several rejections, you finally receive a response from an interviewer. You are going to get hired. All of your efforts have finally paid off.

While this appears to be a very pleasant conclusion, the story does not finish here. You are demotivated, fatigued, and tired after a few months on the job. The company expectations are quite different from your outputs and your employer is…


Added by Lucia Adams on June 7, 2022 at 6:37am — No Comments

USAII™ conducts International Scholarship Exam 2022 to award 100% scholarship for Students

Stamford, CT, May 27, 2022 – The world-renowned artificial intelligence certification provider, United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII™) will conduct International Scholarship Exam 2022 on June 18, 19, 25, and 26, this year. According to USAII™, this is a students-only exam that will be conducted across the globe to…


Added by Lucia Adams on May 27, 2022 at 12:41pm — No Comments


It’s always a great idea to enrich your knowledge base about your favourite field of study. Knowledge is not only cumulative, it grows exponentially. Those with a rich base of factual knowledge find it easier to learn more. It also enhances cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning to a great extent. In today’s times, it is very convenient to gather information about any topic of your interest on the internet. Talking about data sciences, the hottest job role doing the rounds…


Added by Lucia Adams on April 14, 2022 at 5:52am — No Comments

The Best Ways to keep employees motivated at work 2022

Employee retention is a primary goal for almost any company, and it's easy to see why: losing people means losing important assets and institutional knowledge, as well as reduced productivity and morale among remaining team members.

  • Almost 70 percent of firms believe that the attrition rate has a detrimental effect because of the costs of recruiting, employing, and training a new employee, as well as the overtime work required of current employees until the company can fill the…

Added by Lucia Adams on March 14, 2022 at 2:01am — No Comments

HR careers: What is next for HR professionals?

Human resource management (HRM) encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including, but not limited to, hiring, coaching, managing, and ensuring employee growth. The department is focused on achieving the organizational goals through employing the right individuals who meet the company's culture, values, criteria, and vision. They also try to provide a safe, healthy, stress-free, challenging, and credible work environment for their employees, as well as to assist them in achieving their…


Added by Lucia Adams on March 9, 2022 at 6:39am — No Comments

Job outlook of an Accountant

Accounting is an exciting field of commerce and career prospects in this get on increasing depending on the market requirements. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects 6.9 percent employment growth for accountants between 2020 and 2030. In that period, an estimated 96,000 jobs will be available.

Several finance and accounting professionals are choosing a career in this field as it offers innumerable opportunities in various industries, attractive…


Added by Lucia Adams on March 3, 2022 at 8:34am — No Comments

Hiring trends shaping the future of recruitment

Even before Covid-19, technological advances and methods of working were reshaping the way companies sourced and employed personnel, and the outbreak has just added to this fluidity. The old workplace is no longer relevant, and new employment models can be found everywhere. Talent, Diversity, and Inclusion are more vital than ever before, as new skills and abilities are in high demand.

According to research by the World Economic Forum:

  • Over 84 percent of…

Added by Lucia Adams on February 9, 2022 at 4:01am — No Comments

6 ways in which the toll-free number benefits SMEs

Telemarketing is still in demand in this era of social media and digital marketing, as the number of mobile users is growing at an exponential rate. As a result, your company should implement a telemarketing strategy to establish a trustworthy brand image and provide smooth services to your clients at the same time. Similarly, toll-free numbers benefit startups and small enterprises. It might make your company appear welcoming and reputable to customers. Let us look at how…


Added by Lucia Adams on January 21, 2022 at 2:55am — No Comments

Top 5 text to speech solution providers in India

Are you finding an effective text-to-speech solution for your business? In general, the text-to-speech solution will provide an unforgettable experience for the customer, and it will become an integral part of your business in customer services. It instantly offers answers to all the customer's queries related to your business, including pronunciation difficulties and the tone of the answering voices. Narration and the human voice are quite the recipe to make online customers more interested…


Added by Lucia Adams on December 23, 2021 at 10:37pm — No Comments

Top 10 Unique Future Careers And How To Acquire Skills For Them?

The rate of adoption of newer and advanced technologies is increasing at a faster pace. The work of humans is no longer limited to basic jobs. Humans are being replaced by robots and AI in jobs at a lower level. Advanced technologies have reduced the workforce and almost everything is now digitalized.



Added by Lucia Adams on December 9, 2021 at 5:30am — No Comments

Key Strategies to Retain Employees at the Workplace

Even highly productive employees, at a certain point, consider turning in their resignations, anticipating a potential job opportunity that comes their way. High employee turnover rates leave organizations wondering about the crucial factors that make their staff quit or at least think about switching to other companies.

Reasons for employee…


Added by Lucia Adams on November 26, 2021 at 12:19am — No Comments

How to become a data engineer: Career path, and salary

Companies can gather massive data, and they need the right technology and people to ensure that the data can be used properly by the time it reaches data scientists and analysts. Here is when data engineering comes to play. Data engineering is the practice of building and designing systems for storing, evaluating, and collecting data at scale. Working as a data engineer can give an individual an opportunity to make a difference globally where we will be developing 463…


Added by Lucia Adams on November 8, 2021 at 6:23am — No Comments

Click-To-Call: Know How It Impacts the Customer Experience

Click-to-call is one of the most popular cloud technologies companies use to enable prospective and existing customers to connect with them faster. It is a real-time-based calling widget strategically placed on the website or mobile app. It is easily visible on the web page or mobile app, and users need to tap on the button to get a call back from the company's representatives. Let's discuss how the solution impacts CX and leads to better sales. 



Added by Lucia Adams on October 21, 2021 at 3:17am — No Comments

Build Better Customer Relations With Virtual Number

Maintaining strong relationships with your customers and prospects is often the fundamental factor to the growth of a business. If the way you deal with customers and manage their needs and expectations is great, you can expect your business to grow by leaps and bounds. There is in fact a direct correlation between customers experience and sales. Gone are the times when customer relationships and their relevance to business survival and growth were overlooked. The most simple way businesses…


Added by Lucia Adams on October 5, 2021 at 1:57am — No Comments

Salaries of data analyst in US

The demand for data experts is expected to grow by at least 19 percent in 2026.

  • Burning Glass

According to a report from the International Data Corporation (IDC), the global big data and business analytics market is expanding at a quick clip over the last few years, leaping from US$122 billion in global revenue in 2015 to US$189 billion in 2019 and driving towards a projected US$274 billion for 2022.

Several firms today have understood the value of…


Added by Lucia Adams on September 14, 2021 at 7:29am — No Comments

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