Recruiting Blogs (24,307)

And in the Beginning… or… Am I Primed to Start the Day?

You wake up in the morning, hopefully after a full night of sleep (made possible by a lack of problems in the mind..Or you are starting a new position.) and would like to think you will take on the world and win.

How? Do you have a plan? Do you have a routine or ritual? Or do you just run “off the cuff” and hope all the day-stars will line up correctly…


Added by Daniel J Smith on September 1, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

4 Awesome Facebook Apps For Recruiters and Employers

Meeting your candidates where they are is the biggest part of social recruiting these days. Syndicating your jobs to IndeedSimplyHired etc., is great, but more and more job seekers are straying away from the traditional job boards and looking to social media sites to find jobs and learn about companies they may want to work for. Here are four… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on August 31, 2011 at 5:16pm — 7 Comments

Project Solutions vs. One-Off Transactional Sales: How to Provide More Value to Clients

Your objective in a transactional sale is to sell your product or service: “This is what I have, do you want it?” There’s nothing wrong with that, especially if you make the sale!

But if more business and a long-term relationship with clients is what you’re after, you need to think about selling solutions. Selling project solutions is a different objective, which requires a different approach: “What do you need? I’ll provide it for you.”

A relationship sale is based on your…


Added by Tim Giehll on August 31, 2011 at 2:56pm — No Comments

You Think You Aced the Interview? Chances Are, You Should Keep Looking…

So you have been looking for a new gig for a while and finally you find one that is worth checking out.  You get on LinkedIn and see if you know anyone in your network working there now or even in the past.  You find out the company is indeed a place you could see yourself in the future and continue to take the next steps.     You ask your colleague to make an introduction for you with the hiring…


Added by Adam Bogren on August 31, 2011 at 1:05pm — 7 Comments

What I Learned on My Summer Vacation


Dear Friends,

I'm want to do a few shows in which people call in and tell us 1 thing they learned over the last few months.

You'll get from 5 to 15 minutes to spill your guts (and argue with us if your story is interesting).

The topics desired: Something related to careers and recruiting.

This is a good way for Animal…


Added by Recruiting Animal on August 31, 2011 at 11:00am — 12 Comments

A Recruiter's Worst Nightmare

I was traveling last month visiting clients in Detroit and overheard a few people at the hotel talking about an article in the Wall Street Journal.  Anytime I hear a conversation that has anything to do with people looking for a job, my ears always perk up.  After all… once a recruiter always a recruiter.  I reached over and picked up the Journal to see what the buzz was about. I saw the article on the first page, “The Unemployed Worker’s New Friend: Outsourcers”.  My first thought, it may…


Added by Melissa on August 31, 2011 at 10:39am — 1 Comment

Workplace Conflict: How do you take responsibility?

Challenge Consulting has a Facebook page. “Like” us now to stay in touch re our new blog posts, weekly poll, links and more …



Added by Kate Dass on August 30, 2011 at 11:54pm — No Comments

The Problem With Corporate Recruiters

Lemmings.  Junior HR twerps. Gatekeepers.  Obstacles.  Just plain “in-the-way-of-the-real-work-the-grown-ups-are-doing”.


Now before anyone starts setting the comment section on fire, please note that I am myself a corporate recruiter.  I don’t think I fall into ANY of those categories, nor do any of my excellent co-workers.  In fact, I work internally for one of the very few companies I would ever consider going in house for.  Many of these issues don’t apply to me, but some…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on August 30, 2011 at 8:34pm — 16 Comments

The Biggest Categories of Jobs Through Staffing Agencies

Even in a sluggish economy, staffing and recruiting professionals need high-quality staffing resources. Believe it or not, there are many industries that are having trouble finding good people.  For these industries, staffing agencies are a great resource to help them find, filter and fill their open positions…


Added by Tim Giehll on August 30, 2011 at 4:21pm — No Comments

I (f----ng) Quit!

In times of change, positive or negative, I always preach professionalism and respect in the process. Of course, my opinion does not always prevail. I’ve been witness to some outrageous parting tactics. One particularly outrageous circumstance is shared below.


On a relatively uneventful Friday afternoon I received an email from a gentleman that I’d communicated with in the past on a Recruiter/ Candidate basis.  I, along with 1,214 other people were CC’d…


Added by Jeremy Spring on August 30, 2011 at 1:33pm — 4 Comments

How to Stop Worrying and Love Your Career


Cross-posted from The Green Suits:


They've got talent. They've got smarts. They also have $400 left in the checking account. Out of work for months--they despair that their best days have passed. Sound like anyone you know? (Sound like everyone you know?)

None of us planned for…


Added by Dan Smolen on August 30, 2011 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

Going Beyond the Job Boards: Grandma's Chicken Soup #31

I apologize for the tardiness in publishing this week's edition of Grandma's Chicken Soup.  Hurricane Irene and a loss of power delayed this week's blog, but the Soup continued to simmer.  I hope everyone is safe and well on the east coast.

The HireClix team will be headed to the…


Added by Scott Ryan on August 30, 2011 at 10:18am — No Comments

4 sourcing methods to begin growing your Talent Network!

As recruiting becomes more and more competitive across industries, it's becoming more important than ever to begin capturing qualified candidates and building your Talent Network.  Having your own Talent Network can help your organization improve your recruiting results and provides the following potential benefits:

  • Fill positions faster: Once you have a Talent Network in place, you should be able to fill some of your positions utilizing these candidates.  Once…

Added by Chris Brablc on August 30, 2011 at 10:14am — No Comments

Creating Success and Happiness; Putting The Right People, In The Right Roles

Last Thursday, the CEO of one of the most successful businesses in the world announced his resignation. Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple is signing off to a new era. Jobs has been on sick leave since January of this year and has told the press, “"I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let…


Added by Emily Eastman on August 30, 2011 at 9:43am — No Comments

Recruiting Agencies Posted over 390,000 New Jobs Online in July

In July, staffing agencies posted more than 390,000 new online job ads, the highest volume so far this year.  Job ads by recruiting and staffing firms were up 10% from the previous month and 32% from July 2010. Since the beginning of the year, staffing firms have advertised more than 2.5 million jobs in the US, accounting for 28% of all jobs that have been listed online.


Hiring Demand by Staffing Firms over the past 4…


Added by Carolyn Menz on August 30, 2011 at 9:16am — No Comments

US Online Job Market up 0.5% in August. Job Market likely to weaken.

There was not much movement in the US online job market in August. Employers remained undecided about the direction they want to go. The monthly average of job openings increased slightly (up 0.5%) in August as compared to July. The online labor demand was 13.2% higher than in August of last year.


United States Job Openings (Online Postings)

January 2007 - August 2011…


Added by Henning Seip on August 30, 2011 at 9:00am — 10 Comments

The Power of Thank You

Photo credit: Wordle

When was the last time you said thank you?  If you can’t remember, then it’s been too long.  I just started reading a book written by someone that I’ve met and have a great deal of respect for regarding their leadership.  The book is…


Added by Kirk Baumann on August 30, 2011 at 7:30am — 4 Comments

How to Get the Most Bang for your Buck – dreamforce.

If you learn one thing in the tech startup space, it’s that things are ever changing and evolving. Who’s hot now? Who’s hiring? Who’s firing? What’s the latest and greatest? How do you stay in the know?


One way to be in the midst of the action is to clear your calendar for next week and float among the Dreamforce-ers that will be invading the city. Each has their own goal whether it includes networking, selling a product, increasing brand image, partying or just simply being…


Added by Caitlin Wells on August 29, 2011 at 11:51pm — 1 Comment

Recession Over, After Shock Still In Effect: Retain and Obtain Top Talent

Though the most recent recession was said to of ended over a year ago, the nation is still feeling the effect of the aftershock in the work place. Companies are rethinking their hiring processes, and using this post recession economy to retain their top talent as well as nurture their key contributors’ development. …


Added by Emily Eastman on August 29, 2011 at 12:55pm — No Comments

Evaluating a Job Offer

Author: Denise Bradford


Finally!  The call you have been waiting for,  an offer of employment.  You are over-whelmed with excitement and feel valued, but now you are faced with a difficult decision.  Do you accept or decline?  Fortunately, most companies will not expect you to make a decision the day you receive the offer.  You are normally given a week to make a decision.  There are many things…


Added by Kara Stringer on August 29, 2011 at 10:44am — No Comments

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