Lucia Adams's Blog (200)

Jobs that are in High Demand in 2019

It is the…


Added by Lucia Adams on December 17, 2018 at 5:39am — No Comments

HR Certification – Your Gateway to Success

There is a dramatic rise in the demand for HR professionals who are not only well-versed with the latest tools and technology but are also certified. Yes, as the recruiters and hiring managers have realized the importance and benefits of certifications in human resources, the demand is rising.

So if you are seeking a career in human resources or…


Added by Lucia Adams on December 11, 2018 at 11:54pm — No Comments

Tips for Running a Successful Executive Recruiting Firm

Recruiting is a tricky business, especially, if you are looking to recruit a top-notch executive for an extremely important position. Keeping that into consideration, I write this article today to offer some useful tips that you may follow when recruiting eminent executives.

Before enlightening you with the route to successful executive recruiting, here is an explanation of what that term actually means.

Executive Recruiting

It is a procedure in which…


Added by Lucia Adams on December 7, 2018 at 2:14am — No Comments


Many of the changes that will occur in the future within organizations will be spearheaded by a new demographic of professionals- the stage is set for millennial leadership to become a predominant feature is the corporate world. This has become an international phenomenon which will become more evident in the coming decade as we orient ourselves with the coming changes and how it will impact the experience of working under particular leaders. This is even more important for key leadership…


Added by Lucia Adams on November 28, 2018 at 1:30am — No Comments

Encouraging Learning from Mistakes in E-Learning

Mistakes are a part of learning. If your learners have never make a mistake, then it is likely that the material was not sufficiently advanced or challenging. And yet, despite this, the lessons which are designed to help students learn from…


Added by Lucia Adams on October 18, 2018 at 1:32am — No Comments


Have you been researching about business strategic plans and approaches? Are you trying to figure out how it’s done and owe to use it in the regular tasks? Are you confused whether a strategic planning course or a strategic planning certification program will help you or not?

Well, you’re not the only one.

In the fast-paced marketplace, everyone is looking to get that extra edge, that extra something over everyone else in the market. And when it comes to…


Added by Lucia Adams on October 13, 2018 at 3:04am — No Comments

The Most Important Benefit for an Employee is Investing in their Future

The most meaningful benefit from the workplace that an employee can receive is the chance to grow as professionals through professional training programs and the method in which corporations ensure their employees are armed with the latest tools and technologies to not just grow in their chosen career, but also take the organization forward into the future. Learning and development is more important than ever before for the modern professional, and with rapid advancements across major…


Added by Lucia Adams on October 13, 2018 at 12:00am — No Comments

A Deep Understanding of Online Proctoring

Exam Proctoring has gone through a major transformation in the past few years as a result of latest technological innovations. The trend of online proctoring has been catching up pretty fast with more and more institutes as well as organizations moving far away from the traditional methods of proctoring.

For its many benefits, online proctoring has been the preferred choice…


Added by Lucia Adams on September 21, 2018 at 2:39am — No Comments

Key Findings for a Chief Human Resources Officer to Know

Recruitment is a big game. Just like any game, where different individuals from different groups are fighting each other to grab a piece of place under the sun, recruitments make a company survive. Companies are improving every bit of their own spaces and people to attract candidates. No wonder, employee experience, candidate experience, ergonomics, and culture rank high for these companies and all these big terms ranked big time last year. They are going to remain on the top this year…


Added by Lucia Adams on August 20, 2018 at 2:54am — No Comments

Why Should You Go For Human Resources Professional Certification?

As you must have realized that Human Resources department is a critical department for an organization. Though it was easier earlier to push an HR department in the background, when making some important decisions, it has, over the years, become increasingly difficult to side track it. Especially, when there has been so much emphasis on people management or rather talent management.

Managing people has always been and would always be the primary function of an HR department. However,…


Added by Lucia Adams on August 18, 2018 at 2:54am — No Comments


Are you planning a career in private equity? If you’re moving from a different career, you might find it difficult to climb the corporate ladder in the private equity industry. But there’s a good news- the industry is embracing such professionals with open arms these days. Before applying in various private equity firms in a go, there are some factors that you should consider -

Try to build a good and effective track record -

The best experts are the…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 30, 2018 at 4:53am — No Comments

Why is Employing a Chief Learning Officer Necessary to Succeed?

With every organization struggling with finding top talent & retaining it, there is urgency for such companies to hire a professional who is completely dedicated to learning & development of the employees. There is a requirement to make changes in the old Talent Management Strategy & employ an efficient Chief Learning Officer who can take up the responsibility of keeping the competent employees engaged, identify future leaders & develop leadership skills which is required for…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 18, 2018 at 1:56am — No Comments

Qualities That Will Make You a Successful Executive Recruiter

Filling critical positions in the workplace is no walk in the park. It takes some major skills to identify & recruit individuals for high-level jobs. In today’s business world, executive recruiters, commonly addressed as executive headhunters, play an important role in determining & filling executive positions within a variety of organizations.…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 18, 2018 at 1:16am — 1 Comment

Steps to Creating a competent Global Leadership Development Program

The importance of global leadership competency is elevating every minute. At least ten percent of the world’s GDP is contributed by international trade of commodities, services, people & finance, as per the Harvard Business Review. Moreover, there is an extremely fast-growing trend of data & information being exchanged over borders which requires hardcore human understanding in order to translate, evaluate & make use of the data. So, what I am trying to say is that global…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 17, 2018 at 7:25am — No Comments

Things to Know Before Building a Career in Mobile App Industry

When it comes to choosing a career path in IT industry, there are a lot of options that one can take. However, out of all, one particular domain is consistently growing from the past decade and is none other than the mobile app development. With over billions of mobile applications in both App Store and Play Store, mobile applications indeed have become a…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 13, 2018 at 7:00am — No Comments

Reasons on why choosing cognitive ability test is advised

If you are into the recruitment process, probably you know by now how crucial it is to choose the employees that can give quality results. But to assess such employees, the personal interview is not enough. Rather, it is important to consider the right assessment solution which can give you clear analysis and evaluation about the employees and whether you are short listing the right set…


Added by Lucia Adams on July 6, 2018 at 2:24am — No Comments

Recruitment Strategy for a Chief Human Resources Officer: Report 2018

A lot of top human resources professionals, CHROs, and managers were asked as to what recruitment hassles they face, what their talent acquisition strategy is in the face of a fierce competition, and what works/doesn’t work for them.

Here are the key points essential for…


Added by Lucia Adams on June 28, 2018 at 6:44am — No Comments

Things to consider selecting the best SSC coaching centre

Young graduates and undergraduates from all over the country and in thousands are applying for different government jobs every year. It is the SSC exam that they are required to sit and qualify to get a coveted post. The SSC conducts exams at different times of the year and at various regions of the country. The candidates who have succeeded in the exam are eligible to appear for the next round…


Added by Lucia Adams on May 28, 2018 at 8:22am — No Comments

Chartered Accountant Job: A rewarding career option

When talking about the Chartered Accountant jobs, they represent those professionals who have the complete knowledge of all the aspects of eve accounting information, financial audits, business practices and many others offering advisory content to the clients. Every country has different provisions to get qualified for Chartered Accountant exams. When it comes to getting…


Added by Lucia Adams on May 11, 2018 at 7:00am — No Comments

The Key Principles of Executive Search and Recruitment

Experience and age are essential factors when it comes to successful executive search and recruitment. The executive recruiting is a complicated process. There are key principles that can be of great help if you want to hire the right talent for the right job.

• You have to be the first to walk away. Yes, you read that right. Hiring the…


Added by Lucia Adams on May 10, 2018 at 6:00am — No Comments

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