All Blog Posts Tagged 'job' (992)

Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week (6.19.10 to 6.25.10)

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing. This week’s topics include…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 25, 2010 at 10:54am — No Comments

The Women in the Middle East Workplace 2010- Survey

"The Women in the Middle East Workplace 2010" survey is a measure of women’s perceptions, attitudes, experiences and satisfaction with various elements of their role in the Middle Eastern workplace, particularly regarding their treatment relative to that received by their male counterparts.

Data for the Women in the Middle East Workplace poll was collected online between the period of 26th April and 23rd May 2010 with a total of 2086 respondents, including locals, Arab expats,… Continue

Added by Mona Karaoui on June 24, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

How can video resume benefit job seekers?

Technology improves almost every day and such advancements have created life easier and quick in how we work. Similarly people are now making use of technologies in their daily lives by searching websites to hunt their dream job and establish their career. One such way is through the use of video resumes.

Video resumes are a unique way for job seekers to convey their abilities, talent and personnel beyond the limitations of ordinary resume that contains information, employment… Continue

Added by Lee Fossey on June 24, 2010 at 6:57am — No Comments

Text message job service keeps the playing field level

Are you feeling a little left behind by the inundation of smartphone technology? Fear not, dear mobile phone technophobe, as SMStheJOB will continue to offer sms universality, regardless of how many you-beaut, bells-n-whistles, reach-for-the-stars hardware options – and their…


Added by Stephanie Bressan on June 20, 2010 at 9:06am — No Comments

How Far Back Should Your Resume Go?

I recently came across a resume that listed a summer cashier position in 1976 as part of a person’s “professional experience.” While it may seem a little strange or ridiculous to include an irrelevant position from nearly 25 years ago, I can tell you that it’s actually not that uncommon to come across something like this. A lot of people think that they literally need to include everything they’ve ever been involved with on their resumes, and I can assure you that not only do you not have to…


Added by Gavin Redelman on June 20, 2010 at 6:50am — 1 Comment

A Hiring Manager Perspective: Do’s and Don’ts of Getting to an Internship

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

A few months back I wrote an article “Confessions of a Job Seeker: What I Learned!” on my experiences as a job seeker and tips that I could give job seekers and…

Added by Chris Brablc on June 17, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Job opportunities sent directly to your pocket or handbag

Text messaging has of course been around for many years now and, as in the case of SMStheJob, its uses are…


Added by Stephanie Bressan on June 14, 2010 at 11:55am — No Comments

"Vegetable Gardening and the Job Search"

Once again, I am awakened by a dream and inspired, and at 3:15 am I sit here writing this article to you. What woke me was a dream related to my vegetable garden…I know…weird huh? Well, once I woke, I started to think of the relationship between job seeking and gardening. Now, you may ask, how are the two related?

If you are keeping track of what’s happening in the garden, and you stay on top of the issues of soil preparation, seed or…


Added by Steven Coyne on June 14, 2010 at 11:27am — No Comments

How to Conduct a Passive Search

It’s true; most employers prefer passive candidates. A passive candidate is a gainfully employed professional who is open to hearing about career opportunities and would actually accept a new job if it made sense to them and their family.

Employers believe that a person is employed because they are the top of crop. When I say employers I refer to specific managers who maintain this mindset. I don’t personally know of any managers who think this way, but I have come across…


Added by John Sanders on June 13, 2010 at 10:00pm — 9 Comments

Why do people stay at the same job?

I am always curious what makes someone stay in the same job for more than a few years. For me, it is passion, challenge, and the chance to be rewarded for being very good at what I do. That is why I run an agency, and that is why I like what I do. But I have to trade off team work (sometimes I am solo, sometimes I am not), and financial security (can you say 2009??), and I cannot easily specialize in one piece of the puzzle. That last one makes me tired some days.

But enough about me,… Continue

Added by Julia Stone on June 8, 2010 at 2:33pm — 4 Comments

Winning With Words: Recruitment insights for Search Engine Marketing

Recruiters face a daunting challenge: how do we find and attract top talent in an age of information overload? Now that we have ready access to massive databases and information streams, some might think being a headhunter is a breeze. But they’d be wrong. While data and scale make some activities easier, they also create an environment where incremental… Continue

Added by Andrew Boyett on June 7, 2010 at 6:30pm — No Comments

How to Make a Career Change

It is NEVER too late for a career change! Sure, you might not have direct experience in a certain industry or job, but you need to prove to any hiring manager that your existing skills are, in fact, transferable skills.

If you’re debating about making a career change, don’t be afraid. Even if a career switch later in life seems like a completely radical change with many possible consequences attached to it, you should still go for it if it’s something you really…


Added by Gavin Redelman on June 6, 2010 at 7:04am — No Comments

Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week (5.29.10 to 6.4.10)

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing. This week’s topics include creating job ads rather than descriptions, job posting growth, recycling…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 4, 2010 at 1:43pm — No Comments

Why Great Candidates Don't Respond To Job Ads

Anybody who has ever posted a job ad online knows the frustration: hundreds of resumes, yet only a precious few worth consideration. To amplify the problem, the coveted talent behind those worthy few is inevitably off the market by the time your umpteenth call triggers a ringtone instead of a voice mail. The money wasted buying ad space and time lost sifting through second-rate resumes is nothing short of maddening.

So why don't “quality” candidates ever respond to your job… Continue

Added by Kevin Jenkins on June 3, 2010 at 8:30am — 7 Comments

Ever have one of those days?


Added by Gavin Redelman on June 3, 2010 at 12:01am — No Comments

10 Tips to staying positive while looking for a job

Don’t let the media and the news put you down. No matter how bad they say it is companies are always looking to hire the best available staff. If you have the right skills and passion, there will be a job waiting for right around the corner. You just need to remain upbeat and positive. Below is a list of things you need to do in order to help you through the job search process…

Keep a routine: Don’t get into the bad habits of waking up late, sleeping in the…


Added by Gavin Redelman on June 2, 2010 at 11:55pm — No Comments

Stupid Girl Loses Job Because of Facebook Status (how would you handle situation as the employer?)

Some people are stupid. You know this, right? I mean, all of us can think of a handful of dumb people in our lives. So, this post isn't a lecture. It's not a "don't do this", warning post. What we have here today is simply you, me, and countless others laughing at someone's stupid use of social media.

I've been finding myself on often these days, and sometime last week I came across this excruciatingly beautiful Facebook failure. Check… Continue

Added by Rich DeMatteo on June 2, 2010 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

IT professionals benefiting from the GFC after the fact

Working in IT, just as in many other professional sectors, involved a bit of risky business as the GFC kicked the economy down a notch or ten. But since the economy cranked out of hibernation much more swiftly than was expected, IT projects that were put on hold are now being reinstated and the professionals who may have…


Added by Stephanie Bressan on May 30, 2010 at 11:17am — No Comments

Has anyone ever considered this idea? I doubt job boards will like it very much...

hi all,

Here's an idea for you.........

recently we've been trying to hire someone for our company with a very specialist skill set and despite having used job boards, cv databases and the services of several recruitment/staffing firms.............we're still struggling to find a top quality candidate. Does that sound familiar?

A thought occurred to me. We all know that there are free job boards out there but what…

Added by Nick Leigh-Morgan on May 27, 2010 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

"Doing Things Right"

My wife and I recently made the trip to California to help celebrate the 90th birthday party of one of her aunt’s. We had a great time visiting with family and friends during the party and for a few more days, enjoyed the company of another set of friends in Northern San Diego County.

While waiting for our return flight home, it gave me a chance to watch the fever-pitched activity out on the airport ramp. As baggage was loaded and unloaded,…


Added by Steven Coyne on May 25, 2010 at 12:58pm — No Comments

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