Recruiting Blogs (24,293)

So, You've got a new job.... COOL... now what?

Forgive me blog, for it has been quite a while since my last blog.

Over a month! That is unheard of since I started writing this. I'm not even sure what I'm going to write about tonight, but Dan needs to say something.

Life have been extremely hectic and I have been experiencing life as the new guy, for the first time in many years. Being this newbie, got me thinking. We write lots about finding a job, ie identifying the opening, approaching the company, cover letters v… Continue

Added by Dan Nuroo on October 20, 2010 at 8:23pm — No Comments

How to Hire a Developer (Episode 1)

Recently I sat down with William Wechtenhiser (formerly CTO of SonicBids, VP of Engineering at Goldman Sachs and Zoom Info most recently) to discuss how to hire developers. William and I had talked a few weeks before about how hiring a developer is different than hiring anyone else as a CTO. I was curious, since I've never and most likely will never be a CTO, so I asked to have lunch and talk about…


Added by Timothy Yandel on October 20, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

3 ways to utilize Mobile Technology in Recruiting

Earlier this month, I wrote a blog article on mobile recruiting and why it is and will be an important recruiting channel for employers. Today I want to talk about mobile technology and in what ways you can utilize this technology effectively in your recruitment marketing strategy.…


Added by Chris Brablc on October 20, 2010 at 2:27pm — No Comments

3 Immediate (and FREE!) Ways to Make Your Dream Job Your Real Job

After attending RecruitFest a couple weeks ago, one session has been echoing in my mind. It was about increasing your influence and becoming a leader, but it also offered great advice about finding your path and being happy. You've probably read articles that say, "Think about what you would you do if money didn't matter..." Well, it DOES matter for most people, so that's maybe not a helpful approach to finding a happier,… Continue

Added by Jessica Nicholas on October 20, 2010 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

How To Focus On The Great Ones

It doesn't matter what type of recruiter you are, corporate or agency, or even if you are a job seeker looking for work, you have to be able to know good from bad when it comes to which candidates or open positions to focus on.

The current job market is improving and you can't work on everything so you need a way to determine where to spend your most…

Added by Craig Silverman on October 20, 2010 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

The Importance Of Checking References

Want more information on your candidate? Call their references!

Added by Matt Plotkin on October 20, 2010 at 12:18pm — No Comments

Diversity Sourcing Part 5 Veterans!!

Diversity Sourcing Part 5 Veterans!!

In my original postings on…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 19, 2010 at 5:55pm — No Comments

A Whole Lotta Grey – Employment Standards (Canada)

Speaking with an affiliate who specializes in recruiting, I was asked what rights do recruiters have in an employment relationship around termination. My answer, a whole lotta grey.

First thing to determine is was there an employer/employee contract in the first place. There are legal payroll requirements, standard employment contract agreements and many more conditions that determine if the relationship was actually an employer/employee one. With that said, there are also…


Added by Lisa Switzer on October 19, 2010 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Blue Ocean Industries to recruit for

Can anyone recommend any types of industries worth recruiting on these days that aren't totally saturated by competition or stagnant regarding growth?

Added by Greg on October 19, 2010 at 12:10pm — 1 Comment

Recruitment SEO: Tips for optimizing your career site

SEO is a topic that has become extremely popular over the last few years in the recruiting space. The idea of optimizing your job advertisements so that qualified job seekers can find them when they search Google, Bing or Yahoo is an enticing one. While I’ve spoken in the past about the limits of your career site SEO in the past, I still think it’s important to put…


Added by Chris Brablc on October 19, 2010 at 11:18am — 2 Comments

Detecting Deception - Using Body Language To Your Advantage

One of the most powerful and insightful speakers that I've had the opportunity to hear in the past decade is Joe Navarro. He's the author of What Every Body Is Saying…


Added by Jonathan D. Davis on October 19, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

Too much friction? Not enough?

In my experience, I’ve found that programmers often expect people to act linearly – going from point A to point B, logically and inexorably marching forward, until they reach their goal.

People don’t usually act that way. They use nutty search terms. They randomly click on ads. They open new browser windows and forget what they were originally looking for. They fail to notice some buttons and features, yet become fixated on others.…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on October 19, 2010 at 9:12am — No Comments

10 Things You Wanted to Know to Use Social Media, But Your Mom Never Told You (because she didn’t know)…

This week I was fortunate enough to be asked to speak at ASA in regard to a Social Media workshop. The topic of discussion was Social Media – Where’s The ROI? Within that discussion what I heard that was glaringly apparent is people need help with what the key things are they should know about Social Media and what can be expected.…


Added by Jenn Francine on October 18, 2010 at 6:44pm — 3 Comments

Ok, I've Finally Had It

I've come to the point where I am not sure I can successfully write this blog post without using every four-letter word in the book, but I'll try. I've had it with 3rd party recruiting partners. Flat out had it. I've never made it any secret that I understand why everyone hated me when I was a "headhunter." But the lack of accountability and professional courtesy I have experienced as of late has my head spinning and my mouth spewing profanities. (Sorry office mates.)

Against my… Continue

Added by Ragan Kellams on October 18, 2010 at 2:25pm — 28 Comments

Wow - Being Unemployed Is Tough - So Start A Business

I have been unemployed for a few months and finally decided to do something about it. I will no longer be embarrassed and negative about my situation. I have decided to follow up on an idea and start an internet business. What better time to pursue a dream and use my talent wisely. There are no guarantees that my idea will work, but at least I have chosen a low investment idea. I have been working on my idea for a few weeks and already see a return of my…


Added by EG Olimpio on October 18, 2010 at 1:49pm — 4 Comments

"A" Players – Essential for your Success as a CEO

Do You Have “A” Players in Key Positions?

Achievement of aggressive company objectives depends on the solid performance of key leaders who are uniquely capable of producing essential results.

Recent studies have shown that employers are developing new executive profiles as they select people to lead their company into the millennium, especially in early stage and rapid growth organizations.

These critical factors will…


Added by Mark Bregman on October 18, 2010 at 1:23pm — No Comments

Jump In!! The Water Feels Fine

If you are an IT Professional in the DFW area, there has never been a better time to test the market. We are starving for good talent in IT. While there are more marketable skills sets than others, there has not been a better time in the last three years to see where you stand as an IT Professional. If you have read some of my earlier postings, I have consistently written about IT Staffing and Services firms that are having their best year in the last three or four years as…


Added by Kevin Womack on October 18, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Never Give Up

Never give up, never slow down

Never grow old, never ever die young

Lyrics from James Taylor's Never Die Young

The music of our business sounds something like this...

Never give up...on why you chose this profession. Take a moment today and each day hereafter to recall what compelled you to serve others.

Never slow down...on the…

Added by Scott Wintrip on October 18, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments


The current economic situation has made screening resumes more difficult for recruiters. Today, a large employment gap is commonplace and the percentage of applicants that are currently unemployed is significantly higher than just a few years ago. The first inclination may be to write off applicants whose last full-time employment was a year ago or more. However, dig a little deeper into why they have remained unemployed all this time and the answer may surprise you.

According to a…


Added by Michael Brandt on October 17, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

R.I.P. Recruitment Search Agencies. Thank you for all your contributions but you will not be missed

Why would I write a post about the death of agencies when they are still active and a valued part of many companies budgets and recruitment process? That is a very insightful question and one the deserves a well outlined response.

First, on behalf of all the companies both small and large, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the thousands of valuable human capital assets provided over the years. Those assets have provided us with innovation and productivity that have helped… Continue

Added by Mark A. Leon on October 17, 2010 at 9:30pm — 113 Comments

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