Recruiting Blogs (24,187)

Dan Schwabel, Luke, and Obi Wan discuss the future of recruiting

Good post from the Branded One, Dan Schwabel, as he interviews Chris Russell (Luke Skywalker) and Peter Clayton (Obi Wan Kenobi). They echo what I have long thought, the future means - social media: in, job boards: out.

Added by Craig Fisher on November 5, 2008 at 8:00am — 2 Comments


Dear Claudia,

I have a large network and am frequently asked for referrals by recruiters who seem oblivious to the fact that I make my living with placements too. Is it reasonable to expect a fee split when I don’t know the person asking?


Dear Cranky,

When I was young my grandmother’s next door neighbor, Mr. Moore, kept a sign posted by his door that said “I don’t buy from strangers. Expect to stay a while.” I asked him once if… Continue

Added by Claudia Faust on November 5, 2008 at 7:00am — No Comments

Ten Ways to Make Someone Smile

Ten Ways to Make Someone Smile

There’s nothing better than knowing you’ve made someone happy – especially if you can do so in some simple,cheap wow gold thoughtful way. Here’s ten easy ways to make someone smile today: I guarantee you’ll be smiling too!

I’ll start with the most straightforward and work up to ideas which need a little bit more planning

1. Write a note to say “thank… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:11am — No Comments

Dale Carnegie’s Thoughts on Freedom and Happiness

Dale Carnegie’s Thoughts on Freedom and Happiness

When we were kids, anything was possible. The wide world lay open and we saw the future as a great adventure. We could do anything. I believe that all life should be an adventure, and that happiness is our natural, default state of being. But clearly we have allowed things to get in the way of our Happiness and freedom. As we have traveled through the landscape of our lives, we have encountered many challenges and, sadly, we have… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:10am — No Comments

9 Ways to Boost Your Mood

9 Ways to Boost Your Mood

All of us have times when we just seem to be in a bad mood with the world in general. Here’s a few quotes from the last hour or two on Twitter:

* “People suck. I’m in a bad mood. Ugh.”

* “Wish I knew why I was in such a fowl mood. Nothing bad happened today, in fact it went rather well. I just feel like… bleh!”

* “Ever just *know* you’re going to be in a bad mood, like a weather forecast? Hoping tomorrow’s not a bad day.”

I’m… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:09am — No Comments

Why Your Mood Is Killing Your Productivity (& What To Do About It)

Why Your Mood Is Killing Your Productivity (& What To Do About It)

Most people are on a quest to increase their productivity in order to do less and achieve more. Tips on how to organize your passwords, instructions on how to handle e-mail, advice to take creativity breaks, and information on how to apply Stephen Covey’s four-quadrant matrix are examples of advice that can help you become more productive.

However, the most important productivity tool that exists is… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:08am — No Comments

30 Simple Ways to Enjoy Life

30 Simple Ways to Enjoy Life

Do you want to live a happy life? If you say yes like most people do, then it’s important to learn to enjoy life. Some people may think that they can only enjoy life when they already have a lot of money or have a successful career. But that’s not true. You can enjoy your life where you are with what you already have. You can enjoy your life now.

Here I will share with you 30 ways to enjoy life. But before that,… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:07am — No Comments

12 Techniques to Stop Worrying

12 Techniques to Stop Worrying

“I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles,buy wow gold but most of them never happened” - Mark Twain

stop worrying

What Is worry? Worry is a very strong feeling of anxiety. It’s fear of the unknown - the thought that the worst will happen.

We may become overly concerned with future events. We may engage in repetitive negative self-talk… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:06am — No Comments

4 Powerful Ways to Appreciate Life

4 Powerful Ways to Appreciate Life

Do you appreciate life?

It might be easy to reply with a quick “yes” to this question, but how much intensity did you put into your answer? The fact is, even those of us with a generally positive attitude usually have plenty of room to appreciate life more. And learning to be more appreciative trumps pretty much any other productivity tip. Which is easier, making twice as much money, or simply being twice as appreciative of what you… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:05am — No Comments

11 Refreshing Ways to Bring Out the Awesomeness in Life

11 Refreshing Ways to Bring Out the Awesomeness in Life

I often get caught up in the hectic nature of life. I get bogged down with things to do and the drive to be productive. It’s hard not to get sucked into the routine of living and take life for granted. Sometimes it’s hard to stay excited about life.

This is especially true when you’re working toward long term goals that might not be realized for a few months or even years. I’ve been working on building my blog for the… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:04am — No Comments

What Will Make You Feel More Happy?

What Will Make You Feel More Happy?

I’ve been thinking about this question a lot lately. What does it take to be a happy person? Obviously the answer is going to be different for each person, but what worries me is that, as far as I can tell, most people don’t even ask – and those that do don’t have a very good answer.

Ask someone what would make them happy, and their answer is likely to be pretty vague. “A good career”,” they might say. Or, “Family.” “A strong… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:02am — No Comments

Life’s Enough: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Life’s Enough: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

“Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.” - Marquis de Condorcet

If you took the strengths of others, and compared them to your weaknesses, how do you think you’d size up? And do you think this would make you feel good?

The funny thing is, this is what most of us do at one time or another — and some of us do pretty often.

It’s a sure-fire recipe for a drop in self-confidence and… Continue

Added by diana on November 5, 2008 at 3:00am — No Comments

Looking for a new gig

Looking for a new recruiting gig, preferably in TN, but open to hearing about all opportunities. I have 5 years experience in Information Technology, with 3 of those being in IT recruiting for industries such as healthcare, supply chain, logistics, oil and gas. Please e-mail me at if you or someone in your professional network is looking for a seasoned recruiter. Thanks.

Added by Beth Wheeler on November 4, 2008 at 7:49pm — No Comments

Blogs Influence Consumer Purchases More Than Social Networks?

Yep, apparently so . . . at least per the referenced Jupiter Research / Buzzlogic Consumer Survey of 4/2008.

Here's the image here.…


Added by Joshua Letourneau on November 4, 2008 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Convince People

The ability make others believe what you believe is important for success in many fields. There is often a fine line between convincing somebody your views are valid and annoying them. In this article we’ll look at some of the techniques you can use if you want to convince another individual to believe what you believe.


* Do the homework. Make sure you understand your own viewpoint. If you are going to try to convince somebody that the Eiffel Tower is taller than the… Continue

Added by Faisal Javed on November 4, 2008 at 3:42pm — No Comments

Pipe Stress Engineers

I am looking for pipe stress engineers in the power industry. My company does offer a referral bonus. Any referrals?

Added by Diane Ernatt on November 4, 2008 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment

Interested in Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient Enhancements to OCR?

Interested in Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient Enhancements to OCR?

Here are some additional recruiting tools MBA Focus offers employers to use as enhancements to their on-campus recruiting efforts:

Global Focus®: The web-based recruiting platform where companies seeking leadership talent can connect with the world's most prestigious MBA programs in one searchable…


Added by Ryan Pratt on November 4, 2008 at 2:39pm — No Comments

Recruit MBA Interns from Chicago, Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, London, Kellogg...

New First-Year MBA Student Resumes Available Now!

In every economic environment, companies need to recruit and groom their next generation of leaders. Smart firms have learned from past mistakes and cannot afford to fall behind in leadership recruiting again. Hiring summer interns is a cost-effective and essential tool for leadership recruiting regardless of business cycles. You cannot afford to miss out on these talented first-year students:



Added by Ryan Pratt on November 4, 2008 at 2:37pm — No Comments

Public Speaking

Here are some annoying public speaking habits. They can be deal breakers, so avoid these annoying habits at all costs!

* Voice Trailing Off - Many speakers let their voices trail off at the end of every sentence. The audience can hear the first part of their sentence, but they have no idea what pearls of wisdom might be lost in the whispers at the end.

* Looking Down - Sometimes this speaker will deliver complete sentences inaudibly while looking down — obviously not… Continue

Added by Faisal Javed on November 4, 2008 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Get Out The Vote - Get Your Free Goodies - Get The Political Rhetoric Off Your Web Site!

If you haven't already voted today, get your tuchus out there and pull a lever. Here in Washington State, we vote by mail and my voting was done weeks ago. I am really looking forward to all of the political signs, commercials, sign-wavers, et al. to go away like magic tonight... Poof! No more multi-colored signs lighting up street corners like so many gawdy-colored flowers.

Additionally - if you vote, you are able to cash in on lots of free "goodies" from different companies.… Continue

Added by Nancy Ford on November 4, 2008 at 1:42pm — No Comments

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