Recruiting Blogs (24,313)

Telephone Name Generation - A Perfect Example of the Global Economy At Work.?.

I wound up running into a conversation on ERE today that looked pretty interesting. It's from a really smart guy, Jeff Weidner, who I respect greatly and see as a key contributor to the future of value-added strategic sourcing thought leadership as we move forward. "How low can the cost of a name get?"

As I often say, I'm really happy to have seen RBC grow as… Continue

Added by Joshua Letourneau on June 26, 2008 at 12:24pm — 8 Comments

Recruiting Tools- What do we use and How much do we really use it?

A good recruiter uses all available avenues to recruit, source and build networks. However, the working recruiter has to focus their efforts so that they have the most productive results with the least time investment.

Here is where I am wondering ---How much do we really use? We have all seen it in our networks, and our training. Web 2.0, Google it, job-boards, aggregators, Linked in, Blogging, Zoom Info.......

However, working side by side with some pretty successful… Continue

Added by Susan Hand on June 26, 2008 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

June 26, 2008

Bill Vick's

Featuring Dave Staats, Headhunter, Flamethrower, Judge and Jury...

If you haven't joined the group yet, now is the time to do it! With some changes in format planned for next week if you want to continue getting your weekly fix from Bill and Dave you'll definitely want to be on their mailing list...

Last Week's Winner!

Mike Walton wins the… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 26, 2008 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Organizing your Web 2.0 Strategy

Web 2.0 is Now. However, our profession and organizations still don't have the structure ready to receive it. Lets create a Best Practice here and now.

Like any great strategy, planning and relevant results are a must. So when planning your recruitment strategy take some of the most important criteria into your plan.

First What does your organization and your goals want to accomplish from use of technology?

Should Web 2.0 be used to market job opportunities? Should… Continue

Added by Susan Hand on June 26, 2008 at 12:00am — No Comments

What Is the Impact On Candidates When Using Assessments In The Hiring Process?

I could say that the world of Talent Assessment hit me by storm. I was at first threatended by these new tools being used in the hiring process, and after a short period of time, I became an early adapter. After spending close to 19 years in the 3rd party recruiting sector and enjoying a tremendous amount of success as a big biller and a pinnacle member I embarked on a Talent Management journey that forever changed my perception of recruiter responsiblity. Over a 6 year period I invested over… Continue

Added by Margaret Graziano on June 25, 2008 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Xobni = inbox control and utilization (for Outlook users)

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a huge hype guy when it comes to new tools for my PC, but a friend of mine in sales at Microsoft mentioned this product (it’s free here) as a tool that a few of the sales reps there are using to help with their contact and connection management with MS Outlook.

I’ve only been using it for a couple of days, but I’ve gotten a lot of value from it as I am able to quickly pull up email histories with clients and… Continue

Added by bill martineau on June 25, 2008 at 6:32pm — 5 Comments

10 Hot Web/Celebrity Comparisons

Candidates and Clients are always asking us; who’s the hottest company in the marketplace, what companies are on the rise and on the decline, how are certain companies perceived in the eyes of the marketplace and other such questions surrounding the “who’s hot” leader board of the web world. We have strong opinions to all of these questions and often debate this not only with our clients and candidates, but amongst ourselves as well.

Truth be told, I can’t remember how or why we… Continue

Added by BINC Search on June 25, 2008 at 6:11pm — No Comments

Looking for Fair Issacs Blaze Advisor/Vitria skilled Consultant and Singl.eView Specialists

Hi all,

I am looking for:

1. A Fair Issacs Blaze Advisor/Vitria skilled Consultant, for a 3 months project we have with one of our clients at Merrifield, Virginia.

2. Singl.eView Specialists, for a six months project we have with one of our clients at Cincinnati, Ohio.

Interested Consultants, please reply ASAP.


Added by Shane on June 25, 2008 at 5:58pm — No Comments

Starting your own business - the joys and pains!

I wonder how many of you have started your own business? After 20 years of corporate recruitment leadership roles, I have launched my own executive coaching firm. It is fun, exhilarating and scary at the same time.

The biggest joys so far have been the freedom to create the firm the way I want to and the engagement of five clients during the first month of operation. The challenges have been developing business and marketing plans, budgets, incorporating as an s-corp and having to do… Continue

Added by Carlos Adame on June 25, 2008 at 4:57pm — 1 Comment

Network Engineer

This is Vikram from Collabra and I am writing to you with reference to an exciting opportunity we have with one of our clients – for “Network Engineer” below. Please forward the resumes of your consultant that match the requirement.

Title: Network Engineer

Work Location: Windsor,CT

Project Description:

· Client site designer and network engineer

· To support the data networking environment for Client, providing design and delivery support. A strong knowledge… Continue

Added by vikram on June 25, 2008 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Hasn't That Always Been Our Job?

I just read an article on SHRM's home page today - "HR's New Role: Supporting Organizational Growth". That's new? I have always viewed workforce planning and aligning recruiting strategies with company objectives as part of my role. Are there really so many people out there that don't know that?

Maybe it's because I'm a generalist and a bit of a control freak. I just assume that as an HR professional, I should know what's going on in my company (or my clients') and anticipate it's… Continue

Added by Pamela Moore, SPHR on June 25, 2008 at 3:17pm — No Comments

The 12 Rules of ART - Part 3 of 12

Part 3 is about the delicate line between planning and over-planning:

“Winning is Accomplished Equally in the Preparation and Execution Phases” - Dr. Robert Anthony

In my experience, people who fail in our industry either spend all of their time in the preparation phase, developing an overly complex plan they become obsessed with – almost as if it’s a shield to keep them from DOING anything – or they fail to plan anything and produce a… Continue

Added by Art Pitcher on June 25, 2008 at 2:12pm — No Comments

Let me know if u guys have any Oracle EBS Inventory Management and Purchasing Consultant

Position 2: Oracle EBS Inventory Management and Purchasing Consultant

Location: Houston, TX

Duration: 2 months +

Description: Oracle eBusiness suite Purchasing and Inventory Management consultant for requisition, purchase order processing, inventory, and planning requirements.

Thanks & Regards


Zieta Technologies

PH: 678-248-2096x 251| FX:… Continue

Added by Ricky on June 25, 2008 at 11:35am — No Comments

it's Not You, It's Me

I used to date this guy (who shall remain nameless) who was under the misconception that he could do better than me. This probably comes across as a bit cocky on my part, but allow me to explain.

I was twenty-two and HOT. I had a real job, made lots of money, and had my own place in Virginia Highlands. I drove a new car (thanks, Dad), attended classes, was well-traveled, and fairly knowledgeable about politics and music. I had a nice stereo, a big bed, and I actually liked hanging… Continue

Added by Shannon on June 25, 2008 at 11:34am — 5 Comments

Animal Show Wed NOON New York Time

DATE: Wed June 25, 2008. NOON New York Time
GUEST: Lisa Rokusek Lisa's blog. Lisa on Twitter
TOPIC: "I am not your average recruiter"


Added by Recruiting Animal on June 25, 2008 at 11:28am — No Comments

Best way to handle a business that does not pay it's contractors

Not too long ago, I was an independant contractor for a Florida based company. After leaving the company, I was told that I would receive my money in 30 days. Needless to say, I was never paid. Besides filing a complaint with my state labor board, is there anything else I should be doing? I have been trying endlessly to contact this employer and there has been no response. Is a lawyer my only option left?

Have any other contractors out there experienced the same thing and how did you go… Continue

Added by Dana Brandani on June 25, 2008 at 11:25am — 1 Comment

June 25, 2008

Claudia’s Wednesday Wisdom

Claudia Faust advises on tricky situations, answers members' questions...

Claudia advises "Curious" on drawing the line between prepping and priming candidates:

Prep a candidate more than this and you’ve entered the realm of the bait-and-switch recruiter, someone who makes short term deals with the black heart of a used car salesman.
Read Claudia's three-point answer and let us know what your thoughts are...… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 25, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

Can you recommend someone for this job? Application Engineer; Jersey City NJ

Position Title: Application Engineer

Location: Jersey City NJ

Duration: Direct Hire

iPlacUSA seeks a full time Application Analyst / Engineer (UNIX, Perl, Shell) for our client a global financial services firm. This full time opportunity will be based in Jersey City NJ. The ideal candidate will possess the following technical skills and experience.

Job Summary:

• Essential technical skills will be both Perl and Shell scripting and the… Continue

Added by Aswathy R Pillai on June 25, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments

Wednesday Wisdom: Cliff Notes for Candidates

Dear Claudia,

How much is too much when preparing a candidate for interviews?


Dear Curious,

This is a great question, because it hints at some of the juicy stuff in recruiting closets: the fine line between finding the right person and earning a fee, between making a hire and priming the pump for future turnover. Where does a good recruiter draw the line? And when does coaching a candidate create unfair advantage, or worse yet - a… Continue

Added by Claudia Faust on June 24, 2008 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

electro-mechanical technicians

Hi, I am a recruiter from South Eastern Pennsylvania. My niche is sort of mechanics, all kinds, electro-mechanical, industrial maintenance mechanics, electricians and technicians. I could alway use some help, finding a good mechanic can sometimes be really frustrating. If anyone has a good link or a good tip to find dependable mechanics, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Added by Dane Adams on June 24, 2008 at 9:47pm — No Comments

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