How many times have you gone on an interview, felt things were going well only to never hear from the company again? Maybe you met the entire letter “C” hiring committee - CEO, CFO, CIO, CSO, CMO (you get the point) and thought the connection / spark was there. Three days later you get a call from someone who was not involved in the actual interview, HR or a recruiter, who wants to give you interview feedback. The only problem is this feedback rarely adds meaning or provides insight as to what… Continue
Added by Duane Roberts on April 14, 2009 at 12:49pm —
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“We are only working with agencies who are agreeable to our new reduced fee requirements. I am sure that you can appreciate it, with the economy and all.” “Actually we have so many resumes right now, unless you are willing to reduce your fee, we just can’t justify working with you.” Does this sound familiar? If so, listen with a discerning ear. Lessons of 2001 indicate that often this stance is a façade. There are other vertical’s where this is not true but in the life sciences and healthcare… Continue
Added by Kendall Messner on April 14, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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Do you want to find qualified candidates and resumes on the internet for free? Now, ReferYes Sourcer provides a free automated sourcing tool to help recruiters and sourcing experts find their candidates online.
ReferYes Sourcer is a passive candidate sourcing tool that searches for resumes and candidates on top search engines and social networks (Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, ZoomInfo). You don’t have to be a Boolean… Continue
I am not sure how many articles I have read over the past months talking about the greed of the CEO and executive leadership even amongst the constant layoffs that our nation is experiencing. In my reading of some of the other blogs, there was a discussion surrounding if there was a suitable alternative to layoffs. I gave some thoughts however did not have a real practical or example of a company that has implemented cost cutting in the face of layoffs to reverse the trend. One has… Continue
Added by Jason Monastra on April 13, 2009 at 3:49pm —
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One of the better blogs I enjoy is the Chief Happiness Officer. If you have not read it, start. All of it does not apply however the approach to looking at the work place and other facets of our lives makes for an interesting read at the minimum. I find that for some people, especially those less likely to be labeled “social butterflys”, there is a good influx of information on how to make work life better overall.
A solid read most recently posted on the subject of making friends at… Continue
Added by Jason Monastra on April 13, 2009 at 3:47pm —
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Online branding is becoming one of the critical components of the job search process. I find that as the increasing number of social media outlets come available - the pressure to become involved is rapidly increasing. The rage on Facebook, Twitter, the blogs, etc. There is a tremendous amount of information to digest and for the most the task is daunting.
Released today is a good look at the subject and how to harness the power to have better results. Me 2.0 was released last week… Continue
Added by Jason Monastra on April 13, 2009 at 3:46pm —
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Get real … New Fox show that has employees vote on which coworker to lay off a terrible idea
Whether you love them or hate them, most reality TV shows gives viewers a chance to escape from their own real world problems while they see life through the eyes of others.
A new reality show from the Fox network is about a topic that’s all-too real these days -- people losing their jobs.
In “Someone’s Gotta Go,” the cameras will roll as employees at real downsizing… Continue
We do the digging for you!
I have a good Phone Sourcer who is an even better Business Developer! What's more, she likes doing it! As a result, we've formed a new unit of TechTrak called and she's available to do business development for you on an hourly basis. Give me a call to get her working on your projects.
Maureen Sharib
513 899… Continue
Added by Maureen Sharib on April 13, 2009 at 11:21am —
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Let's face it, with the U.S. unemployment rate forecasted to reach 10%, everyone is tuned into the job market. Even hot sectors, like nursing and pharmacy, are not immune. Today, the most content candidate is curious — curious about opportunities, curious about compensation, curious about culture, perqs, and benefits. Traditionally, the "curious" learned about your company through passive methods: advertising, networking, training, tradeshows.… Continue
Added by Sharon on April 13, 2009 at 6:47am —
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Nice work. You nailed your interviews and are moving to the exciting offer stage. The thing that sometimes causes agita amongst job seekers is that little step in betwixt the interviews and the offer: The reference check.
Today we will discuss how to approach the reference check. First thing: Always have your group of references ready and updated if you are in the job market. Make sure they know they… Continue
Added by Bill Meirs on April 13, 2009 at 6:30am —
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Many of us have many stories to tell about working with external recruiters during job searches. Some good, some not so good. It is no different than any other professional role--some folks you can collaborate well with and some present challenges. One of the key hurdles specific to recruiters is that you are working with them during a pivotal time in your personal life: your career transition points. That's what makes these experiences stand out more.
This recruitment community is so interesting - it has become part of my daily routine. I really enjoy reading the posts of various member. Up to this point I've not really been connected to a professional community - except for the professionals at BCBSM. But I'm really glad my sm research led me here.
The social media project is going well - I am learning a lot about the value-add and shortcomings of the mediums. You can't ignore social media - our world works in social media and my… Continue
Added by Veronica A on April 12, 2009 at 10:22pm —
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I recently left a recruiting company working as an independent consultant to pursue another opportunity in a different field. I recruited several quality candidates during my two month interim. I just found out that my neighbor got placed in a position and she approached me and thanked me for placing her. I didn't get any credit for it, although I was the one who recruited her. I just left the position last month (March). I worked there from January -March. My question I legally have… Continue
Added by MB on April 12, 2009 at 5:44pm —
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Digging Into V 2.14 5 Recent Things
I have fun at my job. Recently, I've been writing about some things that I think are particularly interesting. The sustained downturn is causing innovation in recruiting to explode. I've been looking closely at trends and examples.
I have a weird perspective on the 'future'. I think it's already here and we are in the process of trying to uncover it. The best descriptions of what's actually going on sound like science…
To those of you who have decided to venture out on your own and have little money for marketing I have a solution for you.
Putting together a website that is attractive on a shoestring budget is next to impossible especially in today’s economy. Creating a website that tells your story and reaches a vast audience with your story is even more challenging. Though, referring potential clients and candidates to your website gives tremendous credibility, especially if you are a Technical… Continue
Added by Pamela Bovaird on April 11, 2009 at 9:08pm —
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A few days ago I visited Belgatos Park in Los Gatos. Los Gatos literally means the cats. It is in this park where Mountain Lions, Deer, Bobcats, Boar, Hawks, Coyotes and a whole host of wildlife call home near the perennial Silicon Valley. It is interesting to return to nature, and view from a distance the downtown of the valley that has been at the forefront of so much change.