anyone know of a human resource individual with strong recruiting skills lookiing for a new opportunity please let me know. would prefer someone that has experieince in the restaurant industry.Thanks
Added by jim theiss on April 7, 2009 at 3:36pm —
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In today's age of human resources enterprise technology, everything seems to revolve around utilizing software to get ahead in the business world. Whether it be making work flow more efficient, cutting costs, or organizing team collaboration- there are a myriad of functions that enterprise recruiting software and applicant management systems can serve. However, with the number of options for software out there and the number of features per piece of software, it can often be a daunting and… Continue
Added by Darwin Redshield on April 7, 2009 at 2:04pm —
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So the blessed day has come, you have your interview. We have already talked about how to prep before your interview day - now some last minute fine tuning and then what to do when you are in the midst of your discussions. Ramping up or down:
Ramp up: If it is a morning interview, make sure you get a good night's sleep. If you are currently not employed, ramp up with some last minute study or review of notes/job/resume, read the Wall… Continue
Hello Congress, Obama and the World Markets! The answer to a company, country or world's success is right in front of you. Invest in heard it for free and it didn't cost you a bail out, or a deficit. Hire talented recruitment professionals to identify jobs, hire talent, and grow productivity.
With the right leadership hire, business and services increase, productivity sours, and oh yeah that GNP might actually increase!!!!
I'm not really much of one for a bait and switch, holding an ace up my sleeve, or pulling any sort of trickery on a candidate. It doesn't seem to foster a good relationship and tends to cause trust issues. For this very reason I provide as much information as I possibly can while maintaining a level playing field - I just happen to be pretty particular about my timing.
There are a lot of things a candidate should know prior to an interview. He or she should have a good idea of the… Continue
Recently I helped a friend of a friend find placement. It didn't take much for me to lend my network, and resources. I also steered the friend toward professional sites, and resume tips. I often do this for my professional network and family.
However, recently I've been overloaded by associates who need or want help. I hate to turn them away but I am on a job search myself, so have to stay focused.
My mentor suggested that I start thinking about a fee for service business.… Continue
I saw a video today which re-ignited a thought of mine, which has been bubbling away in dormant fury for the last few years.
I have got fed up with generation generalisations. In particular the constant genuflecting to the Gen Y's of the world. Get ready world, change everything here they come! They need to be treated different, they expect more, more quickly, they care for the environment, the crave community, they are more fluid in their employment ideals, they are new, fresh, the… Continue
Added by Dan Nuroo on April 7, 2009 at 10:33am —
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I started my journey to the Spring ERExpo show out of Indianapolis on a flight Monday at 6:45amEST through Denver and landing in San Diego at 9:35amPST. Booking the flight I wanted to ensure that I had plenty of time to prep for the reception that night, meeting friends throughout the day and final prep for the conference. Great plan, although it didn't quite work out that way.
First my flight was put into a holding pattern over Denver due to the weather and then… Continue
Positions Details: Manage the accounting reconciliation processes. Responsible for supervisory support to associate accountants through transaction monitoring to deliver… Continue
Added by Amit Gupta on April 7, 2009 at 1:05am —
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Please review the details as mentioned below and let me have your feedback at your earliest.
Must to have: 12+ years
Skills: Remedy, ITSM
Position Description :
The Principal Product Developer is the highest level programming position in the product development job family and is responsible for providing programming leadership for a product/solution according to design specifications.
The role builds prototypes and uses other… Continue
Added by Amit Gupta on April 7, 2009 at 1:03am —
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Sharing with you an excellent opportunity for Head of Testing Practice in Bangalore.
Kindly check the details below and let me know if you are interested to explore. Should you not be interested, would appreciate if you can refer me any one for the same.
Job Title: Head- Testing Practice (GM/AVP Level)
Location: Bangalore, India
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
• Robust hands-on experience with the offshore delivery model,… Continue
Added by Amit Gupta on April 7, 2009 at 1:02am —
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So, today was not a great day. I definitely learned an important lesson...
A) Tags work, be careful how you use them
B) I need to work on my 'inner filters'
I had to pull a few blog posts down because they were not well appreciated by a particular group mentioned. Although when I first found out I was even more irritated after speaking with my leader I realized that my posts were a bit short sighted.
My leader is great at refocusing my energy on productive… Continue
I found this video on TalentCloud after Peter Gold followed me on twitter. The site looks very interesting. It should keep me occupied for the rest of the evening.
I am not sure if I endorse this or not just yet but I do see some of the truth in the way we (gen y'ers) see the world.
Even with the tremendous growth and use of web applications, people remain the center of a connected job search. To effectively manage your job search you cannot lose sight of the fact that your relationships, while many have moved online, still need the human touch. I would maintain the primary issue with the way many connected users are approaching their job search is they are not effectively managing the Cloud. Cloud Computing has changed the way companies interact online but have you kept… Continue
Added by Duane Roberts on April 6, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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Have you ever stopped in the middle of something and asked yourself, "What the heck am I doing? Why am I doing it this way? Whose crazy idea was this anyway?" I have. I am. Jumping outside of my usual day-to-day paradigm I'm challenging myself in a myriad of ways. I have achieved some successes and have suffered some failures. And my time outside of my comfort zone is only just beginning!
When you first step outside of your paradigm, you are constantly challenged by everything that's… Continue
The Recruiter's Association ( membership is free and open to all professionals in recruiting and human resources. Come be a part of The Recruiter's Association future training seminars, earn a recruiting certification, and participate in the networking events taking place in; Arizona, Illinois, and Nevada. Discover fabulous new ideas, and build a huge network, pick up a recruiting certification backed nationally by the Recruiter's Association. Recruiting in a… Continue
Most of you have friends on Facebook, and some of you are likely connected on LinkedIn, but have you jumped on the latest train leaving the internet networking station, Twitter? “Follow us on Twitter” – the new catchphrase sweeping the world. MBA Focus is now an active member on all three of these social networks, and we have found just like you will, that these websites are not only for social relations, but also for career connections. Just as a personal blog can boost your resume and help… Continue
Added by Ryan Pratt on April 6, 2009 at 10:56am —
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