Recruiting Blogs (24,312)

Software Test Automation

Looking for a candidate for an IT Healthcare company located in Pittsburgh, must have 7 years of building test automation systems from the ground up. Great Pay -- stable company. if you would like to hear more

Added by HDJRecruit on March 4, 2009 at 11:23am — No Comments

Redhat Linux Systems Engineer

Looking for a Systems Engineer for the downtown Pittsburgh area. Must have 5-6 years with experience in Redhat Linux. Great pay. Contact

Added by HDJRecruit on March 4, 2009 at 11:21am — No Comments Steps Up to Offer A Free Job Board Built on Quality, Not Quantity

A majority of national job boards today boast about their millions of job postings, except for one,

"Our goal isn't quantity, " says Tanya Willette, Co-Founder of, "our goal is quality.", the first and only free job board and live interview site, has set the stage for a new generation of national job boards.

"We have several features on our site that control the quality of our search results, " says Willette. "These features… Continue

Added by Tanya Willette on March 4, 2009 at 10:56am — No Comments

March 4, 2009

Claudia's Wednesday Wisdom

This week Claudia addresses a Metrics Schemtrics issue with a little chicken soup of her own.

Sip slowly, darling -- it's hot...Measurement and the Art of Recruiting

Bonus… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on March 4, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Measurement and the Art of Recruiting

Dear Claudia,

Why do some managers insist on measuring everything in the recruiting process? I think that metrics can be demoralizing and can affect a person's way of doing things, sometimes making them less effective. If I know that I can get better results by following my gut instinct, I will do so. Perhaps I will make fewer calls than my cubicle-mate. Should I skew the results by following a prototype of the ideal search? Or should I do what is right?


Added by Claudia Faust on March 4, 2009 at 7:54am — No Comments

Ode To Ning

There was a developer from ning

Who created a chat box that could sing

But then he futzed with the code

And the problems did explode

It's now like a bird with clipped wings.
~ Steve Levy (RBC Poet Laureate)

Suggestions to ning to fix the dang thing:

REINSTALL the copy and paste.

REMOVE the double spacing.

MAKE the chat history LONGER - as it is it goes abt 15 mins on an active chat -… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on March 4, 2009 at 7:52am — 3 Comments

The Double-edged Sword of Head Count Cuts

Nothing really special about this article if you've been in the Human Capital space for years but at least someone's writing about it.

Still, if you've never been part of the process that decides who gets a pink slip, the balance between fiduciary responsibility and intellectual capital is presented well here.

Added by Steve Levy on March 4, 2009 at 7:37am — No Comments

Docs seek gag orders to stop patients' reviews

The anonymous comment on the Web site was unsparing: "Very unhelpful, arrogant," it said of a doctor. "Did not listen and cut me off, seemed much too happy to have power (and abuse it!) over suffering people." Such reviews are becoming more common as consumer ratings services like Zagat's and Angie's List expand beyond restaurants and plumbers to medical care, and some doctors are fighting back.

They're asking patients to agree to what amounts to a gag order that bars… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on March 4, 2009 at 6:54am — 2 Comments

And some of you think recruiters are unethical?

The thread that won't die now has competition: Collecting from the dead.

What I honed in on in reading the article was this:

Not everyone has the temperament to make such calls. About half of DCM’s hires do… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on March 4, 2009 at 6:49am — 2 Comments

Bad Recruiting - What NOT to say to a Candidate

My buddy just called me up to complain about a recruiter who called him today about a job opportunity.

Apparently the recruiter had picked up his name on Monster and had called him to Inquire about his job search. He told the recruiter that while he was content to be where he was he was also open to new possibilities. The recruiter then proceeded to berate my friend about having his resume on Monster and not really looking for a job and wasting her time.

Say… Continue

Added by Gene Leshinsky on March 3, 2009 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

dealing with job anxiety

Anxiety is a natural consequence of everything happening around us today. But is anxiety or fear helpful? If they are on display in your next job interview or for your team at work, they are likely to cause you to stumble badly.

How do you keep it from hurting your performance?

Here's what I've learned about anxiety and how to make it work for me instead of fighting it.

Added by Eric Shannon on March 3, 2009 at 5:19pm — No Comments

Am I riding the right wave?

Good afternoon bloggers and blogger readers. I am new to this so bare with me... I mean I am new to Blogging. Now do not get me wrong.. I believe I am fairly hip to the whole web scene. Long time reader...first time poster.. you know what I mean? I have found the time has come to take my rants on the road per say and get them out there to anyone whom may be listening (reading)... whatever.. =) and hope that this will open up some dialogue to others that may find themselves in ERP or other niche… Continue

Added by Jake Wyant on March 3, 2009 at 2:00pm — 5 Comments

Hi everyone, We are collecting responses to a Recruitment & HR Metrics Benchmarking Study and would appreciate your help. Please take 5 minutes to repsond to our survey here. Once the data is comp…

Hi everyone,

We are collecting responses to a Recruitment & HR Metrics Benchmarking Study and would appreciate your help.

Please take 5 minutes to repsond to our survey here.

Once the data is compiled, we will send you a complimentary copy of the report.

Thanks for your help!


Susan… Continue

Added by Susan on March 3, 2009 at 12:39pm — No Comments

Causing Your Candidate To Ace The Interview

Preparation is a key ingredient to any successful interview. Your candidate’s ability to successfully interview depends on focus, confidence and the empowerment. Nailing the job offer begins at step one: the interview preparation and rehearsal. It's your job to either have a system for interview coaching set up or to manage each and every candidates 'dress rehearsal' yourself. After all you have worked this hard to find whom you think is the best candidate for the job. Now it's time to set them… Continue

Added by Margaret Graziano on March 3, 2009 at 10:06am — No Comments

March 3, 2009

Tutorial Tuesday with Heather Bussing

Whoever in the dickens said "the law is an ass" can kiss their turn of phrase goodbye.

Heather puckers up...Recruiting Law: Copyright and Fair Use

Bonus Track

Hmmm...John Sumser on relationships, friendship, business, client control and things that happen every million years.

Read Rayanne's post...… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on March 3, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Back from Benning!

I'm back full-time and ready to roll!

I want to thank everyone for the multitude of messages, calls, texts and comments I've received over the past year, while I was plugging away at Fort Benning.

I'm coming back to a much weaker economy which strengthens the need for efficiency and cost savings.

That's where we excel.

I look forward to speaking with and/or seeing you all soon.

- Chad…

Drill Sergeant Sowash

Added by Chad Sowash on March 3, 2009 at 7:53am — 1 Comment

What is the Future of RPO?

Each time there is a downturn, and this can be traced back to the last three or four downturns, we have seen a trend of companies revisiting how they operate and looking at their strategy in terms of preparation for the future. But the current downturn is unprecedented and a number of companies are asking the fundamental question: Do we “in-source” or “outsource”?

In other words, companies are thinking if they should groom talent in-house, or perhaps find a strategic partner which… Continue

Added by Naveen Kumar Moturi on March 3, 2009 at 4:26am — No Comments

Digging Into v2.08: The death of sourcing

(Feb 27, 2009) Sourcing, as currently practiced, is a short term phenomenon. There is money to be made in the field today because the techniques required to find people are arcane and confusing. Additionally, with the strong exception of Avature and Broadlook's products, there are no useful tools for the automation of the process.

Meanwhile people are getting easier and easier to find.

The next… Continue

Added by John Sumser on March 2, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Hi Everyone - I was recently laid off and am searching for a virtual recruiter position in the healthcare industry...

I have over 8 years of healthcare recruitment experience and have worked in a virtual capacity for the past 4 years. If you have any leads, advice, etc - I would welcome your feedback!

My resume is posted on this site and I can be reached directly at:


Anna Marie

Added by Anna Marie Jameson on March 2, 2009 at 10:15pm — No Comments

A Candid Conversation with Recruiting Industry Veteran, Sheila Greco

Recently, I had an opportunity to record an interview podcast with Sheila Greco, founder and president of Sheila Greco and Associates. This is the third recession her firm has navigated in its 20-year history. With about 30 employees, we wanted to hear what her company was doing to weather the storm of client layoffs and budget cuts.

Here are the talking points covered in the interview on… Continue

Added by Peter Clayton on March 2, 2009 at 9:22pm — No Comments

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