Recruiting Blogs (24,312)

New Start-ups on the horizon – Recruitment Agency?

'Everyday people get fired from their job; employees change their firms/ companies to meet and/ or benefit from new market opportunities; human resource department (HRD) in large enterprises is always looking out for trust worthy and efficient workers. These are all leads to the rise of recruitment agencies in India – though, many agencies open shop every day, only some sustain amidst market forces and a few succeed well!’

In present times, HR agency start ups are challenging,…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:30pm — No Comments

HR Career – What is required?

Many people are eager to start a career or a business initiative in Human Resources, as it is a fast-growing field with many lucrative opportunities. Career analysts expect the number of HR jobs to rise in India with advance of globalization efforts and HR consultants are growing in number.

There are several ‘accomplished’ HR professionals with a wide variety of educational backgrounds – Human Resources, Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Commerce, Science, Applied Arts, Psychology…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:29pm — No Comments

Hiring process in question?

Can we ask applicants to give us a copy of the performance review from former job? Yes, you can! But, at issue: Is this an effective HR practice? Does it not invade the privacy of the applicant?

Some employers say that the rationale for requesting this information during the hiring process is to determine in advance the type of employee the applicant will become. There is, however, no effective way to determine whether a performance review is a reliable or valid predictor of future…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:26pm — No Comments

Intrapreneurship – Is it accepted everywhere?

The individual mind set in every business situation – varies with each individual and the reasons could be many – the ‘canvass’ exposure/ outlet in the current situation, past experience of the individual, innate talent, behavioral instincts – but, the point I am coming to is – Intrapreneurship – an act that is like of an Entrepreneur ( though he is not!) and we come across such people in small business organizations more. In fact, it is an act encouraged in small business…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:24pm — No Comments

Tracking Professional and Personal past of the job applicant?

‘No one is so transparent to tell you everything when they turn up for the interview. The CVs do not necessarily talk only the truth and even if they do – it is not the complete picture of the job applicant!’

Interviewing skills play a major role in right recruitment – Check references. Ask specific questions when you do. The dates might match up and the job description is probably accurate, but what about the candidate’s performance on the job and relationship skills with co-workers?…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:18pm — No Comments

Temp staffing to stay!

Young and promising career aspirants have no hang-ups about job security like their parents had and are increasingly looking at temporary roles ( most of these assignments are on contractual terms) – offering better money, career-jump and a quicker rise to top!

Temp staffing industry in India, less than fifteen years old, has nearly 6,00,000 employees on its pay rolls as on today. While I was in Kores India in 1998, I came to know that Hewlett Packard Sales India Pvt Ltd outsourced…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:16pm — No Comments

HR Dept – Managing your sales team in difficult times?

Most HR managers would tell you that HR function is the most important function in an organization. It is the HR manager who is responsible for the smooth running of all office activities. The responsibilities include effective hiring & the complete recruitment process, behavioral training an employee, personal record keeping, rewarding performers, interviewing/ screening and career development. True, the job of dealing with people requires some college level degree/ education in today’s…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:15pm — No Comments

Employee Attrition rates to decline – as an offshoot of Economic Uncertainty in Western markets !

Employee Attrition rate is more in sectors where job opportunities are more. We all know that ! The year 2008 was a disaster! Economic uncertainty started and loomed large then ( thanks to Ex President of United States, George ‘Dubya’ Bush – he literally ‘duba hee diya’ the world due to his lack of economic governance in the US !! ) And, one dividend out of all this mess – software/ tech sector stabilized earlier than anticipated, stability being the need of the hour. No more kite-flying !…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:13pm — No Comments

Hiring the ‘Right Employees’ !

The most important thing to recognize about hiring ‘right’ employees is forgetting the notion that employees are perfect.The perfect employee is definitely a dream of anyone who manages (lucky?), but as we all know, doesn’t really exist. No one is perfect; not employees and not employers. How do you make hiring decisions that will help you to hire the best employees? How do you hire employees who are great performers and totally engaged in their work? It begins with more or less an…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Productivity linked to Employee Ownership?

The term “Employee Ownership” refers to ownership of a company, by some or all of its employees. This can either be directly or indirectly and in part or in whole. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is an employee benefit program which enables the employees to become owners of the stocks of the company they work for. Companies offer shares to their employees because they believe being a ‘shareholder’ of the firm – would increase employee loyalty, performance and motivation…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Does This Make Me Look Fat? And Other Questions You Don’t Want To Answer

This is a trap. You know it, I know it, and my husband knows if I ask I’m probably trying to pick a fight. No matter how well intentioned or innocent this question might seem, there is just no good answer. Furthermore, if I’m bothering to ask, I already know this may not be the most flattering outfit I’ve ever tried on.


I know that uncomfortable feeling my poor husband gets when faced with this query because it’s the same one I get when a candidate asks for feedback after…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on February 29, 2012 at 7:16pm — 12 Comments

Looking to Make a Career Change? Career Training and Asking a Few Questions Can Open Doors

Making a career change is a big decision, especially if it involves not only you, but a family and loved ones as well. In order to better assess what type of job in what kind of environment suits you best, there are several questions you should ask yourself as you prepare to make a move. Asking yourself the following questions will help you realize what issues are – or aren’t – deal breakers.


Additionally, career education or career training can be invaluable as you start the…


Added by Crystal T on February 29, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Shannon Russo - RPO


Everyone has their own idea about what makes a good show.  

- @Ray_anne says that I always cut the guest off just when she was just about to say something good. I say I only cut people off when they start to…


Added by Recruiting Animal on February 29, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Oscar Winning Hiring and Oscar Winning Talent Management

The Academy Awards honor “achievements” in all the key disciplines in movie-making, with acting, directing and writing being most notable.  Other awards, including the ones they don’t even telecast, involve the music, sound, editing, costuming, production design, makeup, and even the science and technology behind what we see on the screen.

This got me thinking…


Added by Mark Bregman on February 29, 2012 at 1:54pm — No Comments

How to Spot You're a Recruitment Bore

Had a recent coffee with a mate and in turn we despaired, chuckled and grimaced when recalling recruiters we knew, worked with or had met over the years. So as a bit of a fun posting here's my guide to spotting if you're a Recruiment Bore.

You're a RB one if:

  1. You can't stop interviewing whoever you meet. Whether it's the taxi driver, the barber, someone at a party, another parent at parents' evening who find yourself judging if they're employable talent. I once…

Added by Robert Wright on February 29, 2012 at 12:21pm — 13 Comments

Campus recruitment – an effective method to fill up front end ‘sales’ positions!

Front end positions in Sales are generally available – if there are new business avenues being opened up in a sales driven organization! Expansion of existing business operations in a large scale also creates a need of the employer to visit the campus.

Campus recruitment or campus interview is a program conducted within educational institutes or in a common place to provide jobs to students pursuing or in the stage of completing their academic studies. In this Campus recruitment…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 11:54am — No Comments

How to conduct sales recruitment program successfully?

A strong sales force is a critical requirement for every business operation to succeed well. I do not think any reader of my blog will differ with me on this aspect. Experienced sales personnel with proven records of accomplishment are difficult to recruit through simple screening CVs by internet job portals; particularly, at senior levels, even one rung above front-end positions! Human behavior and thought process among sales professionals cannot be judged by a pure HR professional. If the…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 11:53am — No Comments

Why Small Businesses need a recruitment consultant?

Well, the common belief among Small businesses’ owners is – they do not need a recruitment consultant because they are ‘damn’ too expensive. I do not feel so and I have got 22 years of business experience to say that! In fact, Small businesses rely ( quite heavily) on their employees to succeed and I do not think anyone would disagree with this fact. Every single employee is a significant cost in terms of financial resources, business opportunity, service levels, generation or retention of…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 29, 2012 at 11:51am — No Comments

“MOST”-Part 1!!!

“MOST”-Part 1!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself, the 4 pillars needed to get to the next level.


Often I am asked what are the secrets of my success. When I try to explain it, most people thought some of these secrets were not something you could learn, you either had it or not. To a point this is true, but also to a point you can learn them and as such can get better.


So here I will…


Added by Dean Da Costa on February 28, 2012 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Search Firms: Big or Boutique?

I believe that a constant in our society is that Talent drives innovation and execution. Talent is the key ingredient in all successful companies. Every successful venture has either a single talent or a group of talented people behind it. I don’t know many people who would argue this point.

My question is, “Why don’t more companies and HR types consider the talent of the prospective search consultant in their equation before they hire a search firm?…


Added by Drue De Angelis on February 28, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

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