Recruiting Blogs (24,193)

Tuesday, Feb 17 MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Class Chat Log

Best Remark of the Day

“The historic volumes of use of social networks since the downturn is really focusing functionality into the technology…the ethics are just now starting to pop up will be interesting to see the generic response evolution.” ~ jayson seymour


12:01pm Maureen Sharib Welcome sourcers to the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing class chat - today's class subject is about… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on February 18, 2009 at 7:54am — No Comments

Fast Food Chains Profits all ‘Go Large’

It’s only the second the day of the week and we can report more positive news regarding employment opportunities in the fast food industry. If ever you needed an argument for that pizza or KFC then this is it!

This Month has seen US Owned fast food chains Subway and KFC already report an increase in profits, which will could to the creation of over 10,000 new jobs in the UK, a trend which Domino’s Pizza are looking to continue.

Domino’s Pizza has today reported a strong… Continue

Added by Matt on February 18, 2009 at 6:08am — No Comments

Gunnin' for the Boss

Dear Claudia,

I’ll cut to the chase: my boss is an idiot, and I want his job. I think I can do it better than him, faster, and probably a whole lot cheaper for the company. The CEO will be spending some time in our office over the next month, and I’d like to use the opportunity to tell him my suggestions to improve our department performance. I think I can make a good business case to replace him; do you think it’s a good idea, or job suicide?


Dear… Continue

Added by Claudia Faust on February 18, 2009 at 1:04am — No Comments

In This Economy...

In this economy...

I won't bother getting up early, because there is no business anyway.

I won't make many calls, because - "Who is hiring?"

I'll go out to lunch with friends, because nothing is happening.


If you are thinking like this, you are.

I did some heavy business development today. Since everyone has been bellyaching about the economy, I didn't expect much.

Guess what - I… Continue

Added by Diana Luger on February 17, 2009 at 7:41pm — 6 Comments

Fat New Yawkahs

Today, a Federal Appeals court upheld New York City's proposed regulation requiring chain restaurants with at least 15 outlets across the country to post calories on menus and menu boards. The rationale is that displaying such information is a reasonable way to curb obesity because it forces people to know… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on February 17, 2009 at 2:56pm — No Comments

On Linkedin - Size does matter.

Hi everyone,

I know this is nuts, but I was up all Sunday night, thinking about all my candidate and recruiter contacts who keep harassing me on how to use linkedin. I have to admit that most users of this group are pretty connected and use linkedin pretty aggressively, but then there are so many other of my contacts that are on linkedin but still don't really use it effectively.

Many of my contacts know that I believe in a big linkedin network. (on the quality - quantity… Continue

Added by Konstantinos Kasekas on February 17, 2009 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Great FREE job board !

In times like these, we can all use a free resource. Post your jobs on at no cost. Resumes from job seekers that apply for your positions are emailed directly to you.

The site is completely free to recruiters and employers. The company earns all of its revenue from advertisers.

Just create a free log-in and you can begin posting unlimited jobs immediately.


Added by Ken Keating on February 17, 2009 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Trust Me.....No Really

Should I use a funding or factoring broker? For any business owner-It's a valid question worth asking and one that deserves a lot of attention to detail when answering. Theoretically, using a broker should be the best option for a company looking in to payroll funding or factoring receivables. In a perfect world, any logical person would think that a broker who is well connected to funding resources would be able to keep his/her clients best interests in mind when connecting them with a… Continue

Added by Daniel Stacy on February 17, 2009 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Searchable Online Resume Books from the Top MBA Programs

Interns are your company's future. If your company wants to make money in the long term, you can't quit hiring. Hiring is essential to the success of any business, and without it, the talent pipeline runs dry. MBA Focus has the candidates to keep your business talent pipeline running.

Hire class of 2010 interns from these b-schools and more:

- The Univ. of Chicago - Booth School of Business

- Columbia Univ. -… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on February 17, 2009 at 10:40am — No Comments

Post a Job to an Exclusive Network of Elite MBAs

Do not worry about an onslaught of unqualified candidates! With MultiPost, only the world’s elite MBAs from the world’s elite MBA programs can see your job posting. MultiPost distributes your job opening to multiple MBA and alumni job boards at once. MultiPost is an exclusive service only available to a selection of top business schools, including: Chicago, Wharton, Kellogg, Stanford, Columbia, and 50+ other top schools.

You select which schools you want and the candidate… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on February 17, 2009 at 10:38am — No Comments

Connecting You with the Top Global MBA Students and Experience Hire Candidates Your Company Needs

MBA Focus™ has teamed up with the top-ranked business schools in the world, to help you find the perfect candidates for your company’s job openings. You’re guaranteed to find qualified candidates for your job openings from an exclusive collection of over 40,000 elite job-seeking professionals with MBAs.

MBA Focus has experienced business professionals in every field, from every corner of the world, with every skill you need. Find… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on February 17, 2009 at 10:35am — No Comments

Good Resumes in Bad Times

In this economy, I wanted to reach out to candidates and give the do’s and don'ts of writing not just a good, but an EFFECTIVE RESUME. I asked my very opinionated team of K. Russo Associates executive recruiters to write down all the things that we as recruiters (and therefore Human Resource managers) find helpful and annoying when reading over a resume.

The Top DO’s for Good Resume Writing

• Use a clean and simple font; stay away from anything cursive or hard to… Continue

Added by Karen Russo on February 17, 2009 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

Practice Makes Perfect

One of the things I really began to pine for in this recession that is affecting many of us is the lack of sourcing "practice" that I used to get every day. I've found a couple paths to keep my skills cutting-sharp and I'll share them with you today in the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Chat but I expect you to share yours as well! See you at noon (EST) in class. Don't be late.

“Practice is the best… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on February 17, 2009 at 7:54am — No Comments

Job boards are in it for themselves

While browsing the ‘news web’ this morning I pick up an interesting article entitled “Beware job board CV advice”. The headline immediately caught my eye and the content certainly raised a few questions.

Written by Nick Gendler, a career coach at, the piece discusses the author’s experience (via a colleague) with a CV review/writing service, offered by [continue… Continue

Added by Julian Stopps on February 17, 2009 at 4:58am — No Comments

Surprisingly enough the answer was right under my nose

When working on a position that is open for a while things tend to change a time or two. The manager wants a different certification, more experience, less experience, an advanced degree, or a whole different skill set if you give them enough time. Unfortunately, this is the kind of position I have just recently begun the recruiting process on. It has been open for a few months and the manager has reviewed and declined over 60 resumes (and counting).

I've only been in the loop a week… Continue

Added by Gino Conti on February 16, 2009 at 4:41pm — No Comments

Get in the Habit of Taking Action

A lot of us get stuck in inaction –procrastinating, doing a lot of unimportant tasks to avoid the important stuff, worrying about failing or about being perfect, having a hard time starting, getting distracted, and so on.

It’s time to start forming the Action Habit instead.

And it’s really not that hard if you focus on it for a little while. Like any other habit, start in small doses, little tasks, just short bursts, and then build on that momentum.

Some quick… Continue

Added by Noel Cocca on February 16, 2009 at 2:51pm — No Comments

Going International

My job site needs to go international. I am worried about getting jobseekers from all around the world, because in the nuclear business security clearance makes it necessary for applicants to be from specific countries to be acceptable. I can see how I can get a country of residence from a jobseeker, but I am not sure how to structure the site to make it attractive to a wide range of countries. Please can anyone help?

John UK

Added by John Sadler on February 16, 2009 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Jobseekers aren't happy anywhere - so why torque them off even more?

When the NSA says that that personal instability caused by this greedy recession had become the biggest security threat facing the US, you know that employment is a really big issue. Read this article then ask yourself how you interact with jobseekers...


Are you an old school soldier who believes command and control is your strategic response?

Are you the used car… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on February 15, 2009 at 12:11pm — No Comments

I've finally made sense of "The Apprentice!"

So you're over Agency work.. over the sales? Over the cold calls? over the rejection? over the financial expectations? the stats? the KPI's? the managers looking over your shoulder? The feeling that no-one wants to talk to you? You've just got to get out of sales! I know the feeling. You think... I know Recruitment, I'll go into Internal Recruitment, or try to move up to HR (I hate that thought, UP to HR.... Seriously?, but apparently it… Continue

Added by Dan Nuroo on February 15, 2009 at 9:25am — No Comments

Welch's recruiting philosophy

When life gives you lemons make grape juice then watch and listen to others wonder how you did it.

The problem with challenging times is inclination to do what others are doing - but then you have the situation where you're simply picking apples at the same orchard as everyone else. The only thing you can find are partially eaten apples and worms.

Al's gonna hate me for saying this but toss out Monster for a week - heck, no job boards at all - and… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on February 15, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

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