All Blog Posts Tagged 'resume' (496)

How long should your resume be?

A friend of mine came by over the weekend to go over his job search plan. He had paid a good deal of money to a company that helped him rewrite his resume and then they blasted out hard and soft copies to thousands of companies.

Well, he hasn't gotten the results he had hoped for, so he was asking for advice. I was shocked to see that this company recommended that he limit his resume to one page! He has over 20 years of experience and I have always thought the one page rule was for… Continue

Added by Cathy McCullough on January 5, 2009 at 1:36pm — No Comments

A simple trend for 2009 (great FREE resource to search resumes)

Over the last few years whenever I spoke to a job seeker about showing up on recruiters radar, I advised them to post their resume on a home page so recruiters, sourcers or hiring managers using search engines can find them

(Here is the post)

After I wrote this I found out about a free resource for both recruiters AND job seekers called Resumebucket which simply does document hosting of resumes. I have been… Continue

Added by Marcus Ronaldi on December 29, 2008 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Finding Your Next Job after a Layoff

In my last blog, I wrote about how companies can manage through the flood of resumes that are hitting them. If it is difficult for corporate Human Resources right now, it is devastating for those looking for a job. As bleak as the picture is, there are companies that still need to fill crucial positions. So how do you become a candidate, let alone get the job?

Your Resume

Show how you added value. Include quantified performance metrics – increased sales, saved money, trimmed… Continue

Added by Karen Russo on December 22, 2008 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

Are your job candidates taking other offers before you get through your hiring process?

Hiring Manager Alert: If you have a problem with candidates taking other positions during your interview and hiring process, it’s likely that you’ve gotten your candidates from job boards, newspaper ads, and so on…which means that it’s also likely that you’ve contacted them late in the job search cycle.

To avoid this problem, the solution is simple: work with a recruiter. A recruiter prescreens candidates for you, eliminating the waste of your time and productivity on a candidate who… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 19, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Surviving the Resume Flood

The landscape for employment opportunities took a huge turn this year. Our office, like so many other executive recruiting firms, is being flooded with emails, resumes, and recurrent phone calls on a daily basis. You can imagine the deluge that is happening in the Human Resources offices of the attractive (and let’s be honest, even the not-so-attractive) corporations.

For some this is undoubtedly a painful time of transition. Sadly, many will need to revisit their expectations,… Continue

Added by Karen Russo on November 18, 2008 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments

Why You Need an Objective On Your Resume

I found a great video on YouTube by Susan Ireland, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Resume. In this video, Susan discusses why you need an objective on the top of your resume. I agree that it’s important for you to have a good one (see my post 7 Tips For a Great Resume). There are several reasons:

1. It lets the reader know what you want, instead of implying that you need help finding a spot. It’s a weak approach that won’t serve you well anywhere in the process,… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 17, 2008 at 6:30am — No Comments

First-Year MBA Recruiting: Class of 2010 Interns from Top B-Schools

New MBA Students, New Resumes, New Work Profiles!

First-year recruiting is in full-swing and, in this climate, you should consider every source of cost savings. Save time, save money, and recruit MBA interns virtually with online resume books. Find only those candidates who match your firm’s criteria. You can get started now at our secure ordering website:

Here are the first-year MBA class of 2010… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on November 14, 2008 at 9:59am — No Comments

Explaining Medical Sales — Part III

There are several things to think about when you are considering job opportunities in medical sales, whether you’re moving into it or moving around in it. In the first part of this series (Explaining Medical Sales - Part I) we talked about what’s involved in capital sales, and in the second part (Explaining Medical Sales - Part II) we covered consumable and service sales and what kinds of personalities best fit different sales jobs. In today’s video, I discuss specific aspects of sales jobs… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 14, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

Age Discrimination: McCain was too old!

Not in years but in attitude, energy, and communication style.

Okay - I am sure that I am going to step on some toes here but….I think McCain lost the election because he is “old”. Why do I say this? His platform, knowledge, integrity, and experience were much stronger but he failed to deliver the message because he is uncomfortable with technology, publicity and this new age of communication that we are now in.

He had an opportunity to be on the O’Reilly show at the exact… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 14, 2008 at 7:30am — No Comments

1st-Year MBA Recruiting: Intern Resumes and Job Boards

MBA Focus would like to help you identify and attract top MBA intern candidates by offering you access to nearly 14,000 “first-year” candidates from the top 60+ global MBA programs via online resume books, work profiles, and job boards. These recruiting tools allow you to identify the best fit candidates for your internship opportunities using search criteria that match your company's hiring needs. Take advantage of these cost-effective and essential… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on November 12, 2008 at 11:13am — No Comments

Explaining Medical Sales–Part II

In my previous post (Explaining Medical Sales - Part I), I told you about the difference between capital sales and consumable sales, mainly concentrating on what kinds of products are involved in capital sales. In today’s video, we’ll talk about consumable and service sales as they relate to medical sales, laboratory sales, clinical diagnostics sales, medical equipment sales, pharmaceutical sales, imaging sales, medical device sales, hospital equipment sales, or biotechnology… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 12, 2008 at 5:30am — No Comments

Explaining Medical Sales: Part I

I receive several calls every week from people asking about the difference between sales opportunities in the medical sales field, and which personalities might fit best. So, to address these questions, here is the first part of a 3-part series explaining different types of medical sales.

There are two basic types of sales that occur in all areas of medical sales, which includes clinical diagnostics sales, laboratory sales, pharmaceutical sales, imaging sales, DNA products sales,… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 10, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

Using Assessment Tests As A Hiring Tool

Part of every sales manager’s job is to add to the team. Hire new talent. You think you know what you’re looking for: that “spark,” that intangible “it” factor, that “something about this candidate” that tells your intuition that this is the one. You do look at resumes and previous sales figures (if they have them), but you also look for personality, drive, determination, and people skills. Not exactly an exact science, is it? There’s lots of room for error. So how do you combat that… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on November 7, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Frustration is spelled R.E.S.U.M.E.

Someday I hope to find whoever instructs my 10+ year veteran consultants to turn their incredible careers into one condensed page of confusion – and kick them in the shin.

Now I realize that there are SEVERAL schools of thought with regard to resume writing. Let’s face it – selling yourself on paper is probably one of the most difficult tasks other than perhaps – changing a tire without scratching your knuckles on the pavement. As the years have passed, I have found myself the career… Continue

Added by Kelly Moeller on November 7, 2008 at 12:25pm — No Comments

Job Search Tip: What can a recruiter do for you?

Since I’ve discussed with you before how to work with recruiter and the best ways for you to attract the attention of a recruiter, I thought I’d add one more thing, just so we’re all on the same page…for you to understand the role a recruiter plays in your job search, you need to understand that I work for the client company, not for you. That doesn’t mean working with a medical sales recruiter isn’t an asset for you in your search for a medical sales job, such as a biotech sales job, clinical… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on October 27, 2008 at 7:30am — No Comments

How to Work a Tradeshow

I had a candidate call me and ask for advice on how to work a tradeshow. He’s looking for a job, and exploring many avenues. He’s already ahead of the game by having a plan, but here’s my advice:

Before the show:

Send out an e-mail to all of your contacts, letting them know what’s going on, that you’ll be at the tradeshow, and that you’re looking for contacts and opportunities. Be specific in what you’re looking for…a sales/marketing/management job in medical sales,… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on October 24, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Talent Pipeline in Financial Downturn

In every economic environment, companies need to recruit and groom their next generation of leaders. Smart firms have learned from past mistakes and cannot afford to fall behind in leadership recruiting again. Hiring summer interns is a cost-effective and essential tool for leadership recruiting regardless of business cycles. MBA Focus provides tools (online resume books and… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on October 23, 2008 at 11:52am — No Comments

Become a Virtual Recruiter in a Down Economy

With the recent developments on Wall Street, many firms are turning to virtual recruiting as a timely and cost effective enhancement to on-campus recruiting. Savvy firms are using targeted, online recruiting tools to identify and attract a larger number of qualified leadership candidates without leaving their office. Take advantage of these exclusive, low cost enhancements to on campus recruiting:

Global Focus®: The web-based recruiting platform where companies seeking leadership… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on October 23, 2008 at 11:50am — No Comments

Interview Questions for Employers

I am pleased to present this article from Alan Murray, webmaster of, where Alan provides a lot of great interview advice.

Interview Questions for Employers

If you are tasked to conduct a job interview for your company, one of the most important things that you should always keep in mind is the fact that the main purpose of the interview is to get to know the candidate better. You are there to ask and listen, not to talk. To be specific, eighty… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on October 23, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Recruiter open for job in pleasanton california

If anyone out there has a job opening for a recruiter in pleasanton california. Please contact me
my website

Added by Michelle Yang on October 21, 2008 at 3:13pm — No Comments

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