All Blog Posts Tagged 'jobs' (697)

2009 Job Posting Report ...Building & Construction lose, while Not For Profit Org & Social Care rises.

Courtesy of Adcourier / Broadbean

Analysis of almost 8 million job postings has highlighted the extent of Britain’s recession in 2009, clearly naming the winners and losers of the recruiting industries.

The latest report discusses data on the number of jobs distributed by Adcourier to its (circa) 1,100 job

boards during the 2009 calendar year. The report is broken down by sector, providing details on how… Continue

Added by tom on March 16, 2010 at 5:34am — No Comments

"Assistance During Your Job Search"

Steven’s Note:The following is a press release provided by Angel Food Ministries. The reason I’ve posted this information is that we can all use this wonderful service as locations can be found throughout most of the United States. During your job search, I’d ask that you consider using the services yourself, and certainly share this information with anyone you can. Thank you!



Added by Steven Coyne on March 9, 2010 at 9:03am — No Comments

Healthcare Recruiting Position - K.A. Recruiting, Inc. is looking to hire an experienced Recruiter

K.A. Recruiting, Inc. is looking for an experienced recruiter to help with our increasing client needs. We’re a boutique sized, healthcare recruiting firm based in Boston’s financial district. We cover the entire US working predominately with hospitals and reference labs. To better meet our existing clients overall hiring demands we’re seeking a recruiter to expand our business into other verticals within the healthcare space. This is a unique opportunity to join a growing recruiting firm that… Continue

Added by KC Carpenter on March 8, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

"3 Reasons I'll Read Your Resume"

I heard it again today, “I’ve applied to 300 jobs in the last month.”


Why would anyone waste their time like that? Sounds to me like this person was simply doing the “Click and Go” dance with his computer. I certainly understand the desperation that comes with the economic climate we all live in today, but I’m concerned.

If a…


Added by Steven Coyne on March 5, 2010 at 2:00pm — 22 Comments

Career Manifesto

When it comes to creating your career plans, you must start with the belief that you want a career and what that really means to you. What is your career philosophy? How do you define your career ambitions and goals? Are you ready to stand up and fight for the career you want? Are you a…


Added by Lisa Kaye on February 28, 2010 at 12:36am — No Comments

Changing Jobs With Dignity

So your candidate has accepted your job. You, your candidate and your client are all happy. For a professional recruiter however, this task is not yet complete. While all recruiters are trained to make sure the candidate knows how to resign and is prepared for the various soon to be ex-employer reactions that can jeopardize the deal, most recruiters do not understand the importance of the candidate leaving his/her current employer properly. That goes way beyond 2 weeks notice and handing over… Continue

Added by Steve Fleischner on February 9, 2010 at 6:30pm — No Comments

The Tail of the Tiger

Early last year, during the depth of the financial crisis, I had the opportunity to do market research in China for a major pharma firm. At the time, even highly employable R&D scientists and marketers were worried about the coming crisis. Conventional wisdom was, “when the developed world sneezes, the developing world catches a cold.”

Not so much this time. More like a sniffle. Though China’s economy has suffered—who can forget the breathtaking… Continue

Added by David Kippen on January 29, 2010 at 3:49pm — No Comments

College Job Market Shows Signs of Improvement

Could it be? Some good news on hiring statistics for a change?

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) released their latest NACE Index report this month - and it shows some signs of improvement in the college hiring market. Or at least an "improvement in the level of decrease." Hey - we have to take the good news from where we can!

Each month, NACE polls its employer members and reports the results as an… Continue

Added by Jennifer Rutt on January 27, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Dry Powder Job Market (Part 2)

In Part 1 of "It's a Dry Powder Market," I introduced the dry powder theory. The dry powder theory is an investment term used to describe tactics investors employ during an economic recession where they maintain a very liquid amount of assets that are quickly… Continue

Added by Jessica Miller-Merrell on January 25, 2010 at 10:27am — No Comments

Has the workforce changed forever?

The evolving US economy, cyclical change, and the worldwide distribution of wealth and business have caused what some experts are claiming to be an ever changing and fluid workforce. Stability and permanence are washed away to the low cost countries beating down our doors offering value and efficiency. But is that the case, or are we not noticing the widespread change that is taking place with our off-shoring efforts and what is likely to be a huge windfall (long long term) if the US can… Continue

Added by Jason Monastra on January 22, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

When Your Job Search Hits Rock Bottom...

and the world around you has turned upside down, what do you do? When all of your job search efforts, interviews, breakfast meetings and resume re-writes lead you to the same place, nowhere, who do you turn to for help? When it's no longer enough to keep going, sometimes you reach for a little divine inspiration, sometimes you want to give up. You know when you've reached the end of the road, this is the time to pick up where you left off and start all over again. The old way of doing things,… Continue

Added by Lisa Kaye on January 20, 2010 at 11:32pm — No Comments

Recruiters Break Down Barriers

Recently I was in a elevator with a group of people and the silence was killing me. As I looked around and saw a few people dressed suits and ties, a Fedx delivery man, and some others in business casual attire. I could feel that everyone was feeling uncomfortable.

I decided that I would say something. At the risk of my life and limbs and looked over at the guys in the suits and said, "How you are you guys doing today?"

The seas parted and the silence was broken! One of… Continue

Added by Craig Silverman on January 20, 2010 at 2:06pm — 1 Comment

Have You Figured Out Your Value Added Proposition? Don't Know What VAP is? You should...

I have been speaking and emailing with quite a few job seekers recently about their luck on their job searches. I keep hearing over and over that they are not having a lot of luck. They are getting interviews, which tells me that they have the requisite skills to do the job and that their resumes are making a fairly decent first impression. The fact that they still do not have an offer leads me to make a few conclusions - 1) They are up against really stiff competition and time and again, the… Continue

Added by Rachel Salley on January 10, 2010 at 2:10pm — No Comments

December Jobs Report Will Be Far Worse Than Expected

Minneapolis, MN, January 7th, 2010 – The Department of Labor will release its jobs report for December tomorrow, and the data will undoubtedly show that the economy is a long way from healthy recovery mode. Economists are expecting that the U.S. economy actually added jobs during the month, marking the first monthly job gains since December of 2007. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index, which rose again in December, adds a faint glimmer of hope that this might be the… Continue

Added by Molly Moseley on January 7, 2010 at 3:06pm — 3 Comments

The Slow, Silent War on Talent

A lot of people don’t like their job

Shocking news from the Conference Board and MSNBC today folks! Americans are unhappy at work!

We can’t get no job satisfaction.

Even Americans who are lucky enough to have work in this economy are becoming more unhappy with their jobs, according to a new survey that found only 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their… Continue

Added by Michael VanDervort on January 6, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Must Use Tools for 2KX

I've been working on my plan for 2010 and thinking about things like Training, Activity Levels, Goals, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Time Management, which Conferences to attend, etc... Like most of you I try to start off a new year year with all the best intentions and try to have a fast start.

Trying is one thing but results are another, so here is a list of a few things that have helped me and my team.

Video - With platforms like Youtube, tons of cameras… Continue

Added by Craig Silverman on January 6, 2010 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments

Keeping up with the changing pace in IT advancement: A challenge for IT job seekers.

It is a well-known fact that information technology is one of the most dynamic and ever-changing professional fields in the word. While some say that the frequency at which information technology innovation evolves is astronomical, others compare

its changes to the brazing speed of light (That is approximately 299,792,458 m/s.)

Information technology changes so fast said Sandra Thompson, a former employee of eLinks Software. “Since I lost my job one year ago, it has been… Continue

Added by justin on December 10, 2009 at 5:02am — No Comments

LinkUp Reports Significant Improvement on the Jobs Front in November

As further evidence of an improving economy, LinkUp reported today that new job listings in its job search engine rose 9% in November, while the total number of job listings in its search engine rose 4%. The Department of Labor reported this morning that in November, the U.S. economy only lost 11,000 jobs, a stunning development given the consensus estimate from economists that 125,000 were lost during the month. Unemployment dropped to 10% in November from a 26-year high of 10.2% in… Continue

Added by Molly Moseley on December 8, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Manners Matter in the Interview Process

Is common courtesy essential in the interview process? Do manners matter? The obvious answer is yes. Yet recently, I have witnessed a number of candidates that seem to think otherwise. Despite the economic climate candidates are still no-showing interviews, blowing off client requested tests and not returning calls. I am left wondering….do candidates really think this is acceptable?

People don’t blow off doctor, hair, or even car maintenance appointments for fear that they will be… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:24pm — 2 Comments

I'm still a pessimistic optimist on this job market

The unemployment rate dropped from 10.2% to 10% for November. Economist thought that the rate would maintain 10.2% for November so the news I’m reading is overly positive about the .2% drop. Most of these same economist however thought the unemployment rate would peak at 10.2% in February of 2010 but we saw that number 4 months earlier in October of this year. So forgive me if I am cautiously optimistic.

According to the New York Times, Allen L. Sinai, the founder of the research… Continue

Added by Darin Manis on December 4, 2009 at 3:19pm — No Comments

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