Purchasing an established business is sometimes characterized as risky. But if you do your due diligence, with the help of professionals, you will have more confidence.
I suggest for people to looking at businesses with tangible assets, and a healthy growth outlook.
Keep in mind the following points while looking:
How pleased are the current customers? Growing the customer numbers is a good strategy. Independently evaluate the current sales, to see if and how you can…
Added by Mike Johns on November 11, 2008 at 5:11am —
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I actually found the Punk Rock HR blog much earlier today, interesting.
Sorry for the long link....
1. Personal Branding
About the blog: Writer Dan Schawbel has written extensively about personal branding. "Personal branding is how we market ourselves to others," Schawbel explains.
His blog…
Added by Tina Huckabay on November 10, 2008 at 10:36pm —
Good days and bad days but I think we are all still doing quite well. Just remember, those who survive this will come out stronger then ever! Be innovative, underpromise and overdeliver. Just a few things I wanted to share with all of you. Hiring Freezes do not mean there isn't hiring occurring...We are all keeping busy...aren't we???? What are you all hearing out there?
Sheila sgreco@sheilagreco.com
Added by sheila Greco on November 10, 2008 at 9:49pm —
1 Comment
Financial Times.
These two words should be part of your daily work schedule just as you check your email for resumes or your ATS for candidates. Recruiting can't be viewed as merely a relationship (although if more viewed recruiting as a relationship activity rather than something that closes a job order or gets an opening off the books, this would be a very big step).
In today's Financial Times,…
Added by Steve Levy on November 10, 2008 at 8:23pm —
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Hiring Top MBA Interns?
Access nearly 14,000 first-year MBA students from more than 60 top-rated global MBA programs in one searchable database.
Recruit Top MBA Interns to your Company!
In every economic environment, companies need to recruit and groom their next generation of leaders. Smart firms have learned from past mistakes and realize they cannot afford to fall behind in leadership recruiting again. Hiring summer interns is a cost-effective and…
Added by Ryan Pratt on November 10, 2008 at 4:38pm —
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I loved this recent article in the Wall Street Journal about the power of Christina Binkley's lucky suit. Not because I'm a fan of St. Johns--I'm not. Too difficult to pull off and, in my opinion, too dowdy. And not because I advocate spending that much on a suit--it would be fun but it's unnecessary.
I love this article because Christina has a great outfit in her closet that clearly makes her feel on top of the world, confident, and successful. My theory is the "maître d" can't tell…
Added by Vikki Pachera on November 10, 2008 at 3:59pm —
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"I learned to listen to men in a deeper way. Tuning into men's voices, instead of getting caught up on their looks, was the same as a person suddenly going blind, only to find their other senses enhanced." ~ Photo Essay: Phone Sex Operators: Lessons for Virgins.…
Added by Maureen Sharib on November 10, 2008 at 2:31pm —
President-elect Barack Obama has launched a
Web site to chronicle his transition. Within 24 hours of last week's historic vote, his transition team rolled out change.gov, a Web site that promises to be "your source for the latest news, events and announcements so that you can follow the setting up of the Obama…
Added by Maureen Sharib on November 10, 2008 at 1:59pm —
1 Comment
Also, find people through Twitter Search for example that talk about topics you are interested in, and start conversations with them. Last week I highlighted a business from a friend that offers mediation services. My friend got people contacting him through my one Twitter post. Just 140 characters can result in closed business for you or someone else. More…
Added by Maureen Sharib on November 10, 2008 at 1:35pm —
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Certain predicted technological revolutions are more myth than reality.
After all, TV phones and laserdiscs were hailed as the wave of the future and yet, despite influencing today's technology, they've gone by the wayside.
Social networking sites might have seemed as if they'd follow the same route, but all signs suggest they're here for the long haul.
Employers are checking job applicants' profiles on sites like Facebook,…
Added by Maureen Sharib on November 10, 2008 at 1:20pm —
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Millions of people have been queried, invited and even cajoled into joining the business social network LinkedIn. And more than 30 million of them have accepted. But while we knew LinkedIn members used the site for business reasons -- vs. the more purely social networks such as Facebook or MySpace -- we didn't know exactly who they were. Some are looking for jobs, others…
Added by Maureen Sharib on November 10, 2008 at 1:07pm —
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A quick post this morning as I work to get back in the groove. The idea behind this week is to find as many ways to maximize my productive time as possible. One of the tools I think I've found to help with this - or at least be an enjoyable distraction...
SocialAddict is an
Adobe… Continue
Added by RecruiterGuy on November 10, 2008 at 10:50am —
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I receive several calls every week from people asking about the difference between sales opportunities in the medical sales field, and which personalities might fit best. So, to address these questions, here is the first part of a 3-part series explaining different types of medical sales.
There are two basic types of sales that occur in all areas of medical sales, which includes clinical diagnostics sales, laboratory sales, pharmaceutical sales, imaging sales, DNA products sales,…
Added by Peggy McKee on November 10, 2008 at 10:30am —
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Building a McJobs Site
A McJobs Site
November 10th, 2008 ·
Low cost providers do well in market downturns. McDonalds and Wal-Mart both posted topline growth in October. This demonstrates that the right market positioning (”Dollar Menus” and “Every day low prices”) can permit a company to make share of wallet gains in very competitive markets. In this environment, Value is the key USP. For recruitment…
Added by william fischer on November 10, 2008 at 9:59am —
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I recently wrote an article on Sarah Palin vs. CareerBuilder on Facebook - and wanted to share with the RBC Community...

With hundreds of investments you can make with online advertising, the CareerBuilder ad deal with Facebook, hasn’t proven to be one on the top of my list. What was touted earlier this year as an innovative way to break into the social media and networking space hiring - and the next big thing for CareerBuilder…
Added by Jason Buss on November 10, 2008 at 9:13am —
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Interesting ERE string from May, 2006
Looking for information on phone sourcing? Read through the T and TH Phone Sourcing Classroom Chats over on the
MagicMethod network. They’re listed in the Blog Posts section and are identifiable by the yellow talk bubble that says…
Added by Maureen Sharib on November 10, 2008 at 8:30am —
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This post is political in nature. Other than the next clause, I won't mention the word "recruiting." But in the longer term, following and understanding political, economic, social and technological issues is critical to the services we provide the business sector... Remember, be a PEST.
Finance fascinates me because of it's nexus to politics - financial policy is always tangled with political intent: The impact of lobbyists and related influencers on the…
Added by Steve Levy on November 10, 2008 at 8:15am —
The value of retiree's savings along with their homes has fallen and this coupled with inflation and the huge costs associated with health care** has resulted in many finding they must return to work if they are to live a lifestyle any where near what they planned. Unfortunately the current job market is such that it is particularly difficult to find employment regardless of age.
A number of retirees have found it is possible to get a part-time or temporary job or project assignment.…
Added by Art Koff on November 10, 2008 at 7:59am —
A presentation I attended from Carol Mahoney (VP of Talent Acquisition @ Yahoo!) at the Australasian Talent Conference back in April has had a profound affect on me... It has stayed in my thinking and has now bubbled to the top, it is an idea I have to action, something I have to make real... Only problem is... I'm not sure how to.
Whilst her points about branding, buzz marketing, purple squirrels and purple berrets left their mark. One of the points Carol…
Added by Dan Nuroo on November 10, 2008 at 7:00am —

Can you imagine how much human capital we could create here in the US if we spent a sum equal to the recent bailout of a bunch of spoiled risk takers on technical education, literacy, housing, and wellness? On innovation and patent protection? On civility?
Imagine so much talent that recruiters would have to really sell the company and the opportunity because of competing job offers at all levels?
That would separate the wheat from the chaff!
This is what…
Added by Steve Levy on November 9, 2008 at 8:24pm —