He showed up on The
Recruiting Animal Show again. (Audiofile)
Added by Recruiting Animal on September 18, 2008 at 11:14am —
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Yes this is self-promotion. But not shameless self-promotion. This stuff is different and interesting. If you listen and think I'm wrong leave me a nasty comment.
GUEST: Jennifer McClure, The CincyRecruiter
No… Continue
Added by Recruiting Animal on September 18, 2008 at 11:13am —
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Not one to mince her words, this week Margaret Graziano gives some hard truths for us all to digest. Are you ready for this? The Truth About Hiring Recruiters …….At Least.... My Version Of The Truth
Happy Thursday! Ami G.
Added by Amitai Givertz on September 18, 2008 at 8:24am —
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What an amazing event! I am still reeling from all the wonderful information that I have learned. So much to put into action and turn into sucess! A special thanks to Leslie O'Conner for all she does!
So many people spoke this year and here were my favorites!
Dave Copps Keynote - Semantic Web
Gerry Crispin - Expanding Sourcers Pipeline
Michael Buckner - Sourcing Team Integreation
Otis Collier - Diversity Recruiting
Marvin Smith -…
Added by Alecia Sullivan on September 17, 2008 at 8:57pm —
1 Comment
Added by Sean Rehder on September 17, 2008 at 5:56pm —
Our client is a highly successful retailer of premium goods sold worldwide through boutique retail stores. The client is seeking a top level operations executive to oversee and expand its US retail operations which encompasses over 450 stores.
Full P&L responsibility to manage and expand US retail sales and operations -
Location: Northeastern US
Key requirements /criteria:
· Senior level individual (by education, experience and accomplishment)…
Added by Vince Albrecht on September 17, 2008 at 3:17pm —
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Our client is a leader in the design and manufacture of fully-integrated architectural glass and metal building envelope systems for the commercial construction industry.
Seeking a seasoned Sales Rep familiar with the commercial construction community in New York City, Boston and Philadelphia.
· Identify, initiate and build relationships with commercial product specifiers, (architects, designers, GC’s, project owners)
· Develop, plan and…
Added by Vince Albrecht on September 17, 2008 at 3:03pm —
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You have been job hunting for months and you are "THE GURU" in within your market niche, but no one is biting.
The savings account is shrinking (along with your ego) and the bills are starting to pile up on that corner of your desk you find increasingly hard to look at.
"What is wrong with me?!" you ask yourself.
The truth is, nothing is wrong with you and the market is just not looking to hire someone with your skill set and experience. You are now…
Added by Phil Robles on September 17, 2008 at 3:00pm —
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Whether you're facing military retirement or you're about to complete your contractual agreement in serving your country in the Armed Forces, you now face a tremendous opportunity to start using your skills in the civilian market.
Where do you begin?
I would highly recommend you start by taking advantage of the available time to make an assessment on how marketable you are: skill sets, experience, both here in the States and abroad, and the coveted government…
Added by Phil Robles on September 17, 2008 at 1:30pm —
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Me too.
It happens every time you say the word, "RecruitFest."
But you'll have to get your lil' self to
RecruitFest to catch this kind of action in person.
Shake it down, shake it down now.
Added by Dennis Smith on September 17, 2008 at 1:30pm —
New Full-Time MBA Employment Candidates Available Now!
The following graduate business schools’ second-year resume book databases have been released for access to employers. If you haven’t already ordered (or pre-ordered), you can now. These graduating MBA students are the business leaders of tomorrow.
Don't miss out on hiring the world's finest talent for your full-time recruiting needs. Order access now!
Recently Released… Continue
Added by Ryan Pratt on September 17, 2008 at 11:10am —
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JD was yakking about it on
The Recruiting Animal Show back on Sept 03, 2008.
Added by Recruiting Animal on September 17, 2008 at 10:10am —
GUEST: Jennifer McClure, The CincyRecruiter
Jenny on:
Fistful of Talent,
Twitter… Continue
Added by Recruiting Animal on September 17, 2008 at 10:08am —
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We all want feedback from the candidate in an attempt to ascertain how they did during the interview, but from what I’ve seen in my twenty years of recruiting most candidates have an inability to truly separate how they feel about the job opportunity (interest level) from how they did on the interview (performance). So they are the wrong person to ask how they performed.
Let’s face it almost every candidate walks away from an interview interested in the job and wants to communicate…
Added by bill martineau on September 17, 2008 at 9:07am —
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The obvious use of Video in Recruiting is at the job interview itself, through Video Job Interviews.
The "Live" option works in a way similar to MSN-Skype video applications, allowing conversation to take place.
In the "Remote" option, a Company sets up a Job Interview, sends it to the Candidate, and he/she completes it independently using a webcam.
Both live and remote Video Job interviews beat Video Resumes in interaction capacity, legal convenience and risks…
Added by Ryan on September 17, 2008 at 9:01am —
1 Comment
A recent New York Times article entitled “Economy to Entrepreneurs: Turn Back” (September 13, 2008) written by Julie Bick stated that “Amid the current economic turmoil, many entrepreneurs… and small-business are debating whether it makes sense to seek safety in the corporate life — and deciding that it does.” In the first two quarters of 2008, there were roughly 18,500 business bankruptcies, according to Dr. Chad Moutray, chief economist of the federal Small Business Administration. As an…
Added by Roy Notowitz on September 17, 2008 at 8:30am —
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Hi Claudia,
Here is a situation. I presented a local contractor resume to my client, who requested a face 2 face interview. The candidate said he could interview with 24 hours notice, but now he tells me that his current manager will not permit him to interview during work hours. I suggested that go on his lunch hour, but he says that isn't enough time to travel to the client location, interview, and return to his job. The hiring manager is available to interview this week only,… Continue
Added by Claudia Faust on September 17, 2008 at 7:48am —
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Top 5 Ways to Fail at Hiring
Posted by Jason at 9:14 PM Links to this post
If you're in the majority of businesses out there, you handle most or all of your recruiting in-house- no recruiters or staffing agencies in your hip pocket... or wallet. That is, you write your own job postings or advertisements, you research and make your own media buys, and you handle the pre-screening and interview process. If your company attends career fairs, you and your team conceive the design for your…
Added by Jason C. Blais on September 16, 2008 at 11:22pm —
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Added by Steve Levy on September 16, 2008 at 7:30pm —
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There are many reasons why you might not be getting paid enough at your job. Chances are that you would never guess the real reason: you.
Why am I writing this article? Because I did have a chance to bump into someone this past weekend at a social gathering. One of the first things that we talked about (I had never met this person before that night) is about salary.
She told me that she worked for a very successful medical supplies and services company…
Added by Phil Robles on September 16, 2008 at 6:00pm —
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