Audio version here)
Last week, I criticized a young, corporate recruiter for slandering salesmen on his blog. Well, he got in touch with me because he didn't like hearing me say his philosophy is well suited to cult members and cream puffs but not strong women and real men.
And you know what that means? That even after listening this little punk still didn't get it. So I'm going to have to teach him another lesson, today.…
Added by Recruiting Animal on July 31, 2008 at 9:00am —

The UK-based online CV service iProfile looks set to catch some waves down-under as it secures deals with several leading Australian recruiters. Recruitment partners include Abraxas, Ambition, Finite and Paxus, who will provide the iProfile service to candidates at no charge.
We first spotted iProfile in July last year when…
Added by Julian Stopps on July 31, 2008 at 6:38am —
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Online recruitment news in this show: Stepstone buys in France, Saongroup acquires localjobsgroup and Monster users targeted by cyber criminals (again).
All this news, and more, on this episode of
Added by Julian Stopps on July 31, 2008 at 6:35am —
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Hi I just think about online ERP here:
Nowadays, employee referral program (ERP) is proven to be the most effective and efficient way to hire new. According to “Recruitment Advertising: Moving in New Directions” by Classified Intelligence, ERP is 20% more effective than job board like Monster, CareerBuilder and Dice. Many HR sources claim that rewarding employees actually costs less than recruiting and often attracts better workers.
With so much advantage, more and more…
Added by JackChang on July 31, 2008 at 5:55am —
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I'm currently looking for a Country Manager, Russia for a large multinational recruitment agency.
For more information, contact nickrees99@yahoo.com
Added by Nick Rees on July 31, 2008 at 4:24am —
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I am focusing on Industrial Maintenance, does anyone have any tips on getting into companies and actually getting a Maintenance Mechanic or Electro-Mechanical Tech on the phone? Thanks.
Added by Dane Adams on July 30, 2008 at 9:31pm —
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How to Think Like Your Prospect?
As we consider the candidate mindset, we realize that they're busy achieving their success as a result a large number of candidates are just bored, tired or not interested in looking for “opportunities”. We need to recognize that candidates are chasing a career, not jobs.
When people write their profiles, bios, or resumes, they reflect their personality and skills as they represent their career goals creating an image. They are building a…
Added by Moises Lopez on July 30, 2008 at 8:01pm —
1 Comment
A lot of people want to know what I think about CafePharma. Here goes: I think that it’s a great source of relevant headlines for those of us in medical and healthcare sales, pharmaceutical sales, laboratory sales, clinical diagnostics sales, DNA sales, medical supplies sales, medical equipment sales, imaging sales, and pathology sales. However, beware of the chat room. There can be a lot of negative information from people who have their own specific axe to grind. No company is as bad as they…
Added by Peggy McKee on July 30, 2008 at 6:00pm —
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Added by Recruiting Animal on July 30, 2008 at 5:00pm —
Hello everyone!
I am putting together a strategy for my company to better utilize outsourcing firms for our delivery model. We are a RPO company and our solutions, tailored to individual clients, cant be one size fits all. I am looking for the following information from other Recruiters/Consultants; has anyone ever put together a strategy and if so, what did it center around? (The biggest firms, niche firms, geography, or something else?)
If their are outplacement…
Added by Chuck Harrison on July 30, 2008 at 4:27pm —
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Dear ____
I feel the same way you do. I absolutely loved the "whole idea" of Linkedin professional networking and like you, I've accepted every invitation I've received, invited hundreds of recruiters (and others in our industry) to "please join my professional network on Linkedin." Most have accepted my invitation, some are "still pending," and no one has "declined" my invitation. I completely finished my profile at 100% two days ago, and it must have taken at least ten days… Continue
Added by Tiffiny Smith-Esther on July 30, 2008 at 3:35pm —
So, we signed our office up for Scott Love's teleconference on passive candidates for tomorrow.
You can expect a complete review right here within a short time after the teleconference.
So Scott - knock our socks off, plzkthx.
Happy Hunting!
Art Pitcher
Added by Art Pitcher on July 30, 2008 at 2:30pm —
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GUEST: Jerry Albright, The Einstein of Indiana
TOPIC: Recording Your Calls
Jerry has a new invention that allows you to record your interviews directly to your hard drive then upload them to a website where your…
Added by Recruiting Animal on July 30, 2008 at 10:30am —
1 Comment
Red Hot Mama From Omahama makes a
bold, clear, meaningful declaration for a new year.
And don't forget: Maren will be signing autographs at RecruitFest
But, tell me, when is
she going to get a chance to speak at an industry conference? Really, ask yourself: How come Maren, an eager Gen Y woman who loves to speak and is so full of good ideas, has…
Added by Recruiting Animal on July 30, 2008 at 9:30am —
1 Comment
Claudia’s Wednesday Wisdom
Claudia Faust advises on tricky situations, answers members' questions...
This week Maren asks:
How much networking is too much networking, and when do you need to translate community into dollars and sense? Is there any use in staying in front of people if you don't get their business?
Claudia replies in
Network? You… Continue
Added by Amitai Givertz on July 30, 2008 at 7:49am —
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MagicMethod Classroom Discussion Topics August 5 & 7

Discussion August 5
I would like to discuss the amount of
stress that recruiters/sourcers experience in their jobs and how to deal with frustrations and angry people. Today (July 29) an article was published that according to research 85 % of recruiters experience a high amount of stress. Apparently they score the highest compared to other professions. Could we…
Added by Maureen Sharib on July 30, 2008 at 6:00am —
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Today's question comes to us courtesy of Maren Hogan, who recently asked this compelling question and gave me permission to bring it up here with you today. Please, add your brilliance to the discussion!
Dear Claudia,
How much networking is too much networking, and when do you need to… Continue
Added by Claudia Faust on July 30, 2008 at 12:00am —
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I’ll admit that this doesn’t have anything to do with Recruiting. However, it has everything to do with marketing and knowing your audience, so I’m going to post it. It’s all about the Care Bears.
Added by Katie Tierney on July 29, 2008 at 9:58pm —
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After a full week in paradise – YES, I took it ALL off, the full entire week. It was pure heaven, but was that ever hard for “me” to do. I have trouble taking a day off, let alone a full week.
I’m sure many of you are reading this thinking, so what? She took an entire week off from work, what’s the big deal?
A self proclaimed work-aholic, taking a back seat from work isn’t an easy task. My type “A” personality makes it very…
Added by Heather Gardner on July 29, 2008 at 4:21pm —
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Hello folks;
Recently I have been experiencing a large number of people hanging up on me.
I have been in IT search for over 15 years and this is the first time (past 6 mos) this has happened several times.
I have combined the old with the new as it pertains to name generation.
Is it possible that recently my searches have been within the "Open Source" community or is it the "greenhorns" not properly conducting themselves that fosters negativity to the recruiting community in…
Added by Salvatore Petrara, CPC on July 29, 2008 at 2:40pm —
1 Comment