Recruiting Blogs (24,312)

Day 15/16: Leeroy Jenkins

I want to draw a parallel and analogy that may confuse some people.  I have a total attitude today and I think I figured out why a lot of people have attitudes about Recruiters (headhunters). 

I hate it here (sometimes).  I live in the most dangerous city on Earth.  Exaggeration?  I think not.  Since I consider myself eternally out of shape, I fired up my jogging program a couple months ago.  I'm up to six miles a day now.  And I live in a city. 

When I chose this place, I…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 12, 2013 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

NEW: LinkedIn Contacts newly released. Feature Updates and Changes

Video below

Have you seen the new changes to you LinkedIn contacts page? There are some feature changes that are both good and bad depending on your needs and how you use the tool. As LinkedIn moves towards increasing it's…


Added by Ryan Leary on June 12, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Sign on a church billbord - Don't have too much of an open mind, your brain might fall out

As of late I seem to get the inspiration for our blog posts from the local signs on churches of all denominations. The   other day I passed one that said “Don’t be too open minded, your brain might fall out.” Really is that what they meant to say?

Take a moment and consider your organization. I am not concerned whether you are a small to medium sized…


Added by Daniel T. Bloom on June 12, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

The Professor X of Recruiting

Wouldn’t you want the X-men working for you? 

Professor Charles Francis Xavier, the X-men’s founder, wanted people with that something “extra,” people whose   special skills were manifest yet misunderstood. He built a tool to find these unique men and women. He broke down their skills, categorized them, and finally brought them together to maximize their potential.

Professor X was in…


Added by Derdiver on June 12, 2013 at 9:00am — 8 Comments

The Big Data Strategy to College Recruiting

In this quick presentation, Jim Stroud shares a strategy for how to use big data to target colleges to recruit from. If you do a lot of college recruiting, review this presentation and position yourself for longterm success.…


Added by Jim Stroud on June 11, 2013 at 7:51pm — 2 Comments

Being too good looking can get you fired, really?

Being too good looking can get you fired, really?

I read an article someplace were a lady in Utah got fired because she was too good looking. Her boss’s wife felt she was too good looking and was worried about her husband who worked there. Now mind you there had been no inappropriate…

Added by Dean Da Costa on June 11, 2013 at 6:52pm — No Comments

Need a good topic to read


So maybe I'm the only one, but I've noticed this site is a little stagnant as of late and as such I'm recommending a good old "craziest thing to happen to me recruiting wise" in 2013.  So let's all bring our best, funniest, craziest thing that has happened to us as recruiters.  I know we all have great stories, let's share's laughing time.

My doozy for the day. 

I get this guy's resume and "detaile oriented" is misspelled.  Always enjoying a good laugh, I…


Added by Andrew Hanneman on June 11, 2013 at 5:43pm — 6 Comments

The Best Salesman I've Met Who Failed Miserably

The other day I read that Forbes ranked Sales as the second most difficult profession to recruit . I just couldn't…


Added by Will Thomson on June 11, 2013 at 2:00pm — 7 Comments

The 3 As to Ace-ing an Interview

Being prepared for an interview is one of the most important aspects of the job hunt. If for no other reason than not wasting time, you should take the interviewing process seriously. You have spent time and energy on the job hunt and the HR side has spent time and money setting this interview up. Taking steps to ensure a smooth interview is just another bullet in your…


Added by Angela Yu on June 11, 2013 at 12:26pm — 1 Comment

The Unemployable Graduate: Who is helping? [Part 2]

Just over a year ago, I wrote a blog piece on the current state of graduate recruitment and who was in a position to help. A year on the situation for inexperienced graduates, and young people in general, is still difficult:…


Added by Laura Purt on June 11, 2013 at 12:14pm — No Comments

The Search Engine for Recruiting 2.0

The days of posting-and-praying are quickly coming to an end.  Much of the best talent has never submitted a resume, never looked on a job board, and has never been unemployed.  They rely heavily on recruiters finding them, or job referrals from within their networks.   These people aren’t hunting have to hunt them.
devices flat for blog
Social media is rapidly…

Added by Tim Burke on June 11, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Turn Your HR Department into a Profit Center

As a serial entrepreneur and acting CEO of TaxBreak ( a subsidiary of Neon Workforce Technologies) ,Shannon Scott offers diverse professional experience and dynamic perspectives on profitability and business growth. He has owned and operated multiple successful information technology and business consulting companies over the past twelve years.

His first company, Capsource Technologies, was established in 1995 and privately sold in 1997. He, then,…


Added by Elise Jennings on June 11, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Tune Up Your Interview Questions for Better Hiring

I’m a regular reader of the “Corner Office” column in the Sunday NY Times. It presents a personal view of a CEO’s management philosophy delivered in an interview format. As a recruiter, a standard question that always catches my attention is “How do you hire?” This week’s CEO, Paulett Eberhart, of CDI,…


Added by Robert Natowitz on June 11, 2013 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

The future of recruitment — explained in 30 minutes!

This webinar was recorded live on YouTube with Shane McCusker.

Clearly, I have no crystal ball into the future of recruitment, but I do believe two things…

  • Many companies, and many recruiters, will fail to evolve and will die out, very fast. Very soon.
  • Recruitment still has a great future, but only for the innovative and nimble.

In this video we explain who…


Added by Greg Savage on June 10, 2013 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Day 12/13/14: Sales

Omigosh.  Almost to the halfway point of this exercise.  We're at the stage of holding our breath for a bit while we see what starts bubbling up from a couple weeks of activity.  (I'm thinking quite a bit.  Just to say it.)

I have to admit that I had to slide through the weekend without lifting a mouse because of volunteering at our church festival Saturday and Sunday.  Today I had an inbox full of e-mails and I was actually pretty excited to find some new candidates to screen and…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 10, 2013 at 8:42pm — 2 Comments

How to Totally Avoid Age Discrimination in CV's

Sadly, age discrimination in the job market is everywhere and many CV's exhibit elements that reveal…

Added by Mark Ridgwell on June 10, 2013 at 10:19am — 6 Comments

Are You a Cyberholic?

Do you:

1. Check your work e-mail, LinkedIn account, or business Facebook page right before going to bed?

2. Within minutes of waking?

3. Do you panic if you accidentally leave your mobile device that can access the Internet on your desk or at home?

4. Is eating your lunch often combined with texting or surfing the web?

5. Do you find that you must check your email the moment you hear the arrival chime?

6. Are you spending more time on your computer than you spend…


Added by Scott Wintrip on June 10, 2013 at 8:44am — 1 Comment

How I Celebrated My Birthday (It's not what you think)

You’ve probably already heard (because I am a shameless birthday self-promoter) that I recently turned 39. THIRTY-NINE. I remember when that was old. Birthday celebrations at 39 are a bit different. No more hoping for the latest toy or new clothes, wondering who’s going to show up to my party. Now all I really want is some good wine and someone else to make dinner. I did something else June 6, and while it wasn’t necessarily a “gift”, I hope that it gave something valuable to…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on June 9, 2013 at 9:24pm — 14 Comments

Infographic: High Paying Jobs Requiring Little to No Work Experience

Hidden Gem Jobs for the Unemployed or Underpaid -- Brought to you by
Hidden Gem Jobs for the Unemployed or Underpaid infographic courtesy of

Added by Tim Spagnola on June 9, 2013 at 2:56pm — 2 Comments

The AWKWARD Side of Recruiting (….and no….I’m not selling anything with this blog)

No matter what your profession, we all have circumstances that make things a bit awkward.  Look at Justin Bieber and how he’s been dealing with the paparazzi.  And how about those folks in Washington DC right now trying to justify all the spying scandals.  Boy, that’s got make some sleepless nights.

Let me tell a little story that got me thinking about this.  This weekend our 11,000 member church is hosting it’s annual festival complete with live music, mountains of food, rides and…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 9, 2013 at 11:46am — 4 Comments

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