How many people took part in this weeks election? Of that, how many voted based on the local candidate and how many went with the party as a whole? I know that’s pretty much the same question, but sometimes staying with the local guy will help with local problems. Enough. Here is the real question, How many of us understood the big picture; and how many of us went in thinking that one vote won’t change the landscape?
How does the preamble relate to recruiting, sourcing and our place…
Added by Daniel J Smith on May 6, 2011 at 10:56am —
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If you don’t have a “Ballerina File” you’re losing money!
One topic that seems to be a hot button for many is the lack of qualified candidates derived from job board ads.
First, let’s be clear the role of a job board. A job board is not the Holy Grail or a guarantee of a quick placement with little effort; neither is an ATS,, target lists, etc. A job board is a tool and like any…
Added by Christopher Poreda on May 5, 2011 at 11:34pm —
Have you ever sat in a job interview and been sweating uncontrollably as you stumble through the interview questions? Have you found yourself shaking hands with the hiring manager on the way out of the job interview and thinking to yourself how you just completely messed up the entire interview? Of course you have. Who hasn’t!
Why does this happen? Do you remember back in school…
Added by Gavin Redelman on May 5, 2011 at 9:58pm —
The happiness advantage is one of the better books I have read in a very long time. The basis of the book is that most humans operate on a formula that is taught to us as we grow up. If you work hard, you’ll be successful, and once you are successful,
then you’ll be happy. This pattern of belief is copied across a lot of areas of our lives – once I lose 5 kilos, then I’ll be happy – once I get a raise, I’ll be happy…
Added by Ineke Read on May 5, 2011 at 7:58pm —
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- Jamie Dimon, President of JP Morgan Chase - Harvard
- Dick Kovacevich, Chairman and CEO of Wells Fargo - Stanford
- Laurence Fink, Chairman of BlackRock - UCLA Anderson
- John V. Faraci, Chairman of International Paper - Michigan Ross
- Jefferey Montie, President of Kellogg International - Ohio State Fisher
- Gregg W. Steinhafel, Chairman, CEO and President of Target - Kellogg Northwestern
- Muhtar Kent, President and CEO of the Coca Cola Company - London
Added by Ryan Pratt on May 5, 2011 at 2:30pm —
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1. Find the passive jobs!
Often times recruiting firms and hiring companies will not go straight to the job board route due to time constraints and costs. They will not only source candidates internally but will make a quick call to a recruiter to see who is actively searching right now, or who is “keeping and eye out” for the right job.
2. Break into a company that you have been targeting
A professional recruiter will have contacts with the top employers as well as those…
Added by Noel Cocca on May 5, 2011 at 10:09am —
On this blog, we talk a lot about building your Talent Network and we go over all the ways that you can start building it today. But the question that comes up most when we're talking to recruiting professionals is how do you leverage your Talent Network once you've built it?
Your Talent Network is a group of recruiting contacts that you collect through both active and passive sourcing efforts and store in a database,…
Added by Chris Brablc on May 5, 2011 at 8:56am —
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This is Part 2 of my blog about
Mobile Career Sites and
applicant tracking. In
Part 1, we looked at the raw numbers of applicants that applied on our career sites and the type of device they used. In this blog, I…
Added by Julia on May 5, 2011 at 8:30am —
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In today’s tech-dominant world, resumes are found everywhere. Search engines, social networking sites, job boards, free resume portals, blogs, personal websites, alumni associations are some of the major sources of resumes. It is quite encouraging for recruiters and hiring managers, but the challenge lies in how quickly you can find the resumes and extract resume & contact information from them.
Typically, recruiters and hiring managers visit various resume sources and…
Added by Umamaheswari.K on May 5, 2011 at 7:04am —
The number one question HR professionals in Canada ask me everyday is "When will the market heat up for HR talent once again?"
The HR Talent market has been through a roller coaster of demand over the past few years. Many organizations cut back on resourcing within HR starting in 2008. Many areas of HR were hit very hard including Talent Development, Talent Management and Recruitment. Many senior HR roles were eliminated as part of a corporate wide cost cutting exercise. Many…
Added by Simon Parkin on May 4, 2011 at 3:55pm —
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In the recent issue of Inc. there is a page that directs readers to Inc’s online presence. There are ten different topics listed with an appropriate link to each. In this month’s issue all of the content was related to celebrating National Small Business Month. And here I thought that every month was National Small Business Month.
One of the topics,…
Added by Nick Tubach on May 4, 2011 at 12:48pm —
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You have read many politically correct publications on how to write an effective resume broken down by industry, level of experience, geographic culture, style and presentation. They are all correct, but are they meeting your needs? We are going to take a slightly different approach to resume…
Added by Mark A. Leon on May 4, 2011 at 11:48am —
Judi Wunderlich posted a good blog this week entitled, "Why Recruiters Get A Bad Rap (a cautionary tale)". There were a bunch of responses including one from me saying that recruiters should be held to a higher standard. I thought I would share a story which I originally posted on my blog, I thought it would amuse all professional and above board recruiters so I am repeating it in its entirety…
Added by Paul S. Gumbinner on May 4, 2011 at 11:15am —
When I attend recruiting conferences and Human Resource meetings nationwide, inevitably the conversation works its way to attracting the Holy Grail of recruitment – the Passive Candidate.
It is valuable to listen carefully to that person’s definition of whom the Passive Candidate is. Generally companies define the Passive Candidate as someone who is doing a job at a high level within another company; and is perfectly content to remain…
Added by Bill Humbert on May 4, 2011 at 11:05am —
Jobseekers today grow weary of sending in online applications and never hearing a response. Sometimes they wonder if they’re a fit for an organization, but there’s little to help them understand, so they just apply…or not…and wait for a response.
Lockheed Martin is one of the rare employers who takes the initiative to regularly talk to prospective jobseekers about the company, the roles, and answer their questions, and does it through a posted Chat Schedule! So a jobseeker researching…
Added by Kim Peters on May 4, 2011 at 10:58am —
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Leading online jobboard developer Job affair Ltd announces a jobsite with unique social media links.
Derbyshire - April 2011
Job Affair Ltd announces that its’ most recent…
Added by Richard Johnson on May 4, 2011 at 10:45am —
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Let’s tip our hats to the 10 fastest-growing staffing agencies in the U.S. They know how to recruit, use staffing software, and employ social media to fill their client’s staffing needs quickly and reliably. Annual growth figures reflect average growth between 2005 and 2009. This list will wet your appetite while we wait for…
Added by Tim Giehll on May 4, 2011 at 9:00am —
1 Comment
As a background checking service we see our fair share of physical and sexual violence that can be related to the home or domestic environment. But domestic violence is not necessarily contained within the home. Domestic violence may originate in the home, but it can affect the workplace.
Studies claim that one in four women are victims of domestic violence. Homicide is the second leading cause of death among women in the workforce. While women constitute the majority of…
Added by Gordon Basichis on May 4, 2011 at 4:00am —
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Today’s question, is recruitment Agile?
For anyone not familiar with agile this is the agile manifesto:
We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Added by Stuart Harvey on May 3, 2011 at 8:46pm —
Lots of job descriptions cite “Multitasking” as a desirable trait, and many of us pride ourselves on the ability to do this all day long. I got a tweet last week with a link to an article called
The Price, and Myth, of Multitasking and I thought about how I try to make meaningful phone calls while my e-mail is chirping on the computer, my G-chat is buzzing, my Droid is beeping…
Added by Mark Bregman on May 3, 2011 at 4:35pm —