Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

Why Social Recruiting is more about Implementation than Ideas

I had a very interesting couple of days at #truLondon this week. Over 170 recruiters, technologists and marketeers descended on the City Hotel in London to argue, discuss, debate and chat over 50 tracks on topics such as the Death of the CV (a very popular and hotly debated discussion), the Future of Recruitment and…


Added by Johnny Campbell on February 27, 2012 at 10:15am — No Comments

Whatever You’re Selling, I’m not Buying!

This is exactly what goes through the mind of a passive job seeker when the Headhunter calls to make him/her aware the exciting job opportunity of a lifetime.  Actually this is a defensive reaction whenever anyone truly believes that he/she is being sold.  It could be a product, a service or even their time.  But they sincerely believe that they don’t have a need especially for something that will end up costing them something of value they really don’t want to part with. 

Can you…


Added by Ken Forrester on February 27, 2012 at 9:59am — 11 Comments

Why Recruitment is like the Oscars!

I am one of those guys who likes to celebrate achievement. Society today can be too quick to judge something like the Oscars as sycophantic, narcissistic indulgence for the elite. But I disagree, in a world of 24-hour news that makes the heart sink, a night in front of the Oscars can really make you smile, especially now they cut the acceptance speeches right down!



Added by Chris Bailey on February 27, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments

Does the world really need recruitment consultants?

After a frustrating couple of months I’ve found myself asking this question on a more regular basis. Of course I already know the short answer….no, it doesn’t. What we do is definitely not rocket science and everyone knows what *astronomical fees we charge! (*no pun intended) But if you’ll permit me to continue, I’m going to try and explain why we’re here and why, when you find a good one, they can make your life easier and maybe even save you a few quid.

These days…


Added by Darren Scotland on February 27, 2012 at 6:47am — 6 Comments

Let's get going! Top Tips for increased self-motivation

We all have days where we are stuck for inspiration. We get to our desks with all good intentions but somehow things don’t just flow the way we want them to.

It isn’t that we aren’t enthusiastic about what we do, or that we just can’t be bothered, we just need that little kick of motivation to get going.



Added by james nathan on February 27, 2012 at 5:53am — 1 Comment

What's good for the Goose...

We are approaching the 48th anniversary of the death of Catherine Genovese. In March of 1964 young Catherine was on her way home from work when she would brutally beaten and murdered by an attacker in the Queens borough of New York City. Although murders happen everyday in New York they are not to be taken lightly. And in this particular case there is something staggering that was uncovered by the police investigation. It appears that on the night of the murder 38 law-abiding, respectable…


Added by Bradford on February 27, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

How to write a good CV

A CV says everything about you. The length, the font, the spacings, your use of English and of course the content. We have outlined what we think we will give you a good idea on putting together a decent CV and stand out from the rest.A

The font

Believe it or not the font is really important. Appearance is everything, the font and how your CV looks will sometimes be a defining factor if an employer reads your CV. Stick to a…


Added by Steven Jones on February 26, 2012 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Warren Buffett’s Ten Secrets of Success

I’m not 100% sure if these tips are “officially” from Warren Buffett, but this set of advice is widely attributed to him, and there are plaques in various public places that list these as his ten basic principles of success.  They seem to dovetail with how he has run his business life, so here goes:…


Added by Mark Bregman on February 24, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Women Dressing for Success in the Workplace

As a woman in today’s workplace, do you feel like you are a little more scrutinized in what you wear than your male counterparts?

While women would like to think they are judged for their brains and skills and not their appearance, there is little doubt there are still some offices where what female employees wear to work is given greater scrutiny than men.

In a setting where standard company uniforms…


Added by Dave Thomas on February 24, 2012 at 4:50pm — 60 Comments

A Tale of Two Recruiters

A start-up Web Design Firm needed to hire a UX Designer for their rapidly expanding portfolio. After being reasonably impressed by an array of recruiters, they "authorized" one of the recruiter’s named Tom to find a talented programmer to add to their team. Tom is a solid citizen who does his best to perform well for his clients. With the job specifications fresh in hand, Tom quickly prepares his plan and begins scouring an array of tech job sites and crafts a few boolean searches and…


Added by Drue De Angelis on February 24, 2012 at 1:19pm — 1 Comment

5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 2.18.12 to 2.24.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about assessing candidates through Facebook, the ATS Diamond Mind, Source to Hire, the ease of recruiting and employer branding.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order),…


Added by Chris Brablc on February 24, 2012 at 11:56am — No Comments

Messaging “Passive” Candidates

Recruiters and Sourcers:

Do your potential candidates reply to your introductory messages? I’d like to share our experience on what works and what doesn’t.

  • It seems to us that email as a way to initially reach “passive candidates” is quickly dying, if not dead already. In rare cases – and only when when it’s personalized – do we get replies.
  • The phone works, of…

Added by Irina Shamaeva on February 24, 2012 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

Social Media Vs Being Social

Every article I seem to read at the moment extols the virtues of using social media to network, some to the extreme; I mean really does having 500+ contacts on LinkedIn really help? Does having 500+ facebook friends really get you that job of a lifetime? I would say maybe.  Now I would not go as far as Thierry Breton, CEO of Atos who has banned email (…


Added by Chris Bailey on February 24, 2012 at 11:25am — No Comments

Here's A New One - A Candidate Who Will Not Supply References

As we are nearing the end of the interview process, a client asked me to get references from a candidate.  I was blown away when the candidate emailed me and refused to supply references telling me that she did not want her references bothered until she had accepted the job.  First time this has happened in 27 years.

Now I have had a candidate who had a key reference at an existing company, but other references at previous employers and I made an offer pending the last…


Added by Paul S. Gumbinner on February 24, 2012 at 8:59am — 15 Comments

Romancing the client - professional sales is a seduction

We all know the kind of clients we would like to work with, but how are we going to get them?

Those of you who have attended my workshops and seminars will know that I take a very soft approach to professional selling. First we sell ourselves to our prospects, starting with Knowing, moving to Liking and working towards Trusting.

Business is not about hitting…


Added by james nathan on February 24, 2012 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Bipolar Recruitment

It finally happened! The call is made, the client – after months of wooing, well placed marketing, phone calls, cold calls and general “keeping in touch”..the client has an opening…and wants you to be a part of their recruitment efforts. You diligently go to your internal base, search out candidates through your social media/recruiting contacts- make the calls, qualify, disqualify and requalify candidate’s interest in the position. Ask all candidates about any companies they have…


Added by Betsy Park on February 23, 2012 at 7:48pm — 1 Comment

Why job boards will never replace good recruiters

I have seen many articles written about how companies are using job boards and direct hire methods to cut out the recruiter, and true there are roles that can be hired with little or no interview required (these methods really inspire employee engagement from the outset….not).   True you can get a 100 applicants from LinkedIn, or such like, and have the HR administrator or internal recruiter spend a few hours sifting through the CVs, then a few hours more arranging tests, plus a few more…


Added by Chris Bailey on February 23, 2012 at 3:29pm — 3 Comments

3 Ways to begin two-way communication with your Talent Community

When I think about engaging your Talent Community, I like to think of it in two main categories: the Push and the Pull.


For the push, this is all the content you create and push out to your Talent Network of recruiting contacts.  From email & SMS blasts to video & blogging content to pod-casts to job opportunities, your a conducting one way communication with these specific groups of contacts.  While this is not ideal, these methods are still extremely valuable in…


Added by Chris Brablc on February 23, 2012 at 10:56am — 1 Comment

How to save on time, money, efforts in Recruitment?

Working with recruitment agencies to find the right candidates for job vacancies is increasingly seen as a cost-effective and productive way of working for many companies.

The old misconception of – consultants will just send any candidates’ CVs and charge expensive fees – may still be held by some companies but this is often due to a lack of understanding about the features and benefits of recent recruitment agency’s service, competition and market demands.

1. Client’s…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 23, 2012 at 8:41am — No Comments

Why are we interested in the SME segment?

The rapidly growing SME sector in India has created tremendous opportunities for recruitment and HR service firms today. Finding the right employee at the right cost and also ensuring growth opportunity for the employees can sometimes be challenging for the company management and this is where we come into the picture. We take over the recruitment department’s responsibility or sometimes work in tandem with them to give the company the right set of employees.

I am particularly excited…


Added by Raman Ramamurthy on February 23, 2012 at 8:37am — No Comments

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