Recruiting Blogs (24,318)

Hashtag Employee Recruiting: How to Use Hashtags for Employee Recruiting

The advent of social media has brought with it unique ways for employers to reach out for recruiting purposes. Social media websites are full of talented individuals who may fit the bill for an open position, and utilizing hashtags is a newer development that makes this method of recruiting even more effective. Here is everything that recruiters need to know about…


Added by Jonathan Hulet on December 12, 2014 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Helping Veterans During the Holidays

As we approach this holiday time, let keep in our payers, minds and hearts all of those who have served. Let’s go out of our way to help, acknowledge, and appreciate those who proved the liberties that we live under. If you know of any who are looking for work, direct them to my Vet page below, to any of the links below and…


Added by Dean Da Costa on December 11, 2014 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment


You've checked the websites, you've researched companies, and you've turned in your resume for a job you really want. But your resume is only one paper in a stack on the desk of the hiring manager. How do you get yours to stand out? Well, how about trying an interactive resume in addition to (or instead of) a flat paper resume. But where do you start? Why not…


Added by Recruiter Raya on December 11, 2014 at 2:56pm — No Comments

Five questions that make a difference in hiring process

OK, let's see how it usually looks: first your departmental head riddled out the candidate with all sorts of "tell me about you and your career path" questions. Then the CV was forwarded to your HR responsible who further squeezed out the same person in hiring process like a sponge, interrogating every single detail from biography, plus a couple of standard questions like "Are you a team player?", "Why did you leave your previous job?", "What is your career objective?" or even some direct…


Added by Maya Nicole on December 11, 2014 at 1:20pm — No Comments

The “Best Places To Work” Are Working Their Employees To Death

Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Work” seem to all have their workers work – a lot. Credit:

Glassdoor recently released its annual “Best Places to Work” list, based off of 800,000 anonymous evaluations completed in the past year. The winner, unsurprisingly, was tech giant…


Added by Paul Petrone on December 11, 2014 at 11:39am — No Comments

Where to Find Grads in 2015?

Many fields are experiencing shortages of talent as demand continues to rise. One way to address a limited candidate supply is by on-campus recruiting. Hiring recent college graduates helps employers gain an edge among the competition for talent since it enables them to capitalize on candidates entering the workforce and broaden their candidate supply. According to the …


Added by Ashley Zito Rowe on December 11, 2014 at 9:56am — No Comments

Stuck in Your Job Search? Here are Some Ideas to Get Your Dream Occupation

First things first; searching for a job is not an easy affair is you do not know how to do it. In an economy still suffering the aftershocks of the 2008 economic meltdown, you need to have perfect job searching skills. Whether you are looking for a part time job or a permanent one, you need to know where to start or else you will get stuck.…


Added by Jenny Richards on December 11, 2014 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

The Do's and Don'ts of Collecting Missed Placement Fees

Collecting missed placement fees can be a daunting task for recruiters because it's an awkward conversation to have with a client, especially if you have a longstanding relationship with them. Rather than risk damaging the relationship, many recruiters will consider it a cost of doing business and let back door hires…


Added by Jen Dewar on December 11, 2014 at 8:00am — No Comments

HR-specialist without any experience: to hire or not to hire?

Should employers hire a HR-specialist without any special experience is an issue that every head should decide for himself. And this decision can be influenced by numerous factors for and against. Here are some of them.

Arguments «for»

  1. Not in every company a HR-manager does a lot of work. There are companies where this…

Added by Jana Rookard on December 11, 2014 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

14 Must-Read Recruiting Articles of 2014

A lot has happened this year in the recruiting world. Getting the right candidates through the door has remained the number one objective, but the tactics to get there are constantly evolving. Today, people are less focused on getting a high volume of candidates. Instead, they’re seeking to identify the “right” talent, the high performing employees with a proven track…


Added by Casey Marshall on December 10, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

How well does Interviewing work in Choosing the best Employee?

Employee Performance There are problems in using “predictors” of suitability for open positions within a company. Hunter and Hunter (1984) showed that interviewing is one of the worst predictors of future job performance.  Using reference checks (.26), education (.22) or biographical data (.37) did not improve the odds too favorably. In fact, even the best predictor, test scores, came out at .57.  We could make the…


Added by Donald Sonn on December 10, 2014 at 1:28pm — No Comments

Employee Assessment Tool: Psychometric Testing FAQs

If you’re considering joining the over 80% of Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. currently using psychometric testing, you probably have a few questions like, “What the heck is psychometric testing?” Even if you understand the basics, not all employee…


Added by Ryan Mead on December 10, 2014 at 12:27pm — No Comments

Your Degree Does Not Impress Me!


I have had the opportunity to recruit for some of the most innovative and successful companies in the world. Some of the roles I have headhunted for were very complex in nature requiring both a PhD in Mathematics, Quantitative Analysis or Physics and the ability to relate to and engage with customers. It was this exposure that makes me unimpressed completely and utterly unimpressed with your degree.


 Now don’t get your feathers in a ruffle I do…


Added by Andrea Clarkson on December 10, 2014 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

It is easy for someone to judge me who does not know me

This has been a very troubling last couple of weeks for me. I thought that we had progressed as a society beyond the point where we were stereotyping individuals based on our views of the world. Along with the rest of the world we watched the events unfold in reaction to New York, Ferguson, Cleveland and Phoenix. I was following a thread on Facebook in which a fellow member of the National Speakers Association was denied the opportunity to bring his powerful message to a University Campus…


Added by Daniel T. Bloom on December 10, 2014 at 11:22am — No Comments

Tips to Create Perfect Posts on Twitter

The recruitment field, like most fields have made certain changes to keep up with the changing times. Gone are the days when recruiting relied on the ‘walk in’ principle that was traditionally followed? Nowadays, the entire process that was time consuming is rather simple and fast too.

If you’re wondering what is this all about then this is about social media…


Added by Chinmay Chavan on December 10, 2014 at 4:30am — No Comments

Executive Search as A Science

I think Executive Search is a field of study with somewhat contradictory parts to it -- for instance, that there is an emphasis on thoroughness, diligence, exhaustiveness, finding ALL possible solutions, etc.; but, there is also a high emphasis on intuitionistic processes, like deciding which candidate to call, guessing who might be most interested, anticipating what objections a client might have to a specific candidate, etc.

So, I see it as both an Art and a Science.  Nonetheless,…


Added by Nicholas Meyler on December 10, 2014 at 2:49am — No Comments

Boolean Bar -Am Unable to Download - Detects a Virus and Fails to Download

I love the fact that you have produced the Boolean bar, however my computer will not allow me to download it because    my protective software detects a virus on the software. Is there any way you can help? I have tried several times and my software just gives me a failure sign. Is there any way to clean the software that is on the web? I sure there are hundreds of others that are having this same problems. Let me know what I can do. I desperately need this software. I am a recruiter!      …


Added by Leslie Ameel on December 9, 2014 at 6:28pm — 1 Comment

5 Critical Success Factors for Today's Hiring Climate

One of the main challenges for companies in today's climate is competing for talent. It’s interesting that the pain is not limited to technology recruiting.  We are talking about a very strong economy and not enough people to fill the open roles across functions. 

I read another piece last week that talked about the shortage of qualified middle managers – those who…


Added by Kimberly Lucas on December 9, 2014 at 5:30pm — No Comments

How your expectations of others are ruining your day

As a Corporate Recruiter I expect a lot out of myself. Not only do my co-workers deserve the best but all of our applicants deserve the best also. If I fail at any step in the process only bad things can happen. Either I have co-workers disappointed in me for not finding the best candidate for them to work with, or the new employee will be…


Added by Ben Yeargin on December 9, 2014 at 4:20pm — 4 Comments

Employee File Management: Automatic Audit Preparation

Many companies still keep staff files on paper, making HR audits particularly scary. Employee file management software can help keep you prepared for an audit. 

No one is ever excited to hear there is an upcoming audit. If your Human Resources department still uses a paper filing system to…


Added by Andrew Roberts on December 9, 2014 at 1:52pm — No Comments

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