A recent Forbes article by Matthew Kirdahy titled “Filling the Talent Pool” begins: “The focus at private equity firms is shifting. Cash will always be king, but looking ahead, the most important type of capital may very well be human. It's a company's bold leadership that carries it into financial prosperity—not its product, services or numbers.” This new focus on talent will surely improve the success rate of acquisitions, which is typically rated at less than 50 percent.
Added by Kathleen Quinn Votaw on June 23, 2009 at 8:57pm —
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Barb Bruno asked me to present a free webinar for her group on Wed 6/24 @ 11AM Central (9AM PST)
Here is the link to
register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/955072002
I will cover: Building your Brand, Creative Ideas to Generate new Clients & Candidates
Feel free to share this message with your recruiting industry contacts.
Added by Craig Silverman on June 23, 2009 at 8:19pm —
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As I wrap up a social recruiting campaign with a client (and yes, links will come once it launches...tomorrow), I thought I'd write about building an in-house promotion campaign you can run to get your social recruiting campaign off the ground and running (a post I've actually never seen anyone else do before surprisingly).
So why promote in-house? The answer is obvious (hopefully): your employees are your greatest resource when building any kind of social media campaign,…
Added by ryanchartrand on June 23, 2009 at 2:31pm —
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Above the Fold
John Sumser adds Bill Vick to his Top 100 Influencers, a veritable Who's Who...
Top 100 v1.09
Hey, Chris...call me sometime: (561) 283-4744, um, yeah both of you!
Why I Recruit - And You Should Career Search - Using Social
Bonus Track
Today Rayanne…
Added by Amitai Givertz on June 23, 2009 at 1:07pm —
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As the economic condition continues in its turbulent rant and rave cycle, the consistent flow of layoffs seem to effect and detract from every sector without relief. In this, I try to look for the benefits that are offered to those employees in their transition. How do employees view their employers and how did the layoff go in terms of process and respect.
Well, to no ones surprise, least of all mine - they do not do a good job. A recent poll suggested the following figures which…
Added by Jason Monastra on June 23, 2009 at 9:35am —
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I think most people feel corporate recruiters are always an impartial bunch whose sole purpose is to fill open jobs as quickly as possible with the best qualified candidates. As a former corporate recruiter, this is the principle I lived by. In speaking to people in the job market I am hearing troubling stories of corporate recruiters who may not be living up to this. This is particularly disconcerting in this…
Added by Bill Meirs on June 23, 2009 at 9:08am —
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Originally Posted at
Bearing Fruit Consulting on Wednesday June 3, 2009
Some of you know I have a Recruiting Call Hall of Shame.…
Added by Michael Homula on June 23, 2009 at 8:56am —
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It's true, everything you write on the web, stays on the web, somewhere, somehow.
You can imagine it can't you, (well I can) at the last stages of an election campaign, the year is 2030 (when I'm too old and Gen Ys assume the mantle of being the old people in control). Potential PM candidate A) in full debate in the lower house stands up and says, "Well,…
Added by Dan Nuroo on June 23, 2009 at 6:40am —
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Just had a consultant interview who wants to change the rate now that the customer wants to hire them. This consultant has to go in at a lower rate than they are used to cause the customer cannot get the req approved otherwise. It is only for a short time and so this person only has to deal with these types of pay issues until the economy gets better.
Our job sure is difficult sometimes. Working with people always presents extra challenges that working at a computer may…
Added by Pamela Bovaird on June 22, 2009 at 8:00pm —
Truly Partnering With Your IT Clients
Many IT Consulting/IT Recruiting firms seem to lack an understanding on what it means to partner with their clients’ in a long-term relationship. It seems that some firms are just concerned with billable hours and one-off placement fees than actually serving their clients true needs. A case in point was a situation I encountered at one such firm in which I was employed. I was an account manager of a financial client where we had placed a…
Added by Mike Hanes on June 22, 2009 at 12:54pm —
1 Comment
Recruiting is a Sales process. It is very dynamic. Recruiting today is driven by your competition, by technology (Facebook, Twitter, Internet Postings), and more importantly by the economy. Every 8 to 10 years our economy goes into an economic correction called a recession. You can plan for a recession if you watch the signs.
There is an interesting impact in this particular recession. Since 2003 different groups have been discussing the potential impact of the retirement of the Baby…
Added by Bill Humbert on June 22, 2009 at 12:31pm —
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I am overwhelmed with to-do lists. We have become so dependent on them, that we even put things on them that we have already done JUST so we can cross them off! Admit it, you know you have done it or thought of it.
Well, I just realized that simple is much better here and I am sharing my newly found wisdom. Keeping focus on what is important is so hard to do when things are hard, when you have difficult calls to make. If Uma can do it, so can you.. If you want someone to help hold…
Added by Julia Stone on June 22, 2009 at 11:43am —
1 Comment
Above the Fold
Margaret Graziano shares 10 lessons learned at the Florida Staffing Association Owners Conference. I wonder how many things the others learned, so many hard pills to swallow...
He Who Owns the Talent Pool, Owns the Market
Mendoza's Monday Members' Showcase
Today, say howdy-doody to Bruce Tracy who gives this advice on networking:
"Do it… Continue
Added by Amitai Givertz on June 22, 2009 at 11:30am —
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I have to say that Twitter is a good tool for job seekers and recruiters too. Recently I have received several candidates from my Twitter posts. I have also been posting some of our open job orders via
splits.org onto Twitter and have set up some split partnerships with other agencies.
I like the ability to follow other people and many people have started to follow
my tweets as well. It's like having a…
Added by Craig Silverman on June 22, 2009 at 11:00am —
1 Comment

The interview is one of the most important elements in your job search, and often a job can be won or lost in this stage. To increase your chances for success it is imperative that you prepare properly.
To begin you need to extensively research the company, and with the help of the internet this should be fairly easy. Start by reviewing the company's website and looking at all the individual pages including 'about us', 'the management team'…
Added by Kunin Associates on June 22, 2009 at 9:28am —
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There is a lot of talk about if, when, which, and how to use social media tools - whether you are recruiting or searching for a job. I have been an avid user of many of these tools as a part of my toolkit -- and I have used them in my role as a Corporate Recruiter, Consultant, and even a Candidate.
As a Corporate Recruiter, I made a choice to make myself accessible to potential candidates via these tools. I know many shudder at that thought, however I have been surprised that more…
Added by Chris Havrilla on June 22, 2009 at 9:00am —
1 Comment
We are seeking a dynamic Registered Nurse for our NICU unit to work in a Hospital in Dallas Texas with at least 5-7 years of experience in NICU. Must have Management experience, a minimum of 5 years preferred.
- Graduate of an accredited School of Professional Nursing
- Current license by the Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas
- Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, required
- Advanced degree, preferred.
- Minimum of 5 years management experience to include…
Added by Isabel Quevedo on June 21, 2009 at 9:47pm —
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10 Lessons Learned at the Florida Staffing Association Owners Conference
1. The future competition is not just the newest recruitment / staffing firm offering better, smarter and more holistic talent solutions, it is also Monster.com and their NEW career portal as well as other specialty niche sites that aim to own the talent pool through various career pathing and career targeting technology.
As many of you know Keen embarked on creating a new kind of talent management…
Added by Margaret Graziano on June 21, 2009 at 4:30pm —
Above the Fold
John Sumser continues his celebration of our homegrown diversity with another profile in his
Top 100 Influencers series. Ladies and Gentlemen, raise your glasses of V1.08 and toast...
Bill… Continue
Added by Amitai Givertz on June 19, 2009 at 5:30pm —
1 Comment
I’ve covered several topics in my posts that were aimed towards helping decision makers select the right applicant tracking system. Each of these posts, with a bit of modification, could really be applied to any sort of solution. The purpose of software after all is to simplify processes, reduce costs/time, and align objectives with overall organizational goals. I have never seen a vendor that promised their solution would drain your money and cause you headaches, however, I see this all of the…
Added by Jake Stupak on June 19, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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