Recruiting Blogs (24,314)

Recruiters' Biggest Problem with Candidates Right Now is . . .

If you’re a recruiter (and you probably are, if you’re reading this), then you have no end of problems with both candidates and clients.

The only question is this: “Which problem are you experiencing at the moment?”

In our never-ending quest for answers, we decided to pose this question in the form of a poll, specifically a poll for the Preferred Member recruiters in Top Echelon Network.

These are third-party recruiters in the trenches, day in and day out.  They…


Added by Matt Deutsch on May 21, 2012 at 5:00pm — 15 Comments

[Infographic] History of

History of Monster Infographic

Original Source

Added by Joel Cheesman on May 21, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments

The Dangers of Wearing the Wrong Hat

Every job requires the wearing of the proverbial multiple hats. Leaders don the headgear of coach, mentor, visionary, accountability agent, and strategist. Salespeople balance helmets for the roles of hunter, farmer, educator, and relationship builder. In customer service, they’re sporting the babushkas of facilitator, problem solver, mediator, and counselor.

While experienced individuals typically know which hats to wear when, it’s not unusual that people keep their favorite chapeau…


Added by Scott Wintrip on May 21, 2012 at 11:38am — No Comments


This blog has taken me two months to write. I have rewritten it three times and this makes the fourth attempt. The problem is that every time I put my thoughts on paper it looks self-serving and that is not my intention. So, I will start off by asking the reader to take me (as a third party recruiter) out of the equation and try to see the intent of this blog – which is making your company look great while recruiting new hires.

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well, let me give you two real…


Added by Cora Mae Lengeman on May 21, 2012 at 8:46am — 5 Comments

Transitions: Fear of Change or Fear of Loss

Change. Some of us seek it out, embrace it and require it as fuel for motivation. Others dread it like a daily dose of cod liver oil. As a change agent,…


Added by Cindy Cremona, CPC on May 21, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments gets into bed with Facebook but where’s the action?

Monster Worldwide, the parent company of, one of the world’s largest job boards today announced a much deeper integration of BeKnown, their social platform that sits on Facebook. From today, job seekers can begin to leverage the power of the Facebook social graph whilst using (or any of its 34 regional variants in 19 languages) through the first stage of what is planned to be a much deeper integration of the BeKnown Facebook App on the site.

So, what’s in it…


Added by Johnny Campbell on May 21, 2012 at 3:32am — No Comments

A Tiny Roadmap of Their Heart

Our language is important.  Our words matter.  I remind myself of the truth in those statements several times each day.  As a recruiter I find, qualify, and enthuse talented people on behalf of my client companies.  My tools are my words, both written and spoken.

I find many of my recruiter peers focus less on their words than I do. I am a…

Added by lisa rokusek on May 19, 2012 at 9:30am — 6 Comments

10 Tips to Surviving as a Corporate Recruiter

So you want to be a corporate recruiter... I'm not even going to ask why. Now that I’m about a month away from my one year anniversary, I've learned a thing or two about how to survive this adventure. As with any career there are pros, cons, and pitfalls to avoid. One thing I know for sure - recruiting is recruiting - no matter what side of the business you're on. If you're serious about going in house, I hope you're as lucky as I was to find a place that you can actually enjoy…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on May 18, 2012 at 6:51pm — 20 Comments

Social Media Applicant Screening Tips

There are too many articles about applicant screening systems that discuss rejecting candidates because of something on their profile. It's been in the news a lot lately that employers have even been using the unethical practice of getting their applicants Facebook passwords during the interview process. In this blog post we wanted to address some of the…


Added by Lizzie Bluestein on May 18, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

20 Must-Have’s For Recruiters and Sourcers

I believe that everybody who searches for professional people online – recruiters, sourcers, sales, marketing, business development people – need to aim to answer yes to these 20 questions below, to remain competitive and productive. (Do you agree?)

  1. Do you search for professionals on Google?
  2. Are you familiar with the Boolean logic in searches (AND/OR/NOTs)?
  3. Do you use advanced operators on Search Engines (like intitle:…

Added by Irina Shamaeva on May 18, 2012 at 11:30am — No Comments

H-1B Visa Cap Deadline Looming

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is still accepting
 petitions for H-1B visas but won't be for long, according to MU Visa Advisor.

As of May 11, 
the USCIS had received 36,700 petitions, which is more than half of the 65,000 petitions that are subject to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 cap.…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on May 18, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments

What Social Recruiting is and What it is not

Each day I speak with recruiters about Social Media who shares their enthusiasm about using this channel for sourcing. The next question is – how soon they should expect to get profiles and where all they can post the jobs. Social Media is being viewed as a next best thing in recruitment as well as a “magic wand” which will produce profiles from thin air!

There is a definite wave about “Social Recruiting” in the air which needs a proper understanding, strategy and implication rather…


Added by Sarang Brahme on May 18, 2012 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 5.12.12 to 5.18.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about mobile recruiting, recruiting on Pinterest and others, Career Sites, disagreeing with Buddha and conference commandments.

Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order),…


Added by Chris Brablc on May 18, 2012 at 8:18am — No Comments

What’s wrong with recruitment…and how to fix it!

What’s wrong with recruitment…and how to fix it!

This could potentially be a VERY long post because I’m talking about an industry that has many inherent flaws. In my opinion, many of the problems we see stem from some fundamental issues that recruiters have wrought upon themselves and customers…


Added by Robert Fanshawe on May 17, 2012 at 9:49pm — 9 Comments

Resume Advice Scott Thompson Should Have Followed….Tell The Truth

Thanks, Scott.

I ought to send Scott Thompson a thank-you note.  The former CEO of Yahoo recently stepped down (or perhaps was gently pushed) after it was revealed that he had been … let’s just say “less than accurate” about his academic credentials.  He claimed to hold a degree in computer science from Stonehill College – a major that did not exist…


Added by Chris Englin on May 17, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Is a Talent Community the Right Recruiting Strategy for You?

Whether or not organizations should overhaul their existing corporate careers pages from a listing of job openings into a full-blown talent community has sparked some polarized debate recently. We’ve taken a look at both sides and provided a couple different points of view to help you decide.

PROS: Talent communities are the future of social recruiting. 

  1. Improve the candidate…

Added by Lauren Smith on May 17, 2012 at 6:07pm — No Comments

A Yahoo Lesson to Employment Candidates--You Can Lose Your Job When You Lie About Your Education

Fish got to swim, and birds got to fly.  And some employment candidates have to lie.  About their education, mainly.   Given the competitive job market, small wonder some will...ahem...stretch the truth in order to gain leverage when looking for a job.   It's understandable.  It's also pretty stupid.

Today,with most employers conducting education verification background checks as part of their employment screening programs, most likely the fictitious claim about having graduated or…


Added by Gordon Basichis on May 17, 2012 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

Is Your Plan to Start a Home Business?

If you are finding the job search to be rather fruitless or have been thinking about leaving the corporate workforce for a personal venture, do you have a good plan in place to start a home business?

As more Americans find themselves out of the workforce, seeking ways to make money and keep themselves…


Added by Dave Thomas on May 17, 2012 at 12:37pm — 2 Comments

Boost Your Billings

Two years ago I was watching a documentary on PBS about monkeys who lived by a river. When they showed how a monkey went about foraging for his food, I felt as if I was watching a big billing recruiter work his magic.

The monkey was looking for insects underneath river rocks. He would pick up a rock, look at it, and put it back if there was no insect. Then another rock. And another. After about a dozen rocks without a juicy insect underneath, he finally found one. He quickly picked at…


Added by Scott Love on May 17, 2012 at 12:33pm — No Comments

A Lesson in Recruitment Messaging from the band Galactic

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling down to New Orleans for this year’s Jazz Fest.  It was my first time down on the Bayou and it exceeded even my loftiest expectations.  The people were friendly and food was excellent but most importantly the music was downright incredible.  The best of which was a concert I saw at the famous Tipitinas by a band named Galactic (which was probably the best concert I’ve ever been to.)  I’ve…


Added by Chris Brablc on May 17, 2012 at 11:16am — 1 Comment

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